We are programmers. Our job is to create abstractions and remove repetition. I understand you're making a general point but what happens when you take your argument further? Machine code? Writing bits to a magnetic platter with a magnetised pin?
No. The goal is to find the right abstractions - the right libraries/frameworks/patterns etc. If your tools end up costing you time then the tools are flawed - not the concept of using tools.
Having opinions is fun but you misunderstood me with passion :)
I'm simply saying when we have better way to package up software on the frontend there will be less reliance on monolithic libraries and frameworks, the right abstractions will be easier to write, find, and maintain. One of the greatest things about Unix is the modularity and compose-ability and Node.js adopted that philosophy, that's why I recommended Browserify and Component. They are a way to package and distribute the abstractions you speak about.
No. The goal is to find the right abstractions - the right libraries/frameworks/patterns etc. If your tools end up costing you time then the tools are flawed - not the concept of using tools.