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After 180 Websites, I’m Ready to Start the Rest of My Life as a Coder (jenniferdewalt.com)
624 points by jenniferDewalt on Oct 3, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 371 comments

I don't know why she has never mentioned someone she worked with at all. I commented about this about her 70 days ago.


So let's see her repository (https://github.com/jendewalt/jennifer_dewalt).

This girl not only became a competent front end developer in 100 days, but looking at the Gemfile, she knows how to use capistrano, redis, capistrano, paperclip, omniauth and devise?

She knows the best practices for Rails perfectly. She not only grasped to use MVC perfectly, but also organized asset codes perfectly in like 50 days.

I forgot to mention that she knew Rails from like day 1.

Additionally, she knew better to hide sensitive information about secret tokens for maybe AWS in the config folder and other Rails environment info.

Really? Is Hacker News this gullible? If you really want to see what actual beginner struggle with for 10 hours a day, go take a look at StackOverflow. Beginners are struggling for hours to create hoverover effects and persistent footer.


Edit 1.

While rereading this blog post, I found that she made the first simple Rails app on day 69. So who was it that set up all the Rails dev environment for her starting day 1. I don't understand why she still wouldn't disclose how someone else helped her.

> Really? Is Hacker News this gullible?

Not so gullible so as to take to heart what you're saying, considering that you created your account solely to deride her. Here we are, 70 days after your account was created, and yet you've only posted 1 comment that wasn't negatively criticizing her? And your only argument is a copy/paste of your original complaint from 70 days ago, all based off of source-control introspection?

I don't care if what you're saying is true or not, I think your behavior (an apparent personal vendetta) is the only sad thing here.

Criticize the comment.. not the intention.

Criticizing her? Sounds like a compliment to me.

Your comment is an ad hominem. Address what he said, not his intentions or account history.

Please consider that the comment in question is a verbatim copy/paste from the previous time it was brought it up. If you want to consider spamming the same comment over multiple threads as valid discussion, by all means, have at it.

However, everything they brought up was already addressed 70 days ago. To be honest, petea raises a valid concern, and I certainly don't want to be party to shills or other types of fraudulent or deceptive activities, but considering that petea didn't even put forth the effort to further refine or follow-up on their original argument (especially given 70 additional data points [sites] with which to draw evidence from), then that signals to me that they have motivations beyond what meets the eye.

I've been a pretty hardcore PHP guy for 3 years now, and know exactly how long it would have taken me to do all of this: probably 200 days on my own.

My biggest issue is stuff like this. Take a look at the JS from day 1-8, then look at day 9.

Day 8: http://jenniferdewalt.com/more_drop_shadow.html

Day 9: http://jenniferdewalt.com/bouncing_ball.html

That's a pretty massive jump in coding proficiency in a delta of one day.

This has nothing to do with marginalizing skill, it just seems like there was some outside help here, and that should probably be credited.

edit: I see a lot of different indent patterns on the JS as well. That kind of points me towards n different coders with at least two different text editor configs, or a good deal of copy->paste from SO.

> a good deal of copy->paste from SO

This is pretty much a given. The delta from days 8 and 9 is "learned how to use named functions, learned that jQuery has plugins". That's not that much of a leap, but of course any student is going to be using external resources. You might notice that her goal was "make websites", not "hand-code everything".

This is how everyone learns. Copy-paste some code in without understanding it, watch it break, figure out how to fix it, repeat.

Pretty much everyone is guilty of using outside resources. She explains in her blog post that she used a lot of Google, SO, etc. Maybe she doesn't give exact citations for every piece of code she uses/takes inspiration from, but no one really does.

I don't think it's helpful to speculate as to whether she had someone in particular helping her throughout the lifetime of her project.

I suspect that if a similar project were done by a male, no one would question if it was a solo venture or not. I think the fact that Jennifer is a woman makes people suspicious enough to inspect the code and say things like, "it just seems like there was some outside help".

Maybe there was, maybe there wasn't. It's as disprovable as it would be if Jennifer was a man instead of a woman, yet only a woman would get called out on it.

I know I shouldn't even get involved here, but I looked at day 8 vs day 9 very carefully and day 9 clearly builds on day 8 (e.g. the disableSelection code is carried over). The indentation that bothers you is feature testing code cut-and-paste from http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.cssHooks/. The additional JS code for the ball animation is totally reasonable for someone to learn and implement in a short time.

TL;DR: there's no red flag here.

TL;DR; people make whatever justifications they want from the code to support their stance.

I wrote simple learning programs along these lines in C and Java in the 1990s. I didn't have a web page to publish my progress on then, but once I got to the point of being able to create ANY graphics in Java, I can readily imagine myself moving from that to the bouncing ball sort of thing in a day of concentrated effort.

So that alone doesn't suggest to me anything deceptive afoot.

I doubt my indentation patterns were very consistent at first either. :-) Especially if I was learning from one book on one day and another book on another day.

You think it's a massive jump? I'm pretty sure a novice programmer could go from one to the other spending a full day on it, especially with the help of SO or tutorials. 8 hours is a lot of time if you are focused.

lol, well, maybe she is a 10x in the making and you are not! just because something will take you 200 days doesn't mean it will take other's the same amount of time.

She is dating Aaron O'Connell, one of the technical co-founders of 42Floors. So, she may have been fortunate enough to have someone coach her along the way and unblock her when needed. Irrespective of that, I still think this is an impressive accomplishment in its own right. How many seasoned developers do we know that can execute at this pace for so long?

HN does seem to like promoting blog posts by 42Floors on the front page and whenever I've read them I think "meh".

Maybe this is all part of the soft marketing for YCombinator backed companies so they get technology "mind-share".

There's no conspiracy, 42Floors just shares the HN blog post links internally and gets people to upvote them. You only need a few quick upvotes to hit the front page, and having a few 42Floors employees vote up 42Floors content is more than enough.

The 42Floors blogposts are generally good quality too, so nobody has any reason to flag them, and they're generally on topic and somewhat interesting, like this one.

Wouldn't this count as a voting ring?

I guess it would, but I don't know how you'd get around it. If I were to post something on HN that was of interest to friend A, then sending him a link to the HN comments seems like the natural thing to do. Friend A would then probably upvote that article. So I've just created a mini-voting ring.

I'm pretty sure any company featured on HN (eg RethinkDB or any other) would send a link to the comments on HN if their product was being discussed here, and most employees would then upvote it.

It is a voting ring, but it's probably not done maliciously and it's just how HN works, I guess.

slava @ rethink here. Our team is really small. Even if everyone upvoted our stories (they don't -- many people don't even have HN accounts), it would only account for 5-10% of the upvotes; less for some of the more popular stories. The same is probably true for 42 floors. I find that their blog posts are quite good.

I suspect the "friendly upvote effect" has a lot to do with getting to the front page (which admittedly is important), but that doesn't make up for low quality content.


What next? Send out internal emails saying "Hey, the company has just posted a new blog, but you don't need the actual link, instead just use the HackerNews one, or maybe this Reddit one..."

We don't call male coders "boy", let's not call female ones "girl" unless they're a fourteen year old or something.

Let's not have another semantic argument (hacking vs cracking), the term "girl" (and the term "boy" for that matter) has both the meanings of an child of the given gender but also the informal friendly meaning for an adult of that gender.

For example "lets check with the (boys|girls)" is a pretty common usage casual usage of the term for adults, especially in the 18-35 age bracket. The term boy is actually very common in uniformed occupations (military, police, etc).

Depending on the context using "women" implies a level of formality and abstraction that some could find more offensive. So whatever word gets chosen carries some risk of offence, but it's best not to get hung up on subtitles especially when so many people are non-native english speakers.

> The term boy is actually very common in uniformed occupations (military, police, etc).

How about the tech industry? When's the last time you got called a boy? I'd be baffled to be called a boy by someone I didn't know.

> Depending on the context using "women" implies a level of formality and abstraction that some could find more offensive.

I suspect you'd have a hard time finding someone who'd have been offended by replacing "girl" with "woman" in the original post.

"girl" is used in place of "guy" because "guy" has a masculine connotation. I'd be happy to see "gal" but it's a little anachronistic.

Girl has an "immature, not yet an adult" connotation. "Guy" wasn't the only option here. It could easily have read "This woman not only became a competent front end developer..."

Gal is fine, if a little forced. Person would probably be best here though.

Hey Jennifer,

Well done on your journey, very impressive! It's an inspiration for many of us.

You replied about the use of "girl" (and I agree, "person" would be best here), but why not reply to petea's original comment where he criticizes you? Every time your blog makes it to front page on HN, I notice you're active in the comment thread but you don't reply to the criticism. Why not? It would quickly put an end to these type of comments. I think ignoring the criticism does more harm than the truth about whether or not you received help from others or you started the challenge with some basic knowledge.

> You don't reply to the criticism. Why not? It would quickly put an end to these type of comments.

Well, that's a novel theory on Internet commenting.

Thanks for the input, but not all online communities are the same. HN doesn't have the greatest community, but it's better than most.

The question keeps appearing every time Jennifer's story makes the front page. If it was answered, the answer can be easily linked to any time the question pops up in the future.

What does she possibly have to gain by responding to such crticism? Regardless of the situation, her best move is to ignore it and move on with her life.

Alternatively, what does she have to lose by responding to the criticism and then moving on with her life?

While her accomplishment is very inspirational, it can also act as a disincentive to many who feel discouraged or stupid after having failed on much simpler beginner tasks. This can change depending on her answer to the criticism.

BTW this project is now a significant part of her life. It got a lot of attention and most people will know her because of the accomplishment. It'll be difficult to quickly move on from it - I'm sure the project will pop up in conversation with her, years from now, along with the same questions.

Whether she responds to the criticism or not, it's been exciting seeing her make progress and complete her goal. I wish her all the best.

What? Calling grown women "girls" is even more anachronistic. Seriously, the one-word pronoun "She" would have worked much better in the original sentence.

That's what I was thinking too, the female equivalent of guy is gal. I've seen other people suggest "person" but that sounds stiff. I say we just use "individual" or "particular individual."

She mentions specifically the Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl. This tutorial has a section on creating secret tokens within the first three chapters (while leaving in-depth discussion of it for later chapters), and starts discussing concepts like MVC and setting up a development environment in the first chapter.

I'm working through the same tutorial myself, so I see no reason to doubt that it is entirely possible to set up a rails dev environment and get started in a single day.

I would also argue she is in fact disclosing how "someone else" helped her -- "...sites like Stack Overflow, MDN, CSS Tricks, blogs and demos. I also used some great online tutorials". Using these resources is to me no different than having your experienced developer friend sit next to you. Probably better, in some cases.

I remember looking at her first few sites and witnessing a big jump somewhere and immediately thought this is all a promotional event to be hired. She was probably helped, or already had generated a lot of the code, or whatever.

I don't think its controversial or argumentative to say its probably faked to a degree.

Not to mention she uses git, which is not a trivial tool. I don't see many total beginners adopting it. A beginner usually just wants to learn how to develop before diving in and learning the complexities of version control.

While I don't think you're trying to discredit her, I definitely think there was someone helping her and coaching her. I don't think that makes her effort any less important, but I think it'd make sense to at the very least acknowledge it.

Isn't an important part of learning well finding a coach, a mentor? Evidently she was able to do that. Also, by taking the advice, she demonstrated flexibility. The fact that she did what she did also demonstrates perseverance. Damn, I wish I could get her on my team.

I don't think you can determine knowledge of things like Paperclip like this by looking at a repo. I used Paperclip once. Just follow a tutorial. Boom. Done. Looking at my repo you'd assume I just knew it too. Like others have brought up as well, women are even more likely to get help from others than guys who think they have to do everything themselves for better or worse, so there can be live tutors involved as well.

>so there can be live tutors involved as well.

I think that's the insinuation here.

Most of that stuff really isn't that hard. I learned a bunch of that stuff on my own, and I've been spending less than 10 hours a week on it. Surf HN and a few Reddit boards related to coding and Rails, and you'll pick up stuff like that. I first read that the secret_token.rb file does not belong in source control in some thread on here or r/programming.

Not that it would be that tough to figure out - the name kinda invites googling, where the first few results will tell you what you need to know.

She's a she. It fits into the whole hacker news agenda of championing women in tech.

The fact it's not true doesn't really matter.

If a man had done the exact same project, no one would care. So, well done her for being a woman.

I wish that I had the karma to downvote you for relevance.

Like you said, "If you post some idiotic comment, and 1,000 people agree with you, that's quite a powerful feedback loop."

Not true. The most obvious example of a man embarking on a similar project - which people did care about - was Jonathan Coulton, who rose to fame at least partially thanks to his "thing a week" project and the output from that.

Jayenkai's "Game A Week" project (male dev) has also attracted quite a bit of press.

Insecure much?

That is not true.

You make a mighty strong argument, but I think I'll side with the guy that wrote more than one sentence.

Several of these have unspecified gender, or are males: https://www.hnsearch.com/search#request/submissions&q=%22tau...

One sentence; how'd I do?

I unfortunately have some doubts about the authenticity of the claims made. I know other people have already shared a similar opinion but I'd like to candidly provide my own in the event a beginner, intermediate, or even aspiring programmer happens to read this.

I often teach programming. Not formally in school, but to friends and family who come to me to learn. When any of them begin to learn, there are always, always trivial roadblocks that the student seems to hit.

My brother, who is a very smart person, was beginning to learn Python, and going through Codecademy. He must have spent at least tens of hours on it. The simplest things he just didn't grok immediately. For example, the different between variables, strings, and symbols. He would type, for example:

    print hello world

    name = john
    message = my name is + john
That's only the beginning. The idea of data types, the concept that "truth" and "falsity" could be encapsulated in a manipulable piece of data called a "boolean" (which he would pronounce Boe Lean) were definitely not within arm's reach. Functions were even more troublesome.

It wasn't just my brother. I was explaining to a friend, who is a very competent hardware guy, what a lambda function is. The idea that functions can be seen as data themselves. He eventually got it, but it took lots of explaining. And even after that, the small programs he wrote employing his newly found knowledge were riddled with bugs, formatting issues, style issues, and so on.

It wasn't just my students, it was me as well. My first programs were something like

    30 INPUT N
    40 PRINT "HELLO ", N
    50 GOTO 10
In fact, this program didn't even work in whatever BASIC implementation I was using. I just didn't get why. It turns out I needed to add the '$' sign to my variables to denote that they're strings.

When I was writing code for doing arbitrary precision arithmetic, I was representing the numbers as strings of digits: "12345". I was translating between digit characters and decimal value using the CHR and VAL functions of the language. When I was first introduced to ALLOCATE, typed arrays, etc. it simply did not click and took a while. Pointers, the heap, the stack, BYREF, BYVAL, FREE?

If I haven't made the point clear, there are a lot of things even we professional programmers take for granted, and things that we have long forgotten were hard, which those starting out with programming have major issues with, and almost deny the possibility of making something substantial in even a single day. Since I regularly teach programming, I am constantly reminded of them.

While I suppose it's possible to achieve the amazing feat that Jennifer claims on her own and without personal instruction, it just seems unlikely. If it's true, it's great for self-promotion of course, but I don't want it to give the aspiring programmer the idea that they should be able to reasonably accomplish the same things she did. What she accomplished wasn't just picking up programming, it was:

    * programming in multiple languages & paradigms
    * understanding how they relate to each other
    * setting up programming environments
    * setting up and understanding 3rd party frameworks and libraries
    * being able to effectively communicate with programmers
    * understanding source control and deployment
and then a lot more application specific things. That is a really tall order.

If the work was genuinely done by an artist with no technical background with little outside help, then I would consider achievement incredibly brilliant. If it was not—which is how I feel—then I think the audience deserves a bit of honesty.

I find this perspective odd because as a self taught programmer I didn't bother learning or trying to learn any of the formalisms you mention like 'variables, strings, and symbols'.

I learned by having a concrete project goal motivated by personal desire that I wanted to accomplish by any means possible. This usually came down to copy/pasting existing code from the internet and fiddling with the values via trial/error without necessarily understanding the inner workings.

I've had the experience of walking through the "Learn X the hard way" programming books, as well as Codecademy, with some non-programmer friends who ostensibly 'want to learn coding' and they invariably make extremely slow progress like you describe, because without their own self-motivated project it's just blind symbol manipulation.

With respect to the formalisms bit: I didn't expect him to understand deeply about those kinds of formalisms. I don't expect most beginning programmers to care, even. But the conflation of the ideas was apparent in his (faulty) intuition of them, and it impeded comprehension. In order to use a string, you must, at some level, have some sort of understanding that it is data. How your understanding manifests itself is different.

The copy/paste/fiddle process can work when you have some sort of understanding what to copy, paste, fiddle, and search for. Developing that understanding so quickly also leads me to doubt.

I don't get your point. Sure, some people have issues with those things. Let me give you an example.

I used to help out a lot of people while at school, and most of them couldn't wrap their head around what a variable was. I was the one helping them since the first class, and I wasn't one class in front of them either. I simply understood it quickly. I could "grok" faster than them, for some unknown reason.

I am by no mean a genius. Hell, I still use my fingers to do basic additions and subtractions. However, some people learn things faster than other. Some people learn easily by themselves, some don't.

All of the feats you listed are all on the web. You can learn all about them... for free! Why pay for someone to teach them to you when you can simply read about them? All you need is time to learn them, and she had it!

I have no difficulty at all in believing she managed to learn all of that by herself.

I was by no means arguing one couldn't learn all of these things on one's own. I, too, am a self-taught programmer, and in fact, it makes it even harder for me to make an assessment of the claim without comparing to myself.

All of the information is on the web, you're right. But just from a practical standpoint, it takes time to even learn about what you need to search for. One great piece of wisdom is that as you become more proficient in an area, you learn (1) what you need to learn, and (2) what you don't know. Jennifer seemed to not have any apparent issue figuring out what was needed, and seemed to be able to answer all the questions she needed answering with little or no delay.

I don't have difficulty believing that one can learn all of those things on one's own. I do have difficulty believing that for someone with little to no technical background, all of those things could be achieved at the rate they were achieved and in the timespan they were achieved. The reason I have an issue believing it was exemplified by the experiences I've had. My point was two-fold: firstly that I think doubt is warranted, and secondly that up and coming programmers should not be discouraged if they can't match the same throughput and output as Jennifer seems to show.

Look, you are making the assumption that she went into the whole 180-day project with absolutely no idea about web technology. Given what she says, I think that's a wrong assumption. From the post:

'When I set out on this project, I knew I wanted to learn to code dynamic interactive websites, but I also knew next to nothing about coding. Rather than try to tackle the enormous task of building a complex, fully functional social network, I took a small first step. I pieced together a few bits of html and CSS to make the website for day 1, the homepage for the project.'

So if you look at the first sentence--she clearly knew something--some terminology, some idea of the technology and what it could do. IMO, most programming (heck, most tech stuff) is just _knowing_ that something's possible. After that, you just need to look up how to do it. There are kids out there who pick up this stuff easy as breathing. I think she did the same thing, just on a slower trajectory.

That's the thing. The info is out there. Hell, especially around new year, there are a lot of articles that sounds like "10 things to learn before 2013", "talks to help you be a better programmer in 2013", etc.

It's not very hard to google "what should I learn to be a web developer?" or to simply take a look at the name of the courses on code academy.

As for your other point, I completely agree. One should not feel down because they were only to complete half of a side project in a month. Hell, that's more than what I manage to fit in my schedule!

Almost all of that stuff you list is actually waaaaaay easier than you give it credit. Setting up a programming environment is not hard, and is done in parallel with programming. Don't like that font? Change it here. Want this hot key to open this because you're tired of clicking the menu every time? Then do it.

I started off learning Objective-C; I had an app in mind and the only one that could create what I wanted was me. I learned. A string? That's just characters in order. Float? Any number that could have decimals and that wasn't an integer (though it could be 5.0). An array? Just a list of objects in a specific order. A hash map? A collection of objects where a tag signifies what object is at that location. DEAD SIMPLE STUFF. This is easy-peezy work, and very easy to abstract in my brain. I had an app on the store in 3 months and 10,000 downloads by 6 months. My app was a hugely naive undertaking, that I pulled off, despite not knowing shit about programming and setting up systems before going in. It calculated the best drink specials in my college town. That's 10,000 downloads in my college town.

I've continued programming, because I like making stuff, and have random ideas that are usually fairly easy to experiment with and get working.

Now I'm an iOS Engineer.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design with a minor in Advertising. No knowledge is unattainable, or more sacred than the others. I'm sorry you think what Jennifer has done is just impossible to do. It's not.

This is fantastic. Especially inspiring to me, more than the fact that she learned how to code, is the fact that she dove into something that she had no background in, and after 180 days she came out with a solid understanding of the basics of programming; enough to do stuff on her own (and, combined with her graphic design/illustration skills, probably enough to do freelance webdev or get a junior level position in a tech company).

If you're a programmer, think about following a similar, inverted journey: spend 180 days learning how to paint, or how to play the guitar, or writing poems- delivering a concrete outcome every day (and log it in a journal so you can trace back your progress; making that journal public, like she did, is optional but has benefits).

I have many programmer friends (and myself!) who complain that they cannot draw/write/paint/cook for nothing. Those skills, just like programming, can be learned- and while becoming a master at any takes years, if not decades, learning the basics and being "functional" with any of them is a matter of a couple of months.

Of course, taking 6 months to do just that is a bit radical (but, if you're young and in tech, totally doable- saving 6 months worth of expenses on a tech salary when you have no dependents is trivial) - but if you take 1 day a week, you'll only be 7x slower. If you take 2 hours a day instead of 8, you'll only be 4x slower. If you can work part time to keep a minimal income while working on becoming a master painter on the side, only 2x slower (of course you can nitpick with those simplifications, but the core idea is there - if you spend 2 hours a day learning the guitar, you'll go from total novice to enlightened beginner pretty fast).

Thanks to the internet, it's now really hard to not find resources about learning anything- there are sites and forums and youtube videos on everything. Additionally, never underestimate the power of your social circle - trading skills is very fulfilling. (for example, my girlfriend's sister's bf is in a band, signed to a label, etc. and loves video games. He'd like to learn how to program basic little games, and I'm the only programmer he knows. That's pretty great, because I've been dying to get a talented guitar instructor).

And learning those skills can make you even more valuable professionally- if you make entertainment apps, learning an instrument will allow you to compose your own music. If you're a freelance web developer, learning graphic design will allow you to build higher quality products and charge much much more. If you like to program video games, learning how to draw will enable you to design your own assets.

There are two type of people in life.

The first type graduates from college and their learning stops for the most part. They say to themselves, "well, I studied for four years and got a job, now it's finally time to sit back and relax." So they put in their regular 9-5 and then come home and waste their lives away by watching TV shows and playing video games and going out and getting drunk on weekends. Essentially, they "settle" into a middle-class lifestyle, where they earn enough money to get by and may be save a little too. They may be content, but they are also always stressed about the prospect of losing their jobs, because at their level of skill and ambition, they are almost always employees, rather than employers. Eventually, that's exactly what happens as the work they do is automated and they find themselves unemployed with little savings and no other skill that they can contribute to the economy.

The second type has a perpetual hunger for knowledge. They see college as the "launch pad" for a lifetime of learning. So they graduate and get jobs, but on the side they continue to read, discuss, listen and apply. They hang out with smart and successful people who also read, discuss, listen and apply. They look for problems and opportunities, and figure out what they need to learn to be able to work on them. These are the Jennifer Dewalt types whose ambition and discipline set them up for a continuously upward trajectory. They are the ones who refuse to settle, and therefore end up as leaders in organizations that innovate and change humanity.

It's funny because over the years I have developed what I think to be a very reliable method for predicting someone's future success. The method involves asking the person what they do in their spare time. Based on their answer, I can picture where they will end up in five to ten years.


There are two kinds of people in this world:

1) Those who hit some ceiling and actually achieve contentment.

2) All-consuming psychopaths who love looking down on everyone else for their lack of ambition.

I was born the second, but I sure as hell don't have to stay that way.

