Supposing A-series chip performance continues to improve at the rate it has been, how long until an Apple TV with the then-current high-end A chip puts games on a TV of the same quality as current-gen video game systems? What about next-gen?
While it's far from a complete measure of performance, one data point is that the PS4 GPU is capable of 1.84 tflops, the 5s GPU is capable of 76.8 gflops, only ~4.2% the throughput of the PS4.
The GPU in the PS4 is, essentially, an Nvidia 7900-class GPU. Anandtech recently did a comparison of old PC GPUs to current SOCs and the results are surprisingly close. I'd imagine Snapdragon 800 and Oscar close the gap considerably.
edit: I'm stuck in past. This comment is about PS3 not PS4.