Does being snarky make you feel better about yourself?
I find it hilarious that someone who knows that staring at a bright blue-white screen is going to impact their sleep, continues to do so. It is even more amusing to think that they'd rather drop $400+ on a new Android phone that can run lux/redshift instead of modifying their own behavoir in a trivial way.
You should not alter your lifestyle to fit the limitations of your possessions. Rather, your possessions should help you to live the way you want to. If you enjoy staring at screens at night (e.g. for reading), you should buy gadgets that enable you to do so.
This reminds me of threads on MacRumors and Apple Discussions. Someone asks how to do X with [gadget]. Someone replies that you can't do X with [gadget]. Then someone asks why you would want to X with [gadget], you're obviously using [gadget] wrong and you should buy Y to do X instead.
The rest of the thread is an argument over whether people should want to do X with [gadget]. Maybe a post explaining how to more or less do X with some hacks thrown in the middle.
You forgot the last and most important step: [gadget] version (n+1) comes out with a new feature: "Do X with [gadget]!" And suddenly everyone is so excited that they can now do that thing that was so clearly wrong to want to do before.
It sure did make me feel better about myself. Did telling that person he was using his phone wrong make you feel better about yourself?
There wasn't even a problem. "I like f.lux." "Or you could not stare at your phone." What were that poster or third party readers supposed to have gleaned from your comment, pray tell?
When someone discusses a problem that has a trivial and obvious solution that they're not using, you should consider that they may have already thought of it and found it wanting.
I find it hilarious that someone who knows that staring at a bright blue-white screen is going to impact their sleep, continues to do so. It is even more amusing to think that they'd rather drop $400+ on a new Android phone that can run lux/redshift instead of modifying their own behavoir in a trivial way.