Also, side comment: some of us don't want to be employer-capitalists. We like doing things for their own sakes, not so that we can turn every activity in life into a money pump. As such, by your notions, we simply don't have ambition.

By my notions, the default ambition you remark upon, the urge to become a wealthy, high-status leader of some sort, is indeed psychopathic. Why should I want to become a capitalist, military general, or statesman? I could stand being an activist leader, but I don't think I'd be much good at it.

On the other hand, if you ask me if I wanted to, for instance, destroy all existing social relations and have a socialist revolution, I happily say "yes". But somehow Revolution is simply not as ambitious as "become an employer", or as "become a research professor" (which is actually harder than becoming an employer).

Which, again, makes it sound to me like your definition of "ambition" is "a rise in wealth and social status" rather than any coherent notion of actual achievement.

You took what you wanted out of the OP's comment.

Their comment is putting everyone in two buckets, 1 that sits around and watches TV when they get home from work, and 1 that works on personal development in their free time.

What they want to use that personal development is up to them. They could use it to start a non-profit, or learn a new hobby or learn a new skill. But... sitting around watching TV until bed certainly isn't ambitious.

Of course watching TV isn't ambitious!

But here's the thing: the "watch TV/self-development" dichotomy exists and keeps existing at every level of actual achievement. There are people who think that lawyers, doctors, and software engineers are underachievers for not becoming CEOs, after all. Lawyers, doctors, and software engineers tend to think people working old-fashioned 9-5 jobs instead of high-level professions are underachievers. People in old-fashioned 9-5 jobs think part-timers are underachievers.

And in the other direction, there are people who think that anyone who merely runs a business and doesn't build an international business conglomerate is an underachiever. There are people who think that running an international business conglomerate instead of a world empire makes you an underachiever.

There's at least a few people who think that running a worldwide empire makes you an underachiever, because you should be trying to become a god!

Sometimes all you have is an impulse to go in a direction, but not a destination. Those are the impulses to go out for, when no actual destination will sate the impulse.

Totally agree! I think we (human beings) have this mechanism to compare ourselves to others and think we are better than the others. I noticed it several times, for myself as other people.

Interesting how the human economy of ambition is scaled. Thanks for your insightful post.

This is wildly judgmental, and it would seem that you are projecting your own values in your assessment of people, which is also very narrowly fitted for technology where knowledge has potential to payoff.

Have you ever met someone with perpetual knowledge of hunger that didnt succeed , and also had a very dented personal life? I met dozens of those, and what do you think they end up regretting?

On the other hand i do agree that hunger and intelligence are very good predictors of someones ability to grow a skill. From that to 'success' there is a huge leap in many ways, from your personal concept of success to the actual real world out there.

I think it's more that you get good at what you practice. Someone who goes out every night of the week is practicing social interaction, and they will probably get pretty good at it. Someone who spends time with their family will have a strong family relationship. Someone who watches TV every night of the week will know an awful lot about the TV shows currently on the air. Someone who plays Farmville or Scramble with Friends or StarCraft with all their spare time will get pretty good at that. Someone who spends a lot of time on Hacker News will have really high karma.

And then ask yourself: is the stuff you're good at the stuff you want to be good at? Because if you want to be good at StarCraft or TV trivia and that's what you do with your spare time, great. But if you want to be good at programming but it's not your day job and you spend all your free time watching TV, you have some problems. Similarly, if you want to have a strong family relationship but spend all your time programming or holed up in your man-cave, you also have some problems.

There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who believe there are two kinds of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better.

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.

Whats with all the generalization in HN today?

That was meta.

All generalizations are false.

There are 10 people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand ternary, those who don't, and those who mistaken it for the binary system.

There are 11 types of people in the world, those who understand unary and those who don't.

There are 12 types of people in the world, those who don't understand "-ary" at all, but who can increment.

There are 13 types of people in the world. Your assignment is to figure out what they are and turn in a 10-12 page essay describing them by Monday. Class dismissed.

Hah! I am one of you guys but for a moment, just zoom out from the conversation a bit and look at it from the perspective of someone not like us(hackers/geeks). One of those classic Penny - Sheldon conversations.

Am I on reddit?

It's funny because over the years I have developed what I think to be a very reliable method for predicting someone's future.

Don't do it.

It's their life. While I hope it's rich, diverse and makes them immensely happy, it's not for me to say whether or not it 'works' for them or not.

I can just imagine how smug you were writing this, it's making me cringe.

A lot of "you should do this" posts on the internet can be summarized as, "people like me are pretty dang great."

People who judge others are the worst kind of people.

You have the right and the duty to judge the people in your life. This doesn't make you a bad person. On the contrary, it's part of the human experience.

People who say they are not judgmental are the worst kind of liars, because they lie not only to others, but also to themselves.

> People who say they are not judgmental are the worst kind of liars

You need to meet more, nicer people.

Which is fine, but also understand that others will be judging you.

heal thy self

But see, judging people is inevitable. Everybody judges everything all the time, whether openly or not. And in general there's nothing wrong with that. One cannot ever be so objective about oneself to see or acknowledge that something might not be as peachy as one thinks. It's about having more data points to evaluate your life :) and doesn't mean you have to bend to other people's ideas about life etc. Of course, you have to grow some thick skin for this and a lot of people tend to break down really bad when faced with any kind of judgement, but I think learning to receive it is a big part of growing up.

OTOH, being downright mean, or just an annoying busybody is another thing altogether, and, yes, a lot of people have a hard time judging (maybe "evaluating" would be a better word) without at least some malice. But I think saying any kind of judgement is bad isn't at all helpful for individuals or society at large. It leads to people developing blind spots for harmful behaviour.

You, sir, have a finely tuned sense of irony.

(judge == evaluate) != (judge == condemn)

I wish there were a better way to disambiguate "judge".

How can you have evaluation without the possibility of condemnation? If your evaluation is always positive, it's not very useful.

I think its a question of path dependency. You can evaluate a piece of work, without being dismissive; being to quick to judge; being toxic rather than constructive in your criticism. Etc. The phrase "judgemental" has an idiomatic meaning in english, akin to burning bridges before they are crossed.

I think his point is that sometimes "judge" is used to mean "evaluate with a negative outcome"; it's not judging in that sense until the evaluation comes out negative. It's hard to tell which sense is being used.

I think people may have missed the point here.

Recursively your kind is one of the worst kind of people. Or was this non-judgemental "worst" adjective? :)

I feel terrible for playing video games now.

Hey hey, let's all play nicely :)

Hahaha best comment.

Hey! I watch tv, play video games, and get drunk on weekends. I also have a girlfriend, friends, a new kitten to look after. Oh and I have multiple side projects I work on while having a full time job.

Just because people do one thing doesn't mean they don't do other things.

Just because people do one thing doesn't mean they don't do other things.

You are good.He is only talking about people who only do one thing.

Yes, thank you. It wasn't obvious from my post, but I'm not against having fun, per se. Rather, I'm talking about drifting aimlessly, with no clear direction or purpose. And that direction or purpose doesn't have to be work related, or even creative. I have a lot of respect for people who make their families the center of their lives, for example.

Well that's nice for you. Maybe God will come down one of these days and tell everyone their Purpose.

Except, no, wait, not gonna happen, so show some respect for the existentially purposeless, please.

That's the most lovely and exciting thing about life! No one will ever tell you your purpose so you're free to pick your own. You can have any purpose you want, you can freely choose! Not only that but you can change it anytime you want so no need to feel trapped either. My grandmother is one of my role models, after being a housewife her entire life she started writing in her late 60's and became a successful author. It's never too late =)

I study (university), browse sites like HN and watch TV shows online. That's pretty much it.

Just wanted to add a brief, loose third:

The third type recognizes their passion and self-educates themselves, often finding formal education diabolical.

From the late Jim Rohn, "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."[1]

[1] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/jimrohn121282.htm...

> "often finding formal education diabolical"

TBH, as a self-educated developer, I perceive formal education as a premature optimization.

It's a fact that one needs to develop certain skills and gain insight from the knowledge that reflects the experience of expert people, but it's also a fact that one won't need everything the first moment after graduation.

I prefer to research and learn about something the moment I need it, than to be forced to learn it (and probably forget about it) some years in advance.

Anyway... The first skill you need to develop to become self-educated is self-confidence, because nobody is going to believe in you. I have been accused of being an idiot numerous times for dropping college...

The point of an education is not to make money. The point of an education is to cultivate yourself and make yourself a better person. Idiot is the wrong word, but philistine is appropriate.

Well having been through plenty of formal education, I can assure you the point of education is to make uniformly cut cogs and make teachers and universities money.

If you don't turn the same way as everyone else or risk your university's funding by having an opinion or a better idea than the status quo, you're no longer entitled to an education.

University for me was an exercise in cock sucking rather than education and that was a UK red brick.

Attending school is not the only way to cultivate yourself and make yourself a better person; knowledge is vast and free.

You're definitely not an idiot. I applaud your approach and wish you all the best in the future.

I disagree with your philosophy. You advocate a lifestyle focusing on success and ambition. I believe that having the qualities of both types of people is ideal.

Below is a quote that I found very illustrative of the downfalls of living a life too focused on success:

“Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

Thats a bit scary that quote :)

The regular 9 to 5 is what some people want. And that's fine. They get their satisfaction in ways we may not -- (stereotypes coming).. a kid to play with, buddies at the bar, plunking a guitar, reading John MacDonald.

This is not necessarily even a lack of ambition -- we're all allowed to aspire to whatever lifestyle we think will suit us best.

You can't say one way is better without describing what better looks like -- and when we have different descriptions of that, the best thing to do is just tink your drinks together and keep your "How can he live like that?!" to yourself.

>>The regular 9 to 5 is what some people want. And that's fine.

Yes, it is completely fine, as long as they are fully aware of the type of life they will have if they keep up their current habits. For example, if a regular 9 to 5 is what you want, good for you. Just understand what kind of life it will give you. This may sound obvious, but most people don't get it - they work 9 to 5 and complain when they lose their jobs or don't get the promotions they want or realize that the work they do is actually meaningless. What I'm trying to say is that, in the grand scheme of life, you reap what you sow.

There are plenty of 9 to 5 jobs that are useful to the economy. Some of them can quickly shrug off losing a job.

9 to 5, cruising along in a steady-state of knowledge doesn't necessarily imply failure. It depends on that knowledge, of course.

Frankly, with the new-graduate economy like it is, a steady, well-paying 9 to 5 is a luxury, but you make it sound quite bleak.

As if you couldn't improve your skills everyday 9 to 5...

The world isn't full of binary people. There are lots of types of people in the world, and pigeon-holing any of them doesn't help them or you.

Obviously, it's an approximation. I'm sure you could very easily fit everyone you know in either of these buckets if you had to. And it's pretty accurate.

Citation needed, otherwise all sweeping generalizations are valid based on opinion alone.

People are pretty dynamic, even if common traits exist (and "knowledge / seeking knowledge" is not citable), its a dumb claim.

"There are two types of people in this world: those who divide people into two groups, and those who don't."

I think you can cut a lot of the fat from this:

There are people who think life is something they do and there are people who think life is something that happens to them.

That being said, at what point is relaxing and enjoying yourself with random hobbies ok? If you take the hard and fast line you have here, people would just work till they die. A large part of the point to success is so you can enjoy leisure time comfortably.

I do agree video games and TV are in a in a sense "bad" and it would be better if people engaged in creative hobbies.

Right. I would add eveything is white or black.

Some people have a perpetual hunger for knowledge of baseball trivia, others for the personal lives of B-list celebrities, yet others for the outcomes of video games.

One of the things I've learned over the years is that it's impossible to tell whether being obsessed with something other people consider foolish or trivial is genius or idiocy. Obsessively playing Starcraft might turn out to be a lucrative profession. We just never know.

We should combine our skills. I can accurately predict where everyone will end up in 150-200 years :-)

There is no way you've had any evidence that your predictions are accurate.

The third type doesn't need college at all.

some people have a hunger for knowledge but find autodidacticism incredibly difficult

This feels similar to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) where people commit to writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I've finished it a handful of times, and after a few attempts and some post-November polish, my output could now be mistaken for a coherent work of fiction in the English language.

didn't know about that - signed up! thanks!

