Cheers, that looks really interesting. I usually use pythonxy[0] nowadays on operating systems without package managers, but I'll give that a go next time.
You can actually install it alongside Python(x,y), though I get you don't need two Python installs. But at least you can experiment with some of Anaconda's interesting features, without breaking Python(x,y).
One reason I find Sage cumbersome is that it forces me to have many things installed twice; once standalone, once as part of Sage: Scipy, IPython, Numpy... Sage should figure out a way of using dependencies, like any other package.
blutack, I apologize for the trouble you got with EPD. If you can spare a few minutes to explain me the pb, I will try to understand what went wrong (see my HN page for contact)
I also had a bad experience with Enthought EPD which resulted in a weirdly broken system python.