Someone should have helped her, but with hindsight she didn't want to give up her own electronics and wanted someone else to risk their life for her things.
But this situation is also very traumatic for her so there could be any number of reasons why she chose not to just hand her phone over.
I definitely can understand her being angry, but this isn't really an issue about people not paying attention as much as it is bystander effect (it seems).
People's responses don't work that way. In any serious situation, the adrenaline will leave you feeling off for an hour or so afterwards, where you might still make decisions you might say you wouldn't when not under pressure.
Someone should have helped her, but with hindsight she didn't want to give up her own electronics and wanted someone else to risk their life for her things.
But this situation is also very traumatic for her so there could be any number of reasons why she chose not to just hand her phone over.
I definitely can understand her being angry, but this isn't really an issue about people not paying attention as much as it is bystander effect (it seems).