Exactly. The entire reason Git was created is because a proprietary version control platform (BitKeeper) was given too much trust and power over Free Software projects, which it inevitably abused.
The whole point of Git is that you don't have to surrender control. GitHub is just another BitKeeper. If you really want a Web interface there's Gitorious (which has been around longer than GitHub) and GitLab.
The number of Git-backed Wikis, bug trackers, filesystems, etc. is huge too, judging by the New Packages I see in aptitude every few weeks.
Hey, i'm the creator of RhodeCode, we're still open source, the whole core is still GPLv3. It's stated in our header of the enterprise release: https://rhodecode.com/enterprise.
The whole point of Git is that you don't have to surrender control. GitHub is just another BitKeeper. If you really want a Web interface there's Gitorious (which has been around longer than GitHub) and GitLab.
The number of Git-backed Wikis, bug trackers, filesystems, etc. is huge too, judging by the New Packages I see in aptitude every few weeks.