"My favorite real-time software is the XM153 remote control software that comes standard with the XM153 50 caliber machine gun. It is solid, never crashes, easy to use and easy to install."
If you don't appreciate the genius of that answer you are dead inside.
My favorite remote control software comes attached to M16 rifle. That always faithful wetware automatically takes care of, transports, and operates M16 rifle in all conditions around the world.
Recently though, lacking a direct and physical, interface to the bioware, "firmware-management" plans have been ramped up with both extreme speed and remarkable efficiency.
One of the most complex programming methods ever discovered, managing the overall environment in which the wetware develops from birth to deployment has been a massive undertaking.
Ensuring that the self-programming options available to the node are either limited, controlled or invalidated is the primary drive of the system as a whole.
Nodes must be new-enough models, with limited networking so as to ensure their primary perceived preferred path is that of servicing the delivery of control-policies via physical means where the illusive and intangible rewards to their self-image is valued higher than that of real-world financial gains.
In parallel, control of the code creep and systemic awareness of all other nodes must be either tightly managed or swiftly controlled with impunity.
In light of the "zuck calls obama" -- here is something I wrote a couple years ago:
It started innocently enough. Everyone is on it. Everyone. In the more than 20 years since it was founded - and now - daily life just could not be managed without it. Sure, it started innocently enough. Connect with your friends, post your pics, keep up with the fam. Yeah, that was then.
It wasn't too long before they started adding features. Adding value they called it. Extending your circle. Enabling you they'd say. Yeah, in the same way a spiders web is beautiful. The pattern and symmetry, glistening like shiny gossamer art. Its beauty pulls you in - you don't realize at first as you touch it, that it sticks. No, more than sticks - you become imbued with it. The more you move it wraps around you, encasing you... entombing you. For the data-mining black widow to come and suck the marketable value right out of you, your connections... every aspect of your life is now a product.
Classified, organized, tagged, sorted, tracked, pegged, followed, poked, monetized, labeled... owned is what you are. A commodity. A small spec among 3.5 billion in the user base of the book.
That's what it was these days... just simply 'the book'.
Everyone knows - everyone is aware. They are all in the book. Not even a page, or a word either... more like a letter. A single letter. An iconographic digital hologram of the total sum of your parts - all wrapped up real nice in a uniform singular profitable little package called your user profile. Displayed and viewed and consumed and tracked billions of times over. With more than thirty trillion page views per month, the cancerous blue and white digital encapsulation of the human soul was now blazoned across innumerable screens as nearly half the worlds population interacted on the book - more than 20% of the worlds population on the book at any given moment.
A study, one of the countless to be sure, said that now more than 90% of real human interactions occurred through the book. What does that even mean anymore... real? Real human interactions? Through the book? how is that even possible.
It was no wonder that in the last few years the backlash has switched to resisting this unexpected strangle-hold on the human condition. Most never saw it coming... happily going along with every new feature update, privacy change, "enhancement". MZ was repeating himself a lot these days... except his frame of reference had gotten bigger... along with his security detail.... Where years ago, the book was likened to that which only came along to change humans interactions every 100 years... now his statements were 10 fold. MZ thinks of himself as the embodiment of the singularity... whatever that means. Some fucking fantasy of a long dead cybervisionary that couldn't recognize the makings of our current prison I'm sure. Fuck him.
Looking around looks a lot more like binary slavery than any form of singularity. None of our old problems have been solved - in fact the book has only made things worse. After it became a "platform for governance and outreach" we, people like - those who really see, knew. We knew what this meant. Game fucking over.
This era of hyper connectivity and ultra social awareness was supposed to usher in some sort of Utopian orgasm -- one in which MZ would be carried on the shoulders of the masses to stand next to fantastical human saviors like Jesus. Fictional allusions to stellar bodies be damned!
The only problem is that most of the world is too busy. Feeding their attention into the black hole of the book to notice... or care I guess.
With ubiquitous access thanks to the assimilation of the largest global fiber network a few years ago, the book was now able to offer complete and total "free" access via the acquired goog-net.
Years ago, when Athena rolled out - it was a huge success. Welcomed into every neighborhood - direct, very high speed fiber access in every home was quickly made into a "right". The model was seen as our manifest destiny, held in a 62-micron translucent hair that fed us with more 1' and 0's to each person in a single day than the entire digital output of the globe in 1999.
Such an umbilical cannot be bad right!
The only problem is we misjudged the direction of the flow!
Now, with goog-net reaching everywhere, but the book being the only lens into the tubes -- our minds are warped. We are a most technically advanced - yet wholly dependant child-like civilization.
A mutant.
If its not on the platform. Not "in the book" they say -- how can it be trusted - how could it succeed? How can you expect to be relevant?
Slaves! All of them!
This is why we act! This is what is needed. Who are we? Who the fuck were we? Not this! Surely not this. It is time....
If you don't appreciate the genius of that answer you are dead inside.
BTW it's obviously a fake.