The real worry is not Canonical misusing your data, but third-parties mis-using it. Even if Canoncial makes a mistake and goes down, in the mean time, your private information has been sent to third-parties, by default!
"Third-parties" includes Amazon, disgruntled employees, MITM, intruders, govt agencies, and so on.
> The real worry is not Canonical misusing your data, but third-parties mis-using it.
Nobody said otherwise. But, as I said: a) you have full control over the situation (easy options to fix the problem), b) Mark knows very well that he can't go further in privacy-related concessions - his credit is maxed out now.
Btw., as a reminder, have you already quit using all products and services provided by the NSA partner companies, such as: Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Skype, Yahoo, Paltalk, etc.? And do you encrypt 100% of your communication (email, chat, VOIP, VPN)? Because that's the real elephant in the room, as far as your privacy is concerned (and I'm not defending Canonical's Amazon search term deal).
"Your private information has been sent to third-parties" every time you do a search on Google. Many pieces of software do Google searches without anyone making a huge ideological stink over it.
"Third-parties" includes Amazon, disgruntled employees, MITM, intruders, govt agencies, and so on.