Tumblr isn't representative of feminism or humankind for that matter. And a collage of Tumblr posts cherry-picked for their awfulness isn't even representative of Tumblr itself.
The "I was born a woman but I really am a chinchilla inside" variety of Tumblr users in perpetual Poe's law mode aren't the average feminist, but the Twitter feminist circles I've seen (I don't know if Julie is really a part of them — I recall seeing her name often, but I don't know much about her) are, honestly, more articulate and powerful versions of some SJ Tumblr circles. They don't rise up for the same reasons the more unhinged[0] Tumblr posters do, but they have some pressure power that's used unwisely like in the dongle/fork situation last year.
[0] Both many prominent Twitter Feminists and Tumblr SJWs cling to the idea that if you're privileged, you can't criticize the oppressed (even if you're not directly oppressing the oppressed in question), so if you're misunderstood as doing something that opresses the oppressed they can start a campaign against you so you lose your job, etc, but you can't answer in the same tone. This is to say, I'm being a jerk for using the word "unhinged" when I don't have any apparent mental disorders.
How about university courses about feminism, taught by self-proclaimed feminists? I've been dropped from such a course against my will for no other reason than being male IMO, after two days of class, having said nothing (like everybody else). "Too many people in the class", the only two dropped were the two males of which I was one. I don't think it's a stretch either to say that a great deal of feminist writing reeks of misandry.
The last women's studies course I took in college had the professor actively thanking the men in the class for their contribution to the discussion.
Some people are Assholes. Feminists are people. Ergo, some Feminists are Assholes. It doesn't say anything more about feminism than it does people in the checkout line at the grocery store.
I think we can expect more from full professors than people in the checkout line. It's hard to imagine any professor in any other discipline not being fired for that.
Tumblr feminism is actually an even extremer extension of postmodern feminism, which is the mainstream ideology nowadays, promoted by journals such as Jezebel and Feministing.
The vast majority of tech industry feminists are postmodernists.