Mhmm. "Outrage does not equal surprise" is a phrase I remember reading in comments on a Skepchick blog post once, and I thought it was a very good way to put it. I wish it was a more widely-understood concept.
I remember reading a lot of Reddit comments initially like "are you surprised they're doing this?", and I agree they are condescending, because people saying that usually want to:
1) show how smart they are, because they already knew that, and perhaps you didn't
2) try to imply that it's "no big deal", since it's been happening for some time, and supposedly because of that you shouldn't be angry about it now.
I disagree with both views, because:
1) most people weren't in fact aware that the NSA was spying on every single person on the planet, guilty of something or not, and also most people (or rather security engineers) weren't aware that NSA is trying to actively attack US companies in order to spy on their users, and even tap the Internet cables to get all plaintext data.
2) most of this stuff has been happening under secrecy (it is a spy agency after all), so just because it's been happening under secrecy for decades, doesn't mean we shouldn't be outraged that we find out about it only now. If anything we should be more outraged, because it's been happening for so long, without the population being aware of it, and giving their consent for it (especially on the part about even innocents being spied upon to "catch the terrorists" - which is already proven to not be the only reason NSA spies on everyone)
The "I can't believe people are surprised..." trope is dismissive and condescending.