This approach definitely works for cooking - it's been tried before.

See, for example, the Julie/Julia project, where one woman decided to cook her way through the entirety of "Mastering The Art Of French Cooking" by Julia Child. ( http://web.archive.org/web/20021217011704/http://blogs.salon... )

They made it into a movie. Good one: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135503/

"The Julie/Julia Project. Coming soon to a computer terminal near you."


I spent 90 days learning (and implementing) how to get ideas for my next product by calling business owners in my target market and asking what they need to help their business. I now have owners waiting with money-in-hand for me to solve their problems. I'm spending the next 90 days pre-selling and getting the actual product wireframed for demos, then built, then scaling marketing while I sell sell sell...

TL;DR - pick something you want to do and immerse yourself in this. Every day take action. Learn only what you need to advance yourself forward right now.

I think this is spot on. It's really easy to get caught up in feeling like you need to know everything before you even begin. It gets overwhelming really quickly.

Were you cold calling? You don't have contact details in your profile and I'd love to pick your brain for 20-30 minutes. Please email me at j@squid.nu .

I have a friend who talks about the flywheel model of learning. If, every day, you spend even 15 minutes towards your goal of what have you (aka, add even a little momentum to your flywheel), at the end of a year, you will have a lot of knowledge.

I used to agree with this but what I've seen in practice is a lot of people who have half-assed their way through beginner tutorials but have no actual practical grasp of how to do a non-guided project.

What she's done is pretty difficult -- executing a new concept daily -- and it's amazing she managed to keep it up when most others would drop out/fail.

I personally think "a lot of knowledge" comes through those lost hours spent fixing obscure, annoying problems and bugs and inconsistencies that force someone to really think through how that system works.

Hmm... I guess I'd say half assing your way through beginner tutorials is better than doing nothing (if it is on the path to your goal). That said, flywheels are slow to start up, and you can't expect to do one or two or ten tutorials and have it spinning fast.

As Aristotle said: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

It's also called the "Seinfeld Method" (http://lifehacker.com/281626/jerry-seinfelds-productivity-se...) or "Don't break the chain."

The chain of Xs reminds me of github's `green squares` signalling a push!

Some people take the "Always Be Pushing" mantra very seriously. That's exactly it.

15 minutes per day is not long enough for effective learning. I think you'd be better off with 1 hour 3x per week for a similar time investment - especially when you take into account setup time and context switching.

That's true enough if it's a straight choice between those two scenarios. But it's a quirk of human nature that if you try and do something 3 times a week you're less likely to stick to it than doing something every day without fail. If it's only 3 times a week then it's easy to say to yourself "I'll leave it until tomorrow".

I'm deeply skeptical of this. Any sources backing this up (preferably something looking at the cognitive value of this kind of learning)?

I should do this with arduino/electronic.

Just a point : coding is free. Cooking, wood crafting, electronic, or any physical activity requires you buy some material.

"Coding is free" except for the $2000 laptop, the thousands of people working for pennies to make it, the military required to project enough power to keep them working, the endless supply of Starbucks to power through the coding process, the thousands of people working for pennies to grow that, and the military required to project enough power to keep them working as well.

Free otherwise though.

Off-topic and flamebait much?

You forgot a comma.

>saving 6 months worth of expenses on a tech salary when you have no dependants is trivial

I have no dependants, I am 25 and I would love to be earning the kind of money in my tech job that made saving 6 months worth of expenses "trivial". Where are these jobs and how can I get one?

I knew a guy who lived off 1/3 of his salary of ~40k. when you are single you can cut housing expenses by getting a few house-mates. Housing is the main expense for most people.

That was in Idaho

Here in the valley I make a typical dev salary and have 2 dependents but still save 1k, invest 1k and put 1k down against my principal every month.

Tech jobs pay well and if you can't easily save large amounts of money as a developer you'd better be having a whole lot of fun.

Your expenses matter more than your revenue.

Think of it this way: in order to save 6 months of living expenses on a year of salary, you need to put away 33% of your income. There are graduate students out there - several are probably your classmates - that live on $20K/year. Therefore, as long as you make over $30K/year, you can live like a grad student and save 6 months living expenses in a year.

San Francisco, New York, Boston, Seattle, maybe Chicago. This list is not exhaustive.

Just make sure you don't live in those cities proper :P

You can do it there too. I'd guess the average entry-level programmer in SF makes 80k a year. 2000/mo on rent (which is honestly a pretty nice place if you're sharing) leaves you with 20k to play with while still saving netting about 20k after taxes.

Of course, if you live in the valley, you could save more, but the point is to illustrate that many (single, no dependents) tech workers can live in SF and still save.

I don't see how the numbers work out that well.


suggests the numbers are: $13.4k to feds, $5k social security, $1.1k medicare, $5k california, $800 CA SDI

Leaving you with $54,725.

$24k to housing and $20k to savings would leave you with just over $10k to eat, shop, pay for transportation, etc. So, don't try to have a car. Even carless, though, it seems much easier / more likely / more realistic to do it the other way around - $20k on food/entertainment/shopping/etc and $10k to savings.

Granted. I was too generous on the housing budget, but too conservative on tax expenses.

Your math implies 64k after taxes, which is only 20% and is completely wrong.

The effective tax rate in Cali after federal and state is closer to 40%. That leaves 48k after taxes. Take out the 24k you blew on the 2k/mo apt and you're down to 24k and you haven't even put food on your plate or paid for transportation costs.

Take out 4k for food assuming you don't eat at nice restaurants. Take out 2k for a train pass and maybe another 0.5k for other transportation when the train isn't adequate. You are now down to 17.5k and you haven't saved anything or done anything 'to play'.

There is a reason the poverty level is around 70k in that area. 80k looks good on paper but in reality it's crap. It's about parity with a 37k salary in Austin, TX. http://www.bestplaces.net/cost-of-living/san-francisco-ca/au...

I don't think it'll be 40% for someone making 80k per year. The effective federal rate on the first 80k is around 20%. The CA rate should be 9-10%. Maybe another 5% for soc sec. But I also made a very generous assumption re: apartment spend. I think my point stands.

> I don't think it'll be 40% for someone making 80k per year.

It won't.

At 2013 rates, on $80k of total income for an individual ($73,900 in income subject to income tax with the $6,100 standard deduction, but no other deductions/credits):

  Effective federal income tax on total income: 18.0%
  Effective CA income tax rate on total income: 5.72%
  SS+Medicare: 7.65%
  California State Disability Insurance tax: 1.00%
  Total effective income and payroll tax rate: 32.4%

No, it doesn't still stand. You just adjusted from your initial 20% up to 35%, which essentially eliminates most of the 'savings' money you mentioned in your post. Also, the apartment assumption isn't that generous. If you want to live in SF by yourself, that's what you will pay for a decent apt.

> If you want to live in SF by yourself

Oh, sorry, I thought we were talking about someone who is making the bare minimum effort to save money. My mistake.

That doesn't even make sense. If someone is making the bare minimum effort, then they would probably live by themselves. Are you sure you thought that message through?

No, if you live by yourself in SF, you are not making any realistic effort to save money, because you have not attempted to optimize your largest expense.

OK, I'm done talking about this shifted scenario from what we started talking about. When you want to talk about how hard it is to save money in SF if you actually make any serious effort, I'm happy to resume.

Read your own message. You said you said the following:

>I thought we were talking about someone who is making the bare minimum effort to save money

Do you know what the bare minimum effort means? You are the one suggesting bare minimum effort now.

Living on your own is making zero effort. "Minimum effort" as a mathematical expression could even be negative (i.e. actively trying to rid yourself of money), but as a colloquialism typically means "appreciable," "reasonable," or "realistic." If you're not a native speaker, I can see how that might have confused you. If you are, then you're just being difficult.

You literally said the exact opposite of the point you were implying throughout the rest of the discussion. We were talking about ways to live cheaply. Then YOU were the one that changed positions and said we were talking about someone making the minimum effort to save money, which as you rightly pointed out could mean someone not saving money at all. What is the point of discussing someone who doesn't save in a thread about saving money?

A native English speaker would not make the mistake of using a colloquialism that means the opposite of the literal definition when the very disagreement is about the effort it takes to save money. You can live by yourself in the bay area and still save money. Remember, you were the one that quoted $2k/mo for rent.

This native English speaker believes there was absolutely nothing wrong with anything he said, and that you have been deliberately obtuse.

Well your anecdotal evidence really helps. The point is that what he said means two exactly opposite things depending on how reasonable you think it is to live by yourself.

No, they would have at least one roommate. Not bothering to find a roommate is the zero-effort case.

What? It's much, much cheaper to live with other people than by oneself.

I was under the (perhaps false) impression that living costs were so much higher in these places as to make saving just as tough as working anywhere else on a lower salary?

If I'm wrong about that I really need to go get an American Visa from somewhere...

I would say the difference is more that people who live in these places mistake their wants for needs at a higher rate than elsewhere. It is not terribly difficult to save in SF. See my other comments in this thread.

All of those places have prohibitively high cost of living to make saving six months of salary very much not trivial. It's possible, but it isn't anywhere close to trivial.

Nope. That's why the no dependents part is essential. If you are single and willing to live with roommates, you will be able to navigate the "high cost of living" pretty successfully.

I'm living quite comfortably in San Francisco and spending a fraction of what I was spending in Texas. Why?

- No car. No gas. No upkeep. No payments. No insurance. No inspections. No car.

- Roommates. I HATE living alone so this was a no-brainer. If you insist on having your own place, then yeah it's probably going to sting. If not you can often find good deals.

- Food. A tech job often provides free or free-ish food. Plus I can get reasonably-priced staples at the market on the corner of my block. The culture here makes it much less likely I'll spend $400/mo at Olive Garden, Chili's, and The Red Lobster.

- Stuff. Don't need much. When I was in Texas I lived FAR away from anyone who really shared my geeky interests. I'm surrounded by them here. I simply don't have the urge to buy so much stuff to keep me occupied. I have the stuff I need and I spend most of my time doing things with people. These things are often free. Speaking of which...

- "funcheap". SF is famous for this (as is NYC). You can ALWAYS find cool stuff to do that costs little or no money. You can also, of course, find stuff that costs a lot of money. It's your choice, day by day.

Now if I couldn't stand to live with roommates or had a family to support, this would be a whole different story. Also, "high cost of living" really means $$$/sq ft vs $$/sq ft. It IS outrageous in places, but I'm much happier in my apartment with 1 bedroom to myself than I was in a 2600 square foot house in Texas. So yes, price per square foot is going to hurt on paper, but if "size doesn't matter", you might end up paying less by actual dollars.

Your mileage may vary, of course, but I'm pretty passionate about this since I stuck around in places that weren't right for me a lot longer than I should have... simply because I let popular rhetoric convince me that only dot com millionaires could afford to live in the Bay Area. They were wrong, and I was a fool for listening to them instead of exploring it for myself. Don't make my mistakes.

Honestly I think roommates isn't a requirement (at least in most of those cities) either.

um, what? With tiny 400 square foot apartments going for 2500 in San Francisco... how can you possibly say that?

Yeah, I agree with this. A key point of my post is "if you're willing to live with roommates you can find good deals". Of course you still have to find them. I spent over a week glued to Craigslist looking for a combination of the right price, right location, and right people. Yes I got lucky, but not "win the lottery" lucky. I ran across several that were good potentials.

The roommates part seems essential. There are a number of reasons but if I had to guess:

- With roommates you can often take advantage of someone who has been living there since before some recent price spikes (especially in certain neighborhoods). If you find a place by yourself, the landlord is free to charge whatever they want unless you can find a rent controlled apartment, but those have multi-year waiting lists.

- Vacant units are often renovated so the rent can be raised.

- Economies of scale. If you live by yourself chances are you want a place with your own kitchen, bathroom, etc. These are shared spaces in a roommate situation.

- There seems to be more competition for single-residency housing. I have no data to back this up, but just from talking to people it seems that there are more people who hate living with roommates than who hate living alone.

That's a one bedroom or studio. As the number of bedrooms goes up, the price per room goes down.

