This is not aimed at you, but at your wording. Controlling parents keeping their children isolated inside their own bubble, safely ensconced away from undesirable beliefs, classes and ethnicities, should take care not to be deluded that what they are offering their children is 'freedom'.
Well, what you write certainly isn't aimed at me, because I don't do any of "keeping their children isolated inside their own bubble, safely ensconced away from undesirable beliefs, classes and ethnicities" in my culturally diverse, community-involved, intellectually curious homeschooling family. Most homeschooling families I know, and I know hundreds all around the United States, resemble my open and free family life more than they resemble your caricature of some unknown anecdote you've encountered.
There is the homeschoolers that you know, and then there is the families you encounter in "Jesus Camp". I have no idea how to get around the Dunning-Kruger effect, but to ignore is is dishonest. I haven't made up my mind about the Amish and Hasid communities either.
FTA: The blueprint still used for today’s schools was developed during the Protestant Reformation, when schools were created to teach children to read the Bible, to believe scripture without questioning it, and to obey authority figures without questioning them.
So the worst case of homeschooling is better than the ideal model of public education? As long as we're on the topic of cultish practices, I'm not very comfortable with an institution that forces its "pupils" to pledge allegiance to flag on a daily basis. I hypothesize that people who are against homeschooling pledged to flags many of times, and are probably incapable of forming opinions that aren't regurgitated to them from a figure of authority. It's just a hypothesis.
> The blueprint still used for today’s schools was developed during the Protestant Reformation, when schools were created to teach children to read the Bible, to believe scripture without questioning it, and to obey authority figures without questioning them.
Not the most authoritative resource, but the provided bibliography is at least impressive.
> I hypothesize that people who are against homeschooling pledged to flags many of times, and are probably incapable of forming opinions that aren't regurgitated to them from a figure of authority.
> I hypothesize that people who are against homeschooling pledged to flags many of times
There are other countries besides the US you know... we don't pledge to any flag in Australia, and I'm certainly not "incapable of forming opinions that aren't regurgitated to them from a figure of authority" which funnily enough seems like an opinion regurgitated to you from a figure of authority :P
I'm not against home schooling per say, I'm against idiots teaching kids poorly. This is the dilemma we have.
Just because it is "representative" does not make it an evil source. The driving force behind the stupidity is not home schooling but the faith that drives home schooling.
Peanut allergies are a real problem and kill lots of people. Do we ban peanuts and sue God? Is that the plan?
Considering I have no idea what he may or may not have said in another comment, either before or after my comment. I still don't think that his comment made any claims that it was representative.
I don't have the patience that you do. It must be the result of public schooling. ;)
I can't be bothered to speak about this topic with people, who like me, suffered public education. To suggest that state-wide/nationwide education-prison system isn't the best setup causes others to give me strange stares save the staunchest libertarians and anarchists.
The school system teