Before I offer any critical feedback, I want to first say that the first line of code I ever wrote, my "Hello world", was on Codecademy almost immediately after you launched. Since then I've learned how to use programming not only at my job (as a product manager at a web startup), but also to develop full web apps using several of the popular frameworks (flask, django, rails). I credit Codecademy for breaking down the initial barrier to entry (what is control flow, how do you tell a computer what to do, etc). I am a huge fan, but I think there are a few ways you guys could improve.
1) Put the courses into perspective as part of the onboarding process. Why do I need to learn HTML, CSS, JS, or Python? Most people who want to learn have no clue how everything fits together. If you can provide a high level guide as to how and why someone should work through specific codecademy courses you will likely increase satisfaction and completion of courses (just a hypothesis, but this is the most common criticism I hear).
2) I wish codecademy would cover database basics. What is SQL? How should you think about storing data? Until I started researching outside of Codecademy it hadn't even occurred to me that storing and structuring data was a huge part of creating useful applications (I was totally nontechnical). This is the largest hole in terms of actual content.
3) Your classes are already great at teaching newbies the syntax. The big missing component (as some have pointed out), is turning this syntax into real world solutions for real world problems. How do you get past this? You have to break into an area that you aren't comfortable in: Content Production. Unless you can come up with a way to show people how to create and run scripts on their local computer (or maybe a remote server?) through the browser this will continue to be a pitfall of the Codecademy experience. There is probably the potential for you to create some new software that does this (maybe a desktop app), but if you took a codeschool or treehouse approach, only for this stage of the learning, you would be able to truly offer an end to end solution. In your case video content scales just as well as the software. If you were to combine your superior browser interface with high quality video production you would be in a fantastic position to win the "Learn to code online" market. This sets you up with not only a differentiated product offering (your interface is the best), but a future revenue stream. Both of the aforementioned companies are making some serious cash... And thats without even mentioned the real juggernaut (Lynda).
Overall I love the product and think there is a lot of potential. If you have any questions or any of my points require clarification please feel free to shoot me an email (in profile).
1) Put the courses into perspective as part of the onboarding process. Why do I need to learn HTML, CSS, JS, or Python? Most people who want to learn have no clue how everything fits together. If you can provide a high level guide as to how and why someone should work through specific codecademy courses you will likely increase satisfaction and completion of courses (just a hypothesis, but this is the most common criticism I hear).
2) I wish codecademy would cover database basics. What is SQL? How should you think about storing data? Until I started researching outside of Codecademy it hadn't even occurred to me that storing and structuring data was a huge part of creating useful applications (I was totally nontechnical). This is the largest hole in terms of actual content.
3) Your classes are already great at teaching newbies the syntax. The big missing component (as some have pointed out), is turning this syntax into real world solutions for real world problems. How do you get past this? You have to break into an area that you aren't comfortable in: Content Production. Unless you can come up with a way to show people how to create and run scripts on their local computer (or maybe a remote server?) through the browser this will continue to be a pitfall of the Codecademy experience. There is probably the potential for you to create some new software that does this (maybe a desktop app), but if you took a codeschool or treehouse approach, only for this stage of the learning, you would be able to truly offer an end to end solution. In your case video content scales just as well as the software. If you were to combine your superior browser interface with high quality video production you would be in a fantastic position to win the "Learn to code online" market. This sets you up with not only a differentiated product offering (your interface is the best), but a future revenue stream. Both of the aforementioned companies are making some serious cash... And thats without even mentioned the real juggernaut (Lynda).
Overall I love the product and think there is a lot of potential. If you have any questions or any of my points require clarification please feel free to shoot me an email (in profile).
Best of luck!