His point is that it only becomes feasible when you are living with roommates. My point is that San Francisco is unique in that regard.

San Fransisco perhaps isn't going to work well for somebody who wants to live on their own and save money, but they are the outlier there. It is trivial in Seattle, and not hard in NYC if you don't insist on Manhattan. I know people who do it in Boston and Chicago (until recently anyway, and technically he was making "ethanol engineer" money, not "tech" money... I digress though.)

I am not very familiar with San Francisco, so I left myself some wiggle room ("(at least in most of those cities)") but having a roommate is not a requirement for anybody making a tech salary and wanting to save money in those other cities.

Why would anyone want to live in SF with that kind of prices is beyond me.

The prices are because so many people want to live in SF.

But why would they want to live there? It's one of the most depressing place I've been to, it's like those dystopian movies...

> But why would they want to live there?

Because they value different things than you do; whether that's the food, the theaters, the museums, the climate, or the social culture, or something else. Different ones of those for different people.

> It's one of the most depressing place I've been to, it's like those dystopian movies...

Other than in the generic ways that most urban environments are "like those dystopian movies" to someone whose lived most of their life in a suburban environment, I don't really see it.

Yeah. Nobody wants to be in SF. It's way too crowded.

>They were wrong, and I was a fool for listening to them instead of exploring it for myself. Don't make my mistakes.

They were right if you ever want to have a family. You are building no equity in rent so you will essentially have to leave and start over somewhere else to have kids. Your story is fine as long as it ends with you being single and alone without any real assets.

There is no "starting over" when renting, it's just a cost of living. Plus, equity only matters if you sell, in which case you have the same kind of uprooting as a renter, only maybe (maybe) with some profit to show for your time in the previous residence.

It doesn't always make sense financially to buy a home, in fact several times in the last decade it was a really bad idea. Not to mention if you are young you should travel, find what makes you happy, not have all your assets and yourself tied up in a semi-illiquid investment that could leave you underwater.

Presumably, the person we are chatting about is striving to save money, they may be in stocks or bonds instead of real estate... which are sometimes, though not always a better investment. They are assets, if not real.

So, this hypothetical person will have at least six months of salary to put towards whatever they decide to when they settle down.

This is what gets me. The whole building equity thing by equating it to property. I have equity, but I invested it elsewhere. I still rent. You dont need to own property to have equity and to state otherwise is a disservice.

America is not all subdivisions and white picket fences...

You are confusing what the point of building equity in a home is. It's not solely an investment vehicle like stocks, bonds, options, commodities, etc. By building equity in a home, you are also eliminating your cost of rent.

>You dont need to own property to have equity and to state otherwise is a disservice.

Again, you do if you want your cost of housing to go towards building equity.

You're not eliminating your cost of rent, you're (maybe) lowering it. Whatever percentage of your housing costs go towards interest, property taxes, HOA fees, homeowner's insurance, mortgage insurance, etc. are not going towards equity. Especially early on in a mortgage, the vast majority of your housing expenses are not going towards equity. Your analysis is only correct late in a mortgage. Early in a mortgage it's entirely possible to be paying more in non-equity expenses than you would be if you were renting.

What you don't seem to be getting is that if you are renting, ALL of it is going towards non-equity expenses. A monthly house-payment of $2000 is still better than rent of $2000 even if 90% is going towards interest/insurance overhead.

Ok, thats fine, but I dont spend anywhere near that amount, and I live in downtown Boston, one of the highest cost of living areas on the east coast. So, what I don't spend on a mortgage, I put into my savings and other equity assets. There is no world in which I live in that I could spend the same on a mortgage as I do in rent. I still end up financially on top renting over owning in this city. Sure, I can move, but I love the quality of life I have here, and I wont change it anytime soon.

Sure, theres equity in a house, but is that everything? Do I really need to leverage a loan against my own property to live comfortably? To send any future children to a great school? Do I need to end up so underwater with a mortgage to consider myself successful? The answer to all of these is no.

I'm not an expert on real estate, but some of what I've read suggests that your statement is an oversimplification, assuming you have a mortgage and are paying interest on it.

Since I'm annually paying around 3% of the market price of my apartment, and you're paying X% interest annually on your mortgage (minus tax breaks, but plus maintenance costs, etc.), there is some value of X at which I'm not really losing much money by renting, right?


I understand where you're coming from, but I've had over a decade of experience owning and managing both personal and rental real estate so I wanted to chime in.

> They were right if you ever want to have a family.

Not entirely. "Ever" is a really strong word. If you want to have a family later in life, that should not prevent you from living in places you'd like to experience. You will likely regret being so cautious at the exact time in your life when you had the least reason to be so.

> You are building no equity in rent

If you are saving a dramatic amount of money per month and putting that money away in savings or another investment vehicle, then I would argue that you very much are. People underestimate how little "equity" they actually build up when they didn't happen to buy before or early in a real estate bubble. In reality, the closing costs of acquiring the property, maintenance, insurance, and property taxes, and the (optional but likely) 6% sales commission the realtor takes when you decide to sell all add up and chip away at effective equity. True, equity will eventually outpace these costs, but the time that takes is a function of how well the market is doing and other externalities.

There's also a cost of liquidity. $10,000 sitting in a bank account at 0.1% is arguably worth more than $10,000 of equity in a house that might take 3 months to sell.

All of this means that unless you know you're going to buy a place and stay put for a while, you'd probably be better taking the cost difference and building "liquid equity" that you can use later.

> so you will essentially have to leave and start over somewhere else to have kids.

True, but that may be a complete non-problem depending on your disposition. Personally, I don't get attached to places. They're just boxes with soft places to sleep. Relationships make it a home. In my case, in the unlikely event I decided to start a family, I could buy a house relatively close to the apartment I live in now (if I so desired). I wouldn't call that starting over. By the way, I'd be able to buy that house because I was able to save a metric crap-ton of cash while living on next to nothing with cheap rent.

> Your story is fine as long as it ends with you being single and alone without any real assets.

As I believe I have demonstrated, you have no justification for this statement; none whatsoever. It's simply not the case that a person who choses to spend one part of his or her life saving money living with roommates in a fun town will be forever "trapped" by that choice.

Also, you might not have intended it this way, but that statement was mean-spirited.

>There's also a cost of liquidity. $10,000 sitting in a bank account at 0.1% is arguably worth more than $10,000 of equity in a house that might take 3 months to sell.

You make a big assumption with that statement. It strongly (and wrongly) assumes that the monthly payments for owning a home are the same as the rent plus whatever you would be putting into savings. There are plenty of homes in other places you can buy for $2000/mo vs spending $2000/mo on rent in SF while saving separately in either case to maintain the liquidity you are talking about.

>As I believe I have demonstrated, you have no justification for this statement; none whatsoever. It's simply not the case that a person who choses to spend one part of his or her life saving money living with roommates in a fun town will be forever "trapped" by that choice.

The point is that the numbers in his story only work for the "fun" part of the life. Life experiences are great, but it's difficult to pay for your kid's college and save for retirement when you are pouring thousands a month down the drain with nothing (other than a good time) to show for it.

I don't spend anywhere CLOSE to $2000/mo on rent, and I live in a pretty nice place in the middle of SF.

That's really what I'm getting at: if you're single and don't have a family, and you're happy with roommates and not living in a palace, then you can enjoy SF and not only not go broke, but you might save a penny or two.

Now if your life situation is such that the whole "single and don't have a family" thing doesn't apply, well then it... doesn't apply :)

In my opinion, your argument is very much valid if you want to raise a family or you just prefer to have your own place. Unless you make a lot of money, you're probably better off doing that elsewhere.

>I don't spend anywhere CLOSE to $2000/mo on rent, and I live in a pretty nice place in the middle of SF.

More details, please? I've been trying to look for places recently and everything seems to be exorbitantly priced.

I explained it elsewhere, but the short version is "watch Craigslist like a hawk until you find what you want". Let's say you find a place that's $900 - $1100 / month. Sounds reasonable, but remember:

- Everyone else is looking for that, too, so you need to act fast.

- It's not a dealbreaker to live in, say, the Tenderloin in SF, but do some research and make sure you're comfortable.

- People in SF will get 10 - 60 replies per day on an apartment listing, especially if the price is reasonable for the area. Stand out and be awesome.

- The same goes for the interview.

- Have stuff like bank statements and recent credit reports handing, and have the cash to make the move. So many people make it past the screening phase but then put their roommates on hold waiting for the "check in the mail". Money talks.

> People in SF will get 10 - 60 replies per day on an apartment listing

This always surprises me. If you get dozens of replies the instant you put a listing on CL, isn't that a sign your price is way too low? Why not add a few hundred $ per month and maybe have to wait three days to rent it out?

I know the cost of living at least in SF, and it is my contention that most entry level engineers should be able to save six months expenses per year trivially. Of course, if you eat out every night and blow all your money on booze, partying, and the most upscale apartment you can find, it would be harder. But a person who is making any real effort would not find it difficult.

>But a person who is making any real effort would not find it difficult.

As long as they don't have a family or want to build equity in a home. The justifications for the costs in this thread are so myopic that it's baffling.

I guess if you plan on remaining an entry-level engineer for your whole life, it would indeed be difficult to afford a home in SF. (This bit about family and house is known as "shifting the goal-post," btw. We're talking about the ability of a single engineer to save six months' living expenses.)

Assuming a promotion is known as "shifting the goal-post" too. You are essentially saying you are correct as long as you make more money than the original amount specified.

Okay, you said it's trivial for an entry-level engineer to save six months living expenses. That's $12k for housing and ~$4k for food and transportation. That's the majority of the leftover money after rent, taxes, transportation, and food for a year without any savings. I'm not sure you are correctly using the term 'trivial'.

No, it is not, because I am not assuming a promotion to prove my point re: whether you can save money in SF as a single engineer. You can. That's it.

No offense, but I'm strongly inclined to believe that you are not making it by on 80k a year in SF, and if you made that little money at one point, it was not for an extended enough period of time for you to properly understand what it afforded you. Your estimates seem to be nothing more than back of the napkin calculations missing major components like half of the taxes. Your numbers fit to someone making 100k+.

Edit: Also, you didn't even address the direct counter-point to your argument that the savings is "trivial".

It does not offend me that you assume I make more money than I'm arguing over, and you are not wrong. I also lived in a $500/mo room in an apartment with two others when I made that much money, so I was saving like a boss. Travel was actually a larger expense than housing.

As far as addressing counterpoints, I've grown tired of quibbling. I think that you can live comfortably spending 66% of your income net of taxes per year without any undue effort if you make $80k a year in SF. I think anyone who looks into it would find the same to be true. That's my last word in this conversation.

>As far as addressing counterpoints, I've grown tired of quibbling. I think that you can live comfortably spending 66% of your income net of taxes per year without any undue effort if you make $80k a year in SF. I think anyone who looks into it would find the same to be true. That's my last word in this conversation.

That's fine. As long as you can admit that you are just arm-chairing it and haven't actually had to live under those restrictions.

I didn't ever claim otherwise.

I dunno why people always say NY is expensive... have you ever lived there? Live in NJ, rent a basement somewhere in Queens, or heck you can rent an apartment in Chinatown for $800/month. I know people who rent an entire floor, and then sub-rent it to their friends, so they end up paying $0.00 for rent.

Don't eat out everyday. Bring your lunch everyday. It can be done.

Why is chinatown so cheap? How livable are those apartments?.

I would think a Manhattan Chinatown full apt for anything less than 2K would be a unicorn. However the parent is right about Jersey and Queens. Also places on the Metro North or LIRR. It's entirely possible to live near NYC and work there everyday for a reasonable cost of living.

Prohibitively high if you want to live in walking distance to your job. I work in SF, have a 15 minute commute, and pay a tiny amount for rent because I live in Oakland. Pretty easy to save.

I live walking distance to my job and live in the heart of San Francisco right next to BART. I pay very little money in rent. Patience on Craigslist pays off.

I would sure love to know what "very little" is to you. I have a hard time believing your rent is less than $1500, and I certainly wouldn't consider that "very little". Given how relative one's perception of costs can be, would you mind being a little more explicit about your rent?

