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Nars2000: An Experimental(open source) APL Interpreter (nars2000.org)
11 points by mindaugas on May 30, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

"J is a modern APL dialect with ASCII characters."

It is a great language, but not Open Source. Hard to commit to a closed source language these days.

EDIT: If anyone knows of an open source equivalent to J (apl like , ascii characters) , please submit a URL here. I'd love to poke around its innards to see how it worked.

Take a look at famous "J prototype" source inspired by Arthur Whitney.


amuse yourself :)

"Take a look at famous "J prototype" source"

thanks! Anyone know where I can find "An Implementation of J" from which the source fragment is extracted?

I stumbled upon this a while back and was quite taken by it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nial

J is a modern APL dialect with ASCII characters.


I prefer q/k ASCII APL dialect from kx systems[kx.com], it's not open source, but they released kdb+ free personal edition to play with.

kdb+ free personal edition to play with

which drops state and restarts every two hours.

then there is kdb+ terminal on https://code.kx.com But I admit - restarts are annoying.

I wonder, but am too lazy to check, if this can be circumvented by changing kernel jiffy definition. K has to get the time from somewhere.

Honestly I have no idea...

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