Upvoting you because you said nothing which deserved a downvote. You have asked a civil question and contributed to the discussion.
I feel the tension you have - it's great to have something simple to use (time to learn WP and produce app X < time to learn Symfony2 and produce app X) and sometimes that's what's needed; it's also nice to have a sane core architecture.
I've worked with PHP 10+ years and WP on and off (had an argument with Matt back in 2003 about WP's code architecture which led to me not getting involved in the project) and WP might be 'easy' but it's not 'simple'. I have to go to the wiki or Google frequently, the functions do not have obvious names, 'The Loop' is crazy behaviour once in an app... a solid modern codebase in the centre would make life easier. Keep the easy extendable nature of it sure - it's great to have a slightly messy outer layer. But please give me a solid core (and a saner template rendering pipeline)
I feel the tension you have - it's great to have something simple to use (time to learn WP and produce app X < time to learn Symfony2 and produce app X) and sometimes that's what's needed; it's also nice to have a sane core architecture.
I've worked with PHP 10+ years and WP on and off (had an argument with Matt back in 2003 about WP's code architecture which led to me not getting involved in the project) and WP might be 'easy' but it's not 'simple'. I have to go to the wiki or Google frequently, the functions do not have obvious names, 'The Loop' is crazy behaviour once in an app... a solid modern codebase in the centre would make life easier. Keep the easy extendable nature of it sure - it's great to have a slightly messy outer layer. But please give me a solid core (and a saner template rendering pipeline)