Ha ha, try hand placing 01005. Literally specs of black pepper. Must use ceramic tweezers due to residual magnetism in even the highest quality, demagnetized stainless. I was placing them between BGA balls to solve a noise issue.
The lady I have hand building my boards can place 0201 all day. Pretty amazing.
The company I ised to work for would sometimes buy components from RS. They'd supply them in strips of 10, 50, or 100.
The pick and place machine needed blank strip of about ten components (just for lead-in on the cassete).
Transfering components from one tape to another was really annoying. And one of the bosses just did not understand that the fractions of a penny saved were obliterated by time wasted moving components over.
And until you've had to do something like that you can't really understand the benefit of $60 Swedish tweezers.
> 0402 (1005 metric): 1.0 mm × 0.5 mm (0.039 in × 0.020 in).