This is fantastic! I don't eat meat, and out of laziness I often get my protein from Quorn, which is a brand of Mycoprotein. People often say "but it's synthetic! It's made in vats!". This is true. So what?
I was having this debate with someone and we had a look at the ingredients. My opponent pointed triumphantly at "rehydrated corn starch" (i.e. flour and water). "See, it's processed!", she said.
I wish we could get away from the idea that Stainless Steel Bad, Wood and Leather Good. I suspect a lot of people would be horrified to see the shiny metallic interior of that temple of Natural Goodness the Innocent Smoothie factory!
ps: "out of laziness" - not because there's anything wrong with Quorn as a source of nutrients; it's just a pretty boring way to cook and eat!
To be pedantic, Quorn is not synthetic. It's made by intensive farming of fungi, not by pure abiotic chemical synthesis. But I agree with all your points :)
It doesn't really have any flavour of its own (similarly to Tofu), but it's normally sold "chicken-style" or "beef-style", and has some sort of very mild flavouring added.
One form it comes in is frozen "mince". That would probably be the best way for a non-veggie to eat it. You can use it as a replacement for beef in pies/chili con carne/bolognese etc. The lack of fat probably makes it slightly less satisfying but I'd say it's worth it for the health benefits. The actual flavour doesn't suffer at all.
I've eaten it for about six years. The basic ingredient has no flavour, but is very good at taking on flavours in a dish. Mostly it's sold pre-flavoured in some way (like chicken-style, beef-style, etc.) and these tend to be pretty nice too. As a way to get started, chicken-style pieces are excellent for stir-frys.
I've been vegan about as long as I've been vegetarian. Since quorn has almost no vegan options (this has changed very recently), I haven't had a chance to try. But there are several other vegetarian products that are delicious and satisfying that I have enjoyed more than their "real" counterparts.
I was having this debate with someone and we had a look at the ingredients. My opponent pointed triumphantly at "rehydrated corn starch" (i.e. flour and water). "See, it's processed!", she said.
I wish we could get away from the idea that Stainless Steel Bad, Wood and Leather Good. I suspect a lot of people would be horrified to see the shiny metallic interior of that temple of Natural Goodness the Innocent Smoothie factory!
ps: "out of laziness" - not because there's anything wrong with Quorn as a source of nutrients; it's just a pretty boring way to cook and eat!