This guy knows which way the wind is blowing. I laughed at this:
"Blaming the new leaders or aggregators for disrupting the business of the old leaders, or saber-rattling and threatening to sue are not business strategies - they are personal therapy sessions. Go ask a music executive how well it works."
No matter what the outcome, a few years from now every school book will have a chapter dedicated to the AP/Reuters response to web links. This is as big as the response of railroad companies to airlines.
Really? I did most of my grade school/high school in the 90's and I can't tell you much about the 70's based just on what I learned in school, let alone the 80's. So 'a few years from now' is a bit of an overstatement.
How times have changed. A Reuters executive told me, many years ago (quoting from my less than stellar memory): "Let me tell you, son, this internet thing will only be really important in the pornography business."