Pretty misleading I'd say.. Malaria kills people, not mosquitos, mosquitos have nothing to do with Malaria. Would be like saying rats are deadly because they carried the plague.
Also I interact with humans every day and I'm still alive.
I understand where it's coming from, but it's more of a historical post-factum analysis rather than a indication of which animals you should stay away from.
That is the same as saying its not the snake that kills you its the poison. Mosquitos do have something to do with Malaria as they carry it, willingly or not. I live in Houston where there are plenty of mosquitos and plenty of mosquito related illnesses/Deaths each year.(West Nile, Bird Flu) Mosquitos are a serious nuisance, and to top it off I am pretty allergic to the bites, mine swell up and itch pretty severely. I would love to see more research put into controlling these things. Regardless of the fact that they are unwitting carriers of Malaria and other disease, they deserve more attention for eradication. Hopefully in a way that doesn't involve blanketing an area with pesticide...
Well, the difference is Malaria is a kind of living being in itself, it uses mosquitos to spread. On the other hand, poison is produced by the snake, and the snake uses it to survive.
Also I interact with humans every day and I'm still alive.
I understand where it's coming from, but it's more of a historical post-factum analysis rather than a indication of which animals you should stay away from.