I think it's quite a stretch to say that people who have written articles about generics
I said 99%. The vast majority of language observations online are language tourists, and the observations are seldom practical or rational, but instead are of the "in kicking the tires and making nothing in practical, here are my thoughts".
Those sorts of posts dominate.
Generics have a place, but their importance is...overstated. Though I would quite broadly disagree with the notion that auto_ptr -- a shim on C++ -- justifies the notion of generics.
People don't write articles discussing how their whole complex project works because it would take too long. those articles are written to highlight what and how these features have improved their ability to make software efficiently/reduce errors etc.
I do not agree that the importance of generics is overrated and it's one of the primary reasons I won't be using Go. I need to know what type of object I'm working with to feel comfortable when programming, and I like the reassurance from the compiler that it agrees with me that that is actually what I'm working with. I would really like Go if it had generics, but it's just too unsafe for me to use in its current form.
I said 99%. The vast majority of language observations online are language tourists, and the observations are seldom practical or rational, but instead are of the "in kicking the tires and making nothing in practical, here are my thoughts".
Those sorts of posts dominate.
Generics have a place, but their importance is...overstated. Though I would quite broadly disagree with the notion that auto_ptr -- a shim on C++ -- justifies the notion of generics.