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If I had written a book on implementing cryptography in Golang, I assure you that someone else would have reviewed it harshly too. It's simply a difficult subject to get right.

If I had written a book on implementing cryptography

I've been throwing $20 bills at my monitor so that your book will start downloading, but it doesn't seem to be working.

But really, you should write one.

No, I'm not even close to qualified to write that book.

Isn't this the problem, then? People here seem to think you are, and by reading you I get the impression that they're right. I don't believe that you won't write a book because you're not qualified: you just don't want to write one. And that's a good enough reason.

I think the community in general is very harsh towards anything related to cryptography. It's as if you shouldn't bother writing code unless you have mastery of the underlying mathematics while at the same time not bother with the maths unless you're an expert very-low-level-language programmer.

There is certainly a need to put forward blatant errors and potential flaws. But the general harshness is misguided I think. Tptacek, you simply said out loud what many thought, I'm sure. You'd make a lot of people happy if you wrote a book. Because you're still learning doesn't mean others can't learn from you.

Very subtly broken cryptography software is better than no cryptography software. And together we will learn to make it better.

I don't know how to say this other than directly: you're wrong. I shouldn't write a book on how to design cryptosystems, because I'm not qualified to do it, and I'll get things wrong. I can barely write an HN comment on crypto without being corrected by 'pbsd and 'cperciva.

I am an odd duck, even for my odd little field: I'm a software security person who has spent a couple years getting decent at breaking crypto, and (weirdly) few people in my field do that, so I sound like more of an expert than I actually am.

I am an odd duck, even for my odd little field: I'm a software security person who has spent a couple years getting decent at breaking crypto, and (weirdly) few people in my field do that, so I sound like more of an expert than I actually am.

Interesting. When I worked at Entrust, our cryptology team consisted of both cryptographers and cryptanalysts. The former were math PhDs who spent their entire graduate careers designing cryptosystems, so by the time they came to us, they knew what they were about. The latter - well, there was only one when we got started - was a B.Eng. who got interested in crypto at BNR, taught himself the basics, and became one of the top cryptanalysts in the world.

You and he probably have much in common - including not being qualified to design cryptosystems! Like you, he would have said to leave that to the experts.

Then he would have quite happily spent weeks and months figuring out what those experts missed, thereby advancing the field.

It puzzles me to this day that so few in the security field appreciate the difference between the two types of cryptologists.

Maybe I was not clear. I'm not forcing you to write a book, nor saying you absolutely should.

My point is that if people like you, who are definitely more knowledgable than most in this area (most is very important here), communicate their experience, then everyone benefits. If nobody wants to write about crypto because nobody feels qualified, we're at a dead end.

When a person does write content, someone somewhere will tear it apart, for pretty good reasons: getting it right is very difficult, as you say. But that's precisely the point: to learn from our mistakes. We're not dealing with raw science, but real life implementations of theory, and this is where things usually break, as shown by your critique. The value of the book is pedagogical, not necessarily scientific.

If you have anything to say about crypto (and you clearly do), then say it. We're all the better for it! And contributions like the ones you gave here are needed. I just find the general attitude a little tiring, I'm not trying to force you into writing :)

Lastly, the most important thing, to me, is that I, as a chemist, can get on the internet and learn about these concepts from someone who understands them better than I do. Having a discussion about such topics is essential. Your contribution might not be in the deep theorems of academic cryptography, but they sure are appreciated by others like me. So if you ever want to write a book/pamphlet, go ahead, I'll buy it.

I understand. I'm making a distinction you don't care about, between books about designing crypto and books about breaking crypto. We're working on a book (it would be more accurate to say that I am cheerleading Sean and Alex on to write a book). It's just not a book that would teach developers how to build crypto.

You trumpet NaCl's crypto_box and mentioned other language runtimes are deficient in one way or another, but what do you think about security of crypto in the Java standard library?

The JCA provides primitives, not whole designs. Primitives are rarely broken; even PHP mcrypt manages to successfully provide low-level crypto primitives. Most of the things that go wrong in cryptography happen at the points where two primitives join to form a more elaborate construction. The JCA isn't much help there.

If you have the option to use NaCl, use NaCl. A Java-specific alternative to NaCl is Keyczar.

Speaking of Java crypto, I have a question. Is it possible a garbage collector might be dangerous to crypto code? I've seen it mentioned on HN that maybe we should be worried about implementing crypto code in a language with a non-deterministic GC, but sadly I can't find those comments right now.