It's a little over half of that. And it was one of several places like that I found so I know it wasn't just "luck". It was not as simple as just "get on Craigslist and find something", though. I had to watch it carefully.

EDIT: Just checked Craigslist and I can STILL find stuff for under $1000/mo in numerous places in SF. The trick seems to be looking under "rooms / shared" and also not expecting to find a place in Pac Heights ;-)

It's all about expenses. I live in Vancouver, which is widely considered to be unaffordable. I spend $10k/yr.

Step one is to develop a condescending attitude towards people who need to spend money. This will make it unthinkable for you to become such a person. Personal identity is a powerful thing.

The rules are: don't drink, don't drive, live with friends, and budget.


You basically need to be saving 33% of your take home salary.

As a rule of thumb you shouldn't be spending more than a third of take-home on your housing. That leaves you with 33% for your cost of living.

To see how that breaks down in "real-money", the take-home of an average CS graduate working at a typical large company in a developer role in London would be around 20k.

So that would be around £550/month (£6600/year) in rent, so a shared flat in a cheap-to-average part of town.

Food would cost you about £2000/year

Personal goods another £2000/year

Travel around £1200/year.

Leisure around £1400/year.

Leaving you with £6.6k in savings, enough to afford all of the above for another six months without pay.

Except that after tax and council tax, and energy bills and phone bill (internet and mobile), there is no way you would have that £6.6k in London. It'd be possible in another part of the UK maybe, but not trivial by any means.

Your crazy if you think you can't get a flat-share in london including bills for £6.6k. Literally hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people are spending less than that.

Council tax doesn't increase with the number of people in a flat (>1), so when you're sharing the price for that goes down dramatically. You could easily reduce your spending in other categories as well if you wanted to spend more on rental (i.e use busses rather than the tube).

Gumtree currently lists 19k flatshares below the £125/week mark:


> so a shared flat in a cheap-to-average part of town.

mind sharing the cheap-to-average parts of town? I am just curious how far out they are. thank you.

Bravo! Very inspiring. It seems like the OP learned a lot about more than just programming: project management, developer psychology, the importance of shipping....

One thing did stand out to me:

Having to produce something everyday forced me not to get hung up on understanding all the details of how something worked.

This is actually one downside of this method. In the end you don't really learn anything deeply. In development, deep understanding does matter a lot. It matters for selecting the right tools, being proficient with them, and solving the problems that others can't.

Again, bravo to the OP!

I'm definitely not done learning. Next up for me is tackling some bigger projects and spending some time figuring out how all the pieces fit together.

It's an inspirational journey. Thanks for sharing! This is how I would tell my kids to learn programming.

On the other hand, a lot of developers have a tendency to dwell way too long on minutiae. The ability to just plow through and get something working is a good skill to have. As long as it's not the only tool in the box.

Yes. For most projects, having the "Whatever it takes to get it done" is most important. For long term skill development, and some key hard projects, the deeper understanding is valuable. The 10xers whom I call first with hard problems have both.

this reminds me of a quote attributed to Henry Ford: "Men become successful in the time other men wittle away."

This is good as advice, but it's also important to remember:

"The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time." (attributed to Willem de Kooning).

This is very true.

I firmly believe that a person can learn anything other fellow human can. Mastering is a different beast. But you can definitely get started. This is the also the reason, why I don't criticize 'Learn programming in X hours' or 'Programming for dummies' kind of books. They get people started, and that is all you need at times.

In fact one must always have a hobby and 180 day cycle seems to be a good enough cycle for a new hobby. New hobbies keep you excited and on the edge. Most importantly they keep boredom from setting in and keep you going.

This. I'm incredibly impressed with the way she dove in and just started building stuff. I love that.

"The project certainly hasn’t given me a comprehensive understanding of software development, but it has laid a broad foundation for me to jump off of"

No it has not, and no it has not.

Don't get me wrong A+ for the effort... but it is a very small niche oriented effort.

Comprehensive? Watch Rich Hickey talks (http://www.infoq.com/author/Rich-Hickey), try reading and exercising data structures (b-tree, rb-tree, bitmaps, and a long etc), try different problems like database reporting and read "Code Complete" AND "The Nature of Code". You are up to a great start, but got a long way to go to call it "Comprehensive"

Broad foundation? not really, no. Just today's popular areas of front end development. And today's popular is actually a very small area, common and with a lot of hype, but just a relatively small section of front end development

Great project... keep going, there is much to discover!

Not it has not, yes it has. Web development is for many intents and purposes now the equivalent of software development. That there are other areas of interest (embedded, systems software, application development and so on) does not detract from the fact that if you want to do software development web development is more than likely your point of entry and it's a field wide enough and deep enough that you could easily lose several careers in it.

So for her it is a broad foundation to jump off of, more so than assembly language programming or toying around with clojure.

+1 to this, while some folks seem rather dismissive of web site design as "programming" (and I did back in the HTML4 days but these days, its very much a program) here is someone who has looked at this particular aspect and poked into a bunch of different areas. And that is all good.

So much better to have 6 months experience building web sites before you say "I'll just make a career in building web sites" :-)

I hate the argument that you have to dive into some complex language to really "understand" programming --

Some people just like to build stuff; much akin to someone who might just want to change the oil in their car. You would never ask them to build an entire transmission for their first project.

Sure, you don't "have to" but you most likely do.

To understand something implies some grasp of scope and size. And if you're continually working on toy problems, you'll never encounter problems of the appropriate scope or issues of scale.

So that's kind of what people mean when they say you need to work with something complex. To understand a complex system is to know which parts are important and which aren't and at which levels of examination.

I post one answer to all the posts

That's pretty elitist. You seem to confuse "coder" with "computer scientist" or "software engineer".

As the ecosystem of toolsets, frameworks and libraries mature, the number of opportunities for well-informed "commoners" with the right motivation to make computers do what they want them to increases violently.

Lemma 1: Simple CRUD-style web-apps and scripts can be very useful.

Lemma 2: Before-mentioned tools can be build to a perfectly serviceable standard without a comprehensive understanding of computer science.

These two combined suggests that the author can indeed be a perfectly productive and effective creator of computer programs. I see no reason "coder" isn't a perfectly good title for such a person.

> That's pretty elitist.

I think its accurate, not "elitist".

> You seem to confuse "coder" with "computer scientist" or "software engineer".

The claim was that the experience provided a broad foundation with regard to "software development". That is a broad field. Lots of experience in CRUD-style web apps isn't a broad base for "software development" generally, its a narrow (but potentially deep within that narrow domain) base.

That's not to say its not a useful base, but its not broad. Also note that the response in GP to the claim of a broad base -- while pointing out that it was not broad -- also wasn't judgemental in way which justifies the claim of elitism. It explicitly recognized the project as great and encouraged continuing from there.

> These two combined suggests that the author can indeed be a perfectly productive and effective creator of computer programs. I see no reason "coder" isn't a perfectly good title for such a person.

Nothing in GP was contrary to these points, so you seem to be arguing against things no one said.

I don't mean to nitpick, but I think you misread. She specifically said it hasn't given her a comprehensive understanding.

Haha, not sure that qualifies as a "nit" given that it invalidates their point entirely ... :)

I don't usually comment... ...but man, you are a jerk.

She's becoming a coder, not a computer scientist.

And calling her work 'niche', then linking to a guy raving about Datomic, something that is even MORE niche?

Man... I'm wasting my time calling you out.

It can be hard to see if you spend a lot of time in web dev, but he is 100% correct. You confused about what computer scientists are. Think about this, some of the best computer scientists in the world would have difficulty passing fizzbuzz, let alone engineer large projects. Computer science != software engineering

What she did is a niche, but linking to another niche is the whole point, not a counter-argument to what he said. The idea is to expand your view of programming, not spit on things that aren't in your field.

Remember you told me to tell you when you were acting 'rudely and insensitively'? Remember that? You're doing it right now.

She said that it -has not- given her a comprehensive understanding of software development, not that it has.

Also agree with the other comments, this is pretty elitist. There's just no reason to comment and say, "well I'm not impressed".

Except that I said I am.

I post one answer to all the posts

What the heck are you talking about? C'mon man...

It might not be a "broad foundation" but I think it is a "broad foundation to jump off of".

The foundation I jumped off of was being able to edit numbers in GORILLAS.BAS to change the size of the explosions.

I am going to answer here so I address everyone from one single place (some sort of DRY for answers)

Web development has not become the equivalent of software development. There are multiple other areas, Web development is currently a good entry point for self tough people, but not the only either. I know a lot of people that start with VBA macros in Excel.

Let me put it this way: I learned how to change the brake pads in my car. Then I decided that I was going to change the brake pads in 100 different car brands and models, so I did. Can I call my self a car mechanic? Nope, not even a brake specialist because I am forgetting a lot of other pieces and mechanism. But I can make a career out of it, fast brake maintenance.

Now I see someone that has the stamina, the admirable dedication to actually go through it, so I see someone that has the ability to go much further than the average guy. Tease her, give her some pointers and directions, if she likes challenges, challenge her to go more out there.

It is easy to sit back and clap at an accomplishment, and is no small accomplishment in this case. But she is thirsty for more, challenge her to more!!!... unless you don't know where that more is because the belief that web development is all there is to it

Some areas of web design is programming... JavaScript, server side, and a long etc certainly are. HTML is document painting. It is important, it requires some serious skills, skills that for that matter I don't have, but HTML is not programming because there are no conditionals, no loops. The basics building blocks in programming are those. If this hurts, I am honestly sorry, but you have 2 options, either react in anger (which is a secondary feeling, and you need to see what feeling is the primary), or research what else is there and maybe you will learn a thing or 2. HTML plus JavaScript it is programming, HTML and some CSS can be stretched to call it programming

Elitist? Confusing with "Computer Scientist"? I was just giving some pointers into other areas of software development. I did not mention Discrete mathematics, set theory, compiler construction, semantic analysis, etc, etc, etc. Those are areas for a Computer Scientist, and putting her against that can become discouraging instead of challenging, but then again, another computer scientist would have known that, wouldn't he?

If all that you see about Rich is Datatomic and Clojure, then you are missing a lot. Simple vs. Easy is more what I am talking about, or functions as the thing that make data time travel, aha! that can change the way you think about software development. That is programming BBQ, not HTML salad.

If you don't know what I am talking about... Google meet my friend here, friend meet Google. If there is something where she is above is that she took a challenge and meet it

What the original article did is nothing short of amazing... so much accomplished, so much stamina, so much potential. She claim that she wants to jump off... well, I mention a few pools where she can dive in

And finally... what is the difference between a jerk and tough love? can you recognize when you see it? There is really no absolute answer, but if you write it and read it back, you have a chance to see the color of the glasses that are in front of your eyes

> And finally... what is the difference between a jerk and tough love? can you recognize when you see it?


> It is important, it requires some serious skills, skills that for that matter I don't have

> But she is thirsty for more, challenge her to more!!!... unless you don't know where that more is because the belief that web development is all there is to it

Here's a thought exercise: what if you don't know were she should go because of your belief that her goals should align with yours?

maybe it's a language issue, but the weird paternalism in this post is making me queasy

Congratulations, Jennifer. I really appreciate the lessons learned here.

Like my favorite college professor (and I'm sure many others, as it is a fairly popular quote) would say: Sometimes you have something that looks really ugly and gross. You can liken it to having to eat a slimy, bumpy frog. The best way to eat the frog, is just to swallow it. Once you get in the habit of swallowing your frogs, the rest of your day looks great.

I think I'm going to apply the 180 small projects in 180 days to many different ideas. For example, I enjoy cooking. I will probably start a project to cook one meal from every country on earth every day for ~180 (196) days. I've done it so far on weekends, but I think speeding the tempo will help significantly. It forces me to practice, saves me $$ I would otherwise spend eating out, and grows my spice cabinet.

Who knows, I might continue it with bread, websites, meditation, or whatever else.

I love the idea of exploring the cuisine of other countries in a systematic way! Besides being super delicious, what a fun way to share a learning experience with family and friends.

