you're basically saying you're lazy but don't want to admit it and possibly jealous of this kid who worked hard.
>Again, I think the schools need to figure out how to get more kids engaged.
It's upto the kid to be responsible and learn things. If they don't care and just want to fuck bitches, then it's his problem. You seem to have a big resentment against your teachers but it's your problem that you're lazy.
I don't see how you could come to the conclusion that I'm jealous because he worked hard. I have been praising the kid in every post I make. Also, I think calling him a genius is doing an injustice to the work that he put in to get the attention of MIT and the author of this article. It's as if calling him a genius explains everything and suggests that he has some sort of natural ability that other kids can't touch.
"Sorry, son, your friend is a genius and you aren't, there's nothing you can do about it, now go back to plowing the field."
Screw that, I think lots of kids have this potential, they just haven't been helped to find the beginning of the path.
As for me being lazy, maybe when I was in the K12 system. Today I'm self taught, work from home freelance programmer. Aside from shipping code all day, I have had to keep my skills relevant for the years I have been doing this. I'm able to make my way doing this without living in my parent's basement. I would say that makes me an expert at laziness and procrastination. Everyone has these problems at times, but I have dealing with them down to a science, or I would literally starve. Nobody will wait for me to get around to getting my work done, if I'm not making reasonable progress, then I get replaced. There is zero job security for a freelancer.
I suppose in some ways that makes me a bit like this kid. So, I'm rooting for him. I hope he gets into MIT. I also hope that other kids don't take that genius thing seriously and realize that they could do the same thing if they put in the effort.
Also, while I hated the K12 system, I loved my teachers. I can credit many of them for the successes I have had in life. The overall system still sucks though.
I thought he was wondering if by labeling children 'geniuses' we assume that their achievements are beyond the reach of others.
This boy is most certainly special, but if we can figure out why he's so capable we may be able to replicate this for every child. Imagine an army of little kids, each having the opportunity to follow what they're best at and what they like the most. On the other hand, if the experience is not replicable, we can celebrate him as a talented human being and leave it at that.
>Again, I think the schools need to figure out how to get more kids engaged.
It's upto the kid to be responsible and learn things. If they don't care and just want to fuck bitches, then it's his problem. You seem to have a big resentment against your teachers but it's your problem that you're lazy.