Having gone through the college admissions process, you are sort of correct and sort of wrong that internships don't differentiate students. Having good internships, can, combined with other factors, put you over the top in getting admitted to elite schools. That being said, having good internships does not in of itself get you into elite schools. The only things that in of themselves can get you into elite schools are serious accomplishments - published a research paper, placed highly in a prestigious science fair, started a legitimate charitable organization, placed highly in some other competitive activity, etc.
> I'm unsure about whether or not I'll look back in ten years and wish that I had taken advantage of my summers.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Most high school and college students who did not do internships/research over their summers regret not doing something more productive/useful during their HS summers.
There are a variety of reasons to go to college, not all of which deal with academics and vocation. The social aspect is not to be underestimated.
> I'm unsure about whether or not I'll look back in ten years and wish that I had taken advantage of my summers.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Most high school and college students who did not do internships/research over their summers regret not doing something more productive/useful during their HS summers.
There are a variety of reasons to go to college, not all of which deal with academics and vocation. The social aspect is not to be underestimated.