- "O" for birth, "X" (or "+"?) for death
- Filled circle for birth, non-filled circle for death
- Expanding filled circle for birth, Shrinking filled circle for death (might not work well with low fps)
If you decide to go with color change, here's some combinations that I (red/green blind) have trouble with:
- dark red/dark green/brown
- purple/violet/pink/grey
- dark red/dark purple/dark violet
- blue/violet/purple
- yellow/warm green/light brown
- yellow/orange
- "O" for birth, "X" (or "+"?) for death
- Filled circle for birth, non-filled circle for death
- Expanding filled circle for birth, Shrinking filled circle for death (might not work well with low fps)
If you decide to go with color change, here's some combinations that I (red/green blind) have trouble with:
- dark red/dark green/brown
- purple/violet/pink/grey
- dark red/dark purple/dark violet
- blue/violet/purple
- yellow/warm green/light brown
- yellow/orange