TextSecure's crypto is implemented in Java, which is of course garbage collected. Some cursory Googling suggests that Java's GC will suspend the main execution thread during each GC op: http://javabook.compuware.com/content/memory/reduce-garbage-...

I'm guessing the concern is that an attacker might somehow discover a way to use the GC to recover sensitive info. It seems like having a GC might cause some other trouble, like making it hard to wipe sensitive data from memory once it's no longer needed: http://books.google.com/books?id=43pcI3in1DcC&pg=PA122&lpg=P...

Since TextSecure is currently believed to be secure and high-quality, then it must be true GCs aren't fundamentally dangerous to crypto code, right? (Or at least that Java's GC on Android isn't dangerous to crypto.) If a GC is dangerous to crypto code, then TextSecure would be vulnerable to those dangers.

Do you happen to know whether cryptographers as of 2014 generally believe GCs are/aren't/might be dangerous to crypto code? Are there any known attack vectors or proofs of concept? (It would be awesome if anyone could point out any whitepapers on the subject.)

I don't buy the argument about GC being a hindrance. If you have sensitive data (e.g. a key) that you don't want sitting around in your process memory, you should wipe it as soon as you are done with it (e.g. zero out the byte array). Just because there is a GC doesn't mean that it's the only way to clean up a resource. String is immutable in both Java and C#, so if you are holding a password in an instance of one it can be difficult to overwrite the backing memory, but this is a separate argument from GC causing problems. This is the problem that SecureString is meant to solve http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.secu....

Regarding GC performance, maybe there's an avenue for attack there. You could potentially infer the amount of garbage being generated by an implementation, which seems like it could be variable in a PK implementation. I can't really think of a way to generate variable amounts of garbage without doing variable amounts of computation, so I think you're already leaking timing information. [Actually I can, but not in a way that seems natural].

"Some cursory Googling suggests that Java's GC will suspend the main execution thread during each GC op"

The (non-default) CMS and G1 GCs will do as much as they can in background threads before they have to stop the world. For more information see http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/ja... and http://www.cubrid.org/blog/dev-platform/understanding-java-g.... I only know about this because I kept encountering long, GC-related pauses on my Minecraft server that went away when I switched to the concurrent mark-sweep collector. :)

I think that the concern crypto engineers have with garbage collected runtimes is held in tension by the equal and opposite force of their concern about memory corruption bugs in C. It's a concern, but an inchoate concern.

Typed a whole long comment about the relevant section of Cryptography Engineering, but it seems you already read it :) I'd also be interested in an in-depth study of GC's effect on secret material.

I suspect that constant factor memory usage should go hand in hand with the criticality of constant factor cpu usage.

If a constant time cpu algorithm was not also constant factor memory, then the timing of cache misses (or gc, alike) would certainly be subject to side channel attacks.

If constant factor memory usage is attained, I cannot easily think of a way that a garbage collector could cause an interference that leaks information. (Though by all means, one ought think harder than I have.)

In my opinion having sensitive keys in Java, or pretty much any software stack, is not the correct way to go.

We should turn to hardware solutions for access to raw keys. Let the software stacks do what they do well, which is accelerate users and engineers.

This might help:

> I reviewed several SSL implementations for coding style: OpenSSL, NSS, GnuTLS, JSSE, Botan, MatrixSSL and PolarSSL. I looked at how buffers are handled in parsers and writers. Of all of them, I think only JSSE, i.e. pure Java, can be trusted to be free of buffer overflows. It suggests that a good webserver for security-critical applications would be Tomcat, without native extensions.


Most of your review seemed to be utilitarian and useful for a second edition. That is awesome, the way you structured it means the author could use a ton of it, and it gives readers specific things to be aware of. Sincere thanks for that.

That said, you first point seemed silly. Simplified, partial and building block examples are used in almost all fields to facilitate teaching (including among medical students and surgeons). They are useful because they keep people moving along the process, teaching them terms, skills and concepts they will need to get to the next step in the process.

What is your alternative method for teaching someone unfamiliar with these concepts in a way that won't just put them out to sea without a paddle?

The author doesn't demand that his readers implement AES or SHA2 directly. So, what I would do is start with a simple, secure design based on an AEAD like AES-GCM, which is also in the Golang standard library. I would accompany that design with very strong warnings that substituting AES-GCM for anything else is likely to destroy the security of the design. Then, when I wanted to teach about generically composed MACs, my HMAC example would involve replacing AES-GCM with AES-CTR+HMAC. At no point in the book would the focus of one of my chapters be a design that was dreadfully insecure.

I would also divide the book into two parts, the "easy" part and the "hard" part. The "easy" part would get readers to the point where they can safely use TLS, reliably PGP-encrypt something, hash a password, and invoke NaCl (which is part of the go.crypto package). I would probably spend a whole chapter on how to use Golang's TLS library, for instance. Most readers that are picking the book up so they can solve some business problem would probably never need to get past the "easy" part, and I would encourage them not to.

I would remove from the "hard" half of the book protocols that were insecure. An unauthenticated DH exchange is a poor basis for a cryptographic transport. Slash, cut, gone. A naive password challenge-response protocol doesn't solve anyone's business problems. Slice, snip, gone. In their place, I'd probably add more discussion of key exchange algorithms, with particular attention paid to how easy they are to get wrong.

> I would accompany that design with very strong warnings that substituting AES-GCM for anything else is likely to destroy the security of the design.

IMO, it's exactly this kind of strong advice early on that would be of great benefit would-be crypto developers. They need it drilled in as early as possible that the canyon-like pitfalls lie in the compositional problems of building a working cryptosystem. This is really a domain where just-ship-it cowboy coding becomes a massive liability.

I would buy that book in a heartbeat, no matter what language it was written for.

It's not specific to cryptography. There is a hierarchy in all fields:

1. Top researchers come up with algorithms and techniques

  - The research corpus reviews them
2. Top programmers implements these techniques

  - The programmers communities review them
3. Top engineers write books to explain these techniques

  - which everybody else relies on in their tools
1 knows more than 2 which knows more than 3. But each group needs the two others, and the rest of the worlds needs all of them. People who write books are rarely the same people who come up with cryptographic breakthrough. Instead, they are engineers, and they can use a bit of help to get things right.

Your review was harsh, because you know more. What, I think, was missing from it is a bit of "This is a great first step, let me help you make it better so we can move everybody else forward. Here are my comments."

When you see someone repeatedly walking up the down escalator you don't give them an attaboy when they reach the top. You tell them to use the right escalator.

How can publishing a book purporting to be the way to do security be considered a first step? A first step would be to get some feed back from experts prior to publishing. This is the real world where this information is critical to our future, not something to be taken lightly. On a human level I have some sympathy for the writer but professionally I think Tptacek's response is completely acceptable and am glad I read it.

A short time ago in the information critical real world someone was quietly exploiting the bug that would become CVE-2014-0160 (heartbleed). Today your iphone uses really bad software [0]. Today it is easy to be a critic. As for Tp*'s professionalism, can you figure out if he wants the world to improve or stay the same?

[0] http://www.osnews.com/story/27416/The_second_operating_syste...

Perhaps blogs are better for testing ideas than books?

While reading your review, one of the main criticisms seems to be that the it's not made sufficiently clear that the code as written is insecure.

In keeping with the philosophy of being hands on; would the book be improved if after introducing the code in the first section, have the reader implement an exploit for the same code?

I feel comfortable with the idea of writing a book showing people how to break badly-implemented crypto designs, so much so that Sean, Alex, and I are in fact writing that book; it'll be a "pay-what-you-want" directly to a preferred charity. If anyone can point us to someone who will take our money to expertly typeset a giant text file, that would be helpful.

I do not feel remotely comfortable with the idea of writing a book containing prescriptions on how to design a cryptosystem. We're wary of doing that even for our clients, where we know all of the context and the threat model that the proposed system would face, and who will actually build it, and that we'll get paid to review the resulting implementation. I don't know how to solve that problem for strangers.

Other people do. They are much better than I am. When Trevor and Moxie write the book on why they chose the TextSecure primitives that they chose, I'll be first in line to buy.

Any chance of just releasing it as big .txt balls, MaTaSaNo_Crypto_2_of_7.txt , with glorious ascii art at the top?

You know, for old times' sake?

We have a different funny plan for releasing it. :)

Deface different websites with chapters of the book? Each chapter being about a defect in crypto implementation that allowed you to deface that particular website.

I'd love to chat with you about your book.

Thanks, but we're actively avoiding publishers.

Is your book also based on golang crypto lib ?


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