I linked this above, but it's so directly relevant to your idea that I thought I should re-link it here: check out the Julie/Julia project, which was one woman doing approximately the same thing with cooking, albeit on a more focused topic:


(As a side note, I love this idea, and would cheerfully jump into doing it myself were I not already rather overcommitted... From having cooked various world food banquets, I can tell you that you'll learn a HELL of a lot very quickly from doing this. Great idea: blog it!)

You know, I might as well throw it up on a blog. I need writing practice, photography practice, food shopping practice and cooking practice. It also helps keep me motivated!

Thanks for the Julie/Julia project link. I have been considering going through Thomas Keller's great books in a similar way as well. I have Bouchon Bakery, and I've made probably 20% of what's in there. I haven't found anything that disappoints yet.

My writing skills have improved dramatically in the last six months of forced blog writing. I also really like having the record of my thoughts throughout the project. Even though blogging wasn't strictly necessary for learning to code, I'm really glad I decided to do it.

Cooool. Oddly, Keller was the person who sprang to mind for me too.

If you do this, definitely blog it and let me know - hughhancock on Twitter - I'd love to read about how it goes.

> Oddly, Keller was the person who sprang to mind for me too.

Then you will probably enjoy http://carolcookskeller.blogspot.co.uk/ whose author made every single recipe in the French Laundry Cookbook. (Good writing, too.)

If you haven't seen it yet, you'd probably appreciate this (or perhaps this was the inspiration for your comment in the first place):


Basically, someone doing the cooking thing, but on a weekly basis. She only has 6 weeks left. Pretty awesome site.

I had not seen it! Thank you for sharing. This is pretty awesome.

Dunno how good a coder she is, but she has it locked down as a marketer. How many HN #1s this woman has?!

The project was an awesome undertaking, and completing it successfully is brilliant. Jennifer clearly has an aptitude for taking an idea for a small website from conception to completion quickly. That's a heck of a skill.

But it's not a skill that makes a good web developer. Web development is, in the most part, the easiest kind of development. In 15 years of doing this stuff I can state with some authority that 99% of websites are simple CRUD applications. Web development doesn't challenge your coding skills much. Occasionally it does, but only if you get in to either a product company or an agency that does fun things. Most don't.

The most important skills for a web developer are the ability to talk to a client, see a good solution based on an existing platform (Wordpress, Magento, Pyro, Backbone, etc), and implement it in an organised and maintainable way. Skills most coders see as dull. Spend the next 180 days learning how to do the "boring" side of business analysis, project management, simple admin stuff and then you'll be a brilliant web developer. Most of the people in the industry are terrible at that stuff.

>>>But it's not a skill that makes a good web developer. Web development is, in the most part, the easiest kind of development. In 15 years of doing this stuff I can state with some authority that 99% of websites are simple CRUD applications. Web development doesn't challenge your coding skills much. Occasionally it does, but only if you get in to either a product company or an agency that does fun things. Most don't.

Quite baseless, actually. While you just think web development as general CRUD but there are many aspects of web development that are challenging. It might not challenge you for smart algorithms, low level optimizations, or a clever recursion but what about a elegant UI, thinking about user experience, optimizing server performance, reducing page load time and many more.

Saying that "X programming is easy, real programming is Y" is a bit immature to be honest.

>>Web development is, in the most part, the easiest kind of development. In 15 years of doing this stuff I can state with some authority that 99% of websites are simple CRUD applications. Web development doesn't challenge your coding skills much. Occasionally it does, but only if you get in to either a product company or an agency that does fun things. Most don't.

I understand what you're trying to say in your post as a whole, but I hate the part I quoted because it comes across as extremely elitist, so much so that it takes away from your overall message. It's sort of odd because it perpetuates the weird hierarchy within the software development industry, where assembly coders look down upon C developers, who look down upon C++ developers, who look down upon C# developers, who look down upon web developers, and so on.

I think the coolest thing about watching the project is that some of the ideas are like, actually good ideas. Maybe not huge ideas, but they're good ideas. I especially like Open Note. I always thought the bottleneck for Jennifer would be thinking of 180 ideas in time to make them into websites, but nope!

I really like Open Note as well and it's definitely on the table for a more fleshed out reboot in the coming weeks.

Toward the end of the project, I started having trouble coming up with ideas that I could do in just one day. I started getting really excited about building bigger, more involved projects. That's when I knew 180 days was exactly the right time-frame for the project.

The fact that she achieved her goal is just amazing enough...but this quote from the OP leaves me even more awestruck:

> Keep coding! The end of my 180 websites in 180 days project marks the beginning of the rest of my life as a coder. The project certainly hasn’t given me a comprehensive understanding of software development, but it has laid a broad foundation for me to jump off of. I plan to work on a couple of more complex websites that take more than a day to complete.

I know people who've taken a semester basic web dev class, built a few sites, and already think they've got a handle on things. Jennifer made so many things, in so many ways, that she's learned not just how to build websites, but that she still has a lot to learn.

A really stellar example for web devs of all skill levels.

Wow, this is the total opposite of me. I just spent weeks setting up the perfect development environment, instead of getting actual work done. I need to rethink the way I work.

I would have done the same thing. Her ability to keep focused sends to be pretty incredible.

Whhen i first started coding, i thought i had to go revisit all my math classes that i had forgotten. Still i have that same problem. When picking up a new api or something, instead of learning just how to use it quickly, i end up trying to learn a lot of its nuances first :S

I feel you there buddy, gotta get the whole (yeoman, bower, grunt, angularjs, batarang, postman, karma, typescript, git, git deployment, ci, visual studio support, assorted js librariers) setup ready to kick some ass.

You are getting work done ;). Getting used to tools is what you are both doing. Just differently. But yes, dig in now!

Sounds like you already have a job in development. I wouldn't worry too much if that's the case. :)

This is incredible. I've been coding for more than 10 years and have been going incredibly slow, only coding when having a good idea. I just wish I had the time to do this to learn node.js and backbone...

There's always time! Wake up an hour earlier, get more disciplined, stay up an hour later, reorganize a weekend to squeeze in a few more hours there.

If you truly want to learn something, you can make the time for it. I went from being a PHP programmer, to learning Scheme, to learning Erlang, to learning Haskell, to now looping back and leveling up on my Mathematics education and writing abilities (all while holding full-time jobs, building a startup, etc...)

Next up is learning how to design websites artistically (I'm not a designer!). Learning how to sketch, combine colors, make vector graphics, etc...

I learned that in life, you only don't have time if you don't make time for it. Don't take it the wrong way; For all I know, you might be saving the world behind the scenes.

Okay now build an e-commerce web site that can handle thousands of transactions on a daily basis and can talk to internal systems like CRM, warehousing, and manufacturing.

I'll be honest here. Coding was fun when I was young, but now I code for the money. So stay young Ms. Dewalt - don't become a cynical bastard like me (us?).

I really hope I'll have the good fortune of being able to continue making things I'm passionate about. If the day comes where I find I'm not doing something I love, I'll have to start thinking about doing 180 of something else.

How about no? It's great that you've built a webshop handling thousands of transactions a day (it's cute, you say that almost like "thousands per days" is a big number), but it's not like that is some universal rite of acceptance into the ranks of those worthy to write code.

Maybe you should try to address the fact that you don't enjoy your job rather than projecting your misery onto the rest of us? I, for one, throughly enjoy making computers do things to solve problems (of which coding is a component).

Evidence of why I tend to lurk on HackerNews. Some of you lot are insufferable sometimes.

Agreed. This tendency has been really noticeable lately. No constructive criticism, no insight or analysis. Just pure negativity.

I really think that what OP did is great and very few people could have done something similar.

Some of the insanely pretentious people on here drive me crazy. It's like the guy who sat next to you in class and always derailed class with someone inane humblebrag or argument with a professor or classmate.

It's like a lifelong inferiority complex that manifests as the need to constantly promote yourself and never be happy for anyone else.

One quote springs to mind, given Jennifer's background as an artist, and the fact that key to her success has been finishing things and releasing them to the world, over and over again:

"Real artists ship." - Steve Jobs

I seriously wish I could do this. Does she ever talk about how it's possible for her to afford to do this? 10 hours a day learning sounds great but really isn't feasible for (I'm guessing) a very large majority of people.

I saved up some money so I could take the time to learn to code full time. I'm single and I eat a lot of ramen noodles.

One way I've heard personal/professional development described is as follows: "You have two jobs (three if you have a family). You put in ~40 hours/week for your employer, and ~20 hours/week for yourself. In those 20 hours, you work on yourself (both physically and mentally). Exercise, read books, learn new things, develop new skills, improve yourself. Ten hours per day is probably not realistic if you work full time (unless you can overlap your time somehow). An hour before and after work, along with some free time on the weekends should be enough to get started.

She coded an iOS app called ruHot in 2009. Lot's of dedication getting 180 sites done in 180 days. Not a whole lot of dedication to honesty though.

I drew the graphics for the splash screen and donated my iPhone to the cause. My two friends did the coding.

Give her some time and she will eventually create a simple app that blows up. Obviously, she is extremely disciplined, focused, creative and most importantly, she has a story (fully documented)... and the press eats this shit up.

This is really impressive, not just the speed and quality of the learning, but the stamina!

It's cool and inspiring, but having clicked through some of the sites I think it is actually an arts project, rather than an attempt at learning coding. As an art installation it works very well, and Jennifer said she is an artist originally, so I suspect that is what is really behind it.

I'd reconsider learning coding that way, though, because too many sites seem to have little enduring value. I suspect by tackling a "deeper" project for 180 days one could learn coding just as well, but have more to show for. Unless you are an artist, in which case this result is great.

The most inspiring aspect for me is actually the sticking to a plan for 180 days.

Inspiring. I definitely have a tendency to try to do everything at once n my private projects. I'm using 2 week deadlines to help me keep focus, but after those two weeks, I've got a few features of the project, not the entire thing.

Getting a finished thing out the door every day would be a tremendous challenge. With my background, I should easily be able to do a single website in a single day, but I don't think I've ever done that (I've done it in 3 days once).

Maybe I'll give this a try. Maybe just for two weeks. 8 simple but finished sites.

It's a great start.

Jennifer has started her journey with a bootstrap training. Now she has to learn, try, apply, fail and success again and again. After years with failed gigs, succeeded gigs, great works , bad works, half works, long works, short works and many other types of works done looking back and seeing what a rookie she was, she will laugh and tell herself, "Shoot why did I ever started this career" :) Nope just joking. She will just tell herself "I was zero then and still approaching 1"

Well done Jennifer. Good luck on your new journey.

I'm reluctant to reference a scene from a film because it seems too cliche. But it's analogically relevant so here it is (Matrix: Neo vs Morpheus):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j82GKTgVDkw (check the relevant quotes down below)

it's relevant because what we do on the Web is virtual. What we create for others to experience and use can seem magical. Every time someone creates a new product, a previously unthought-of experience, we're baffled, in awe. We're in shock even though we live a bit at the forefront of development (relatively). We feel empowered knowing that the Web is the one place we can potentially be Batman.

What she set herself to do is grandiose and beyond what she thought to be capable of doing. Yet she shook off the negative inner chatter and kept trucking along. So I think there's something positive to learn from this for all of us.

The work we do as product developers will always have a mundane or labor intensive component. This is where most of us take the "perseverance cap" off and start procrastinating. Not all the work is going to be fun and exciting. But the reward is awesome and packed with a healthy dose of endorphin.

Relevant quotes:

* Don't think you are; know you are!

* Come on! Stop trying to hit me and hit me!

* do you think that's air you're breathing now?

* Do you really think me being strong or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place?

I am wondering how does this compare to attending a university's semester? (I am saying semester and not course since 180 days are 6 months)

Please don't answer with the obvious "she didn't study algorithms or computation complexity", we all know she didn't. I am asking about the core issue.

I would encourage her to try things other than web development. Make a desktop application, or a program in C, or do some performance coding on an embedded system, or write a webserver from scratch, or wrestle with writing a program with multiple threads. You might say this is too much to expect from a beginner, but no one would have said that 20 years ago. It only seems hard because of how easy web development is today.

Nowadays we have so much scaffolding to work from that it's easy to mistake results for software engineering skill. Many of these projects are mash-ups.

I do admire her dedication, it's a rare quality, but I can't help but think this is the easy way out. Or maybe I'm just getting old.

It's getting difficult to justify coding anything else, though.

Yeah, web development is certainly in high demand, but I think the experience in other domains would make a better programmer overall.

No it isn't.

There are a lot of things to do that have value that aren't web. There are a lot of things to do that you can be paid for that aren't web. There is some overlap. If it's hard to justify working on any of these things, the parent is going to have to explain why.

Mention some of those things, then.

I suppose programming Microcontrollers for appliances, but I have never seen job postings for that (although they must exist). Might be because I didn't look at C jobs, though.

What I meant is also that most apps these days can be coded as web apps, and it is difficult to justify not doing so.

Well, I'm working in HFT - not very many exchanges speak HTTP.

Web browser tech itself quite obviously can't all be built as a web app.

A lot of things could be built as a web app but it's plain silly to - I don't want to lose access to my text editor when I lose networking (I could run a server on my local machine, but that's several layers of abstraction that clearly aren't necessary and I'm not confident they're helpful).

To be sure, there are lots of things where a web app is quite appropriate - but a view that that's all there is seems myopic.

I'd argue those are pretty niche. I certainly wouldn't focus on browser development unless I worked for one of the three or four big browser vendors.

Text editors have been moved onto the web, and probably more and more text editing is being done online, for example in Wordpress blogs.

Nothing against "native" text editors, but again, how promising would it be to start out developing a new text editor these days? It still happens, but it is rare enough to get the top HN slot when it happens.

Here's a secret - the vast majority of programming done in this world is "niche" for some niche, web and non-web. It doesn't mean the relevant skills are niche.

Non-tech BA/PM dude. This is the more inspirational (or actionable / get my ass off and just get some projects loping around in my head done) that is bookmarked vs all of the brain-dump 100x links of "how to" build _x.

The semantic argument of "coder" | "programmer" | :developer" | "computer scientist"| versus "built some cool stuff in ~1/2 a year, and now am continuing the journey", is hilarious in juxtaposition of "everyone should code" as a meme or call to arms.

So, should only specific persons of an aptitude to sophistry be admitted as "positive" related to "learning to code"?

I found learning to code a little like putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle. You can grab one tile and study it very carefully, but it’s not going to tell you very much about where it goes or how the whole puzzle looks. You’ve got to start collecting a bunch of tiles and piecing them together for you start to get the big picture.

This is quite interesting. I think I do this sometimes. When I started working in finance and I remember getting really confused about how people use the word 'exposure'. Looking back it feels like I obsessed too much over one piece of the jigsaw.

I too have went a similar journey - I went from my first programming job as a junior frontend dev to senior frontend dev (with full stack capabilities) in ~10 months. I'm pretty happy to see that someone else has taken the initiative to learn & grow.

Does it matter that she had help? No, the end goal is what matters. Some public acknowledgement would probably be good as a thanks to those who have helped her, but I don't view it as a huge deal - that is between her and them, and they are probably savvy enough to come forward if they want to.

If I may ask, what skills and how many projects did you have when you joined as a junior?

This reminds me of a recent story on China's twitter alike website. A girl (actually a model) decided to start learning python. She kept posting progress, asking questions and sometimes a photo of her. A ton of coders followed, gave advice and answered the questions everyday. One month or two later the girl became someone's girl friend. He is probably the only non-coder guy among those followers.

Thanks, my years of steady learning seems so lackluster now :P

Ryan --- http://www.radiumcrm.com

Please post your resume on LinkedIn and stop talking about you ! The motto is "stop talking, start doing". What you did is not extraordinary, you just had time to lose and that's what you did. Basically you just procrastinated 180 days. If you want to code, then do useful applications, not another tic tac toe.

I wish I could create awesome things via copy and paste. They almost always seem to come out awfully wrong.

I think I'm more mentally wired to learn things incrementally, than to act as a a prism as Jennifer has done, so gloriously in 180 days.

Thank you for sharing this, I think HN has needed something like this.

Very impressed with the notion as a whole and indeed some of the 1 day projects.

I'd be very interested to see how you would adjust to a "professional" web development environment. I suspect well.

If you are ever in London looking for a job give me a shout.

The idea of more fine art people moving into coding is definitely exciting for me.

I've been trying to encourage my friends in the sciences to learn code too. We'll definitely all benefit from the expanded perspectives.

Hey Jen, did you ever do a blog post on your hosting setup for 180 websites which mix simple html/css/js + Rails + Node? That would make an interesting blog post too.

I haven't written anything about it but I will definitely consider it. That would be a good way for me to fully internalize how the stack actually works. I bet I've come across a few weird things given my unconventional use, too.

Jennifer, did you documented your journey? It could out sell some of the big names in the training niche. If you documented then would you like to share that with HN community please?


Thanks. When she was at 115 days, she wrote a blog post and it pretty much summarises her learning path.


It will be really interesting to see how Jennifer manages the transition from learning to working in the industry. Hopefully she will update us on that part of the journey.

Good luck!

This is very inspiring and makes believe I can do it now. Thank you for sharing and thank you even more for the discipline it took you to do this.

Very good stuff. Don't let up!

Congrats to Jennifer. Much respect.

Fantastic commitment. Gives me inspiration to roll up my sleeves and start my next project.

Major props goes out to Jennifer. I agree. The best way to learn is to JFDI. Good stuff!

Awesome, someone needs to make 180 Android apps within 180 days now. :)

Congratulations on getting the 180 websites done.

That's just down right cool

Too bad it is most likely not true! But it's a down right cool PR move

Why do you say that?

Because it's completely unrealistic that a person who has no programming experience, even worse even no basic HTML experience will have familiarity with a Gemfile, how to hide access keys from a repository, etc.

If you think that that information is something you can understand, internalize and actually make work in less than 5 days you're delusional.

It doesn't say she understands it, could just be a copy paste from a tutorial right?

I highly doubt that. When I first started programming it took me upwards of a day to have a simple Windows Form that had two textboxes and displayed a Message Box saying "Hello" + textBox1.Text + " and " + textBox2.Text. Even copy and pasting didn't work.

Perhaps the state of tutorials and online help (stack overflow etc) are much better than in your day. I know they are compared to mine.

Perhaps she coppied the whole project and then just went back through it, changing things and if they didn't work reverted.

where you here when the last post was dropped?

Inspiring. Thank you.


Her ability to attract attention was remarkable. She should become a marketer or spokesperson, not a coder.

I'm curious why you think she should become a marketer? While she's clearly been able to gain attention (a key part of a marketer's job), she has also proven to be a self-starter, capable of learning new, complex things, and can communicate effectively (at least in written word). These are skills and traits that can take you far in any profession, provided you have at least a basic aptitude in the field (which Jennifer clearly demonstrates).

Your ability to be a dick is remarkable. You should be a mall cop, not a coder.

Careful champ - that was not necessarily a snarky comment. A more charitable reading would be that the andyl thinks that the OP could make more money / have a better career by focusing on what is clearly an intuitive gift that is highly valued in the employment market...

The phrase "not a coder" at the end of the comment signals snark pretty heavily. Suggesting that someone who spent the last 180 days coding should not be a coder is a very rude and dismissive. The OP could have easily praised her marketing savvy without suggesting she should not be a coder.

>The OP could have easily praised her marketing savvy without suggesting she should not be a coder.

If someone is training to become a janitor and they have excellent marketing skills, it would not be rude to say he/she/it should not be a janitor and should be a marketer instead. You are trying so desperately to be offended by something that doesn't have to be offensive.

Nailed it

Slow down chief. GP's point might have been strong but no need to jump to insults.

Can we please leave the reddit at reddit?

Wow sport. A little angry and quick to judge?

She's certainly publicized her project well, but so do lots of people. I think the attention that she's garnered from this is mostly because what she's done is really cool and shows incredible initiative and dedication.

It's amazing how people are reacting to this.

Why? This is an incredible non-sequitir.

She attracted attention to the fact that she was developing a high number of experiments in a short time. The coding aspect was intrinsic to get the attention.

I don't think her ability to get her work known would translate well to getting other people's creations known. Anyway, everyone ought to know how to market themselves, or suffer at the whims of those who do.

Maybe she's better at marketing than coding - I don't know I haven't followed her project too closely.

But I think she's likely already demonstrated enough to land a junior front-end gig somewhere. Along with a work ethic and learning ability, she'll produce in that role.

It seems that people took that comment negatively but I read it as a complement. She is a good writer, presents herself well, and could also be a marketer or spokesperson.

If someone is better at x than y, it doesn't mean they are bad at x, especially if they are very good at y.

there really is no place for negativity, especially about such an awesome project

This is like watching some n0ob at the gym do warm up reps with my maximum weight. I'm impressed, inspired even, but also feeling like I'm underachieving. Good for her.

So to continue the analogy, she will now get bored with it and move on to the next interesting thing. Don't feel bad unless she continues at that pace for the next 5 years.

It's easy to be excited about something new. It's not so easy to be excited when you've picked all of the low hanging fruit and you have to do the dirty work for a living.

I'm confused about the word Coder. I have found most website developement is just following directions, and memorizing a lot of man made terms.

If you put out a lot of ROR websites, or write Java scripts you can call yourself a "Coder", but I still feel that the term Coder belongs to Programmers. I can put up a website, but programming from scratch, is beyond my attention span, and maybe intellect?

I don't know why we need to glamorize the things we learn in life: Coder=website developer, automotive technician=mechanic. I once hade a girlfriend refer to herself as a Professional Photographer, but she never took a picture without moving from the little square setting.

She was beyond irritating at dinner.

I appalaud this woman. I applaud the person who paid for the apartment. I'm still a bit skeptical though. I have a feeling she might have had a live in coach? I'm sorry, but I've met too many people who leave out details. As I once told a customer, I've never net a women who was interested in reballing a Nvida Chip in a faulty motherboard.

Save, any masoginistic claims. It's more about our society, and the need, or quest for a title in life. "What do you do?" is played out, and trite. I've known peope who spend their whole life looking for a title. You will probably have many titles in life if you took a few chances.

So if you ever bump into me in a bar please don't ask me, "What do you do?" I might respond by throwing up on your trendy Sneakers?

Coder != website developer, methinks. There is a world beyond the web, after all.

At any rate, the word "coder" is just so... ugh... you may as well get right to the point and simply refer to yourself as a brogrammer. "Coder", "coding", all of that, it just sounds so wannabe-hip. I cannot possibly be the only person who feels that way.

"Coding" has history:


code 2. v. To write code. In this sense, always refers to source code rather than compiled. “I coded an Emacs clone in two hours!” This verb is a bit of a cultural marker associated with the Unix and minicomputer traditions (and lately Linux); people within that culture prefer v. ‘code’ to v. ‘program’ whereas outside it the reverse is normally true.

Thanks for the background. I understand that there is more to "coding"/"coder" than I implied, it's just seems that the words have become so appropriated that I now instantly associate them with the whole "brogrammer" thing.

Well, I'm gonna try to hang on to it; it's what my parents used when I was growing up.

Lucky you :)

I certainly have no trouble understanding why you'd never net a women. No, hint of masoginy there at all.

A truly excellent reply, refuting all of the GP's argument with a simple, and effective, ad hominem! I applaud you, non-sarcastically.

His argument is fine. I was just ribbing his style. Most women would have the good sense to go buy a new freaking motherboard.

This is so far beyond couture and glam-show that it's ineffable how lame it is. HN, grow up. Lets see hacking posts, not posts by "hacks."

Really? HN is full of fluff, and this post is decidedly un-fluffy.

If a man did this, would it generate the same publicity? I am genuinely wondering, I'm not trying to troll.

Yes and no, depending on your metric. If you look at it from the "hobbyist does cool hobby thing, gets a lot of upvotes" then yes. But if you look at it from the "minority does X cool thing" then the answer is no.

I think there is some novelty that gender is being wrapped up into this. But I don't think a man doing the same thing would be completely ignored.

I'm in the middle of studying a foreign language, so I am quite sympathetic to the "must do something every day" challenge. Man or woman it's quite commendable, no matter how small the feat.

I didn't notice person was women until I started reading posts in HN. Why bring gender when others are discussing method of learning?

I know I'm changing this by posting, but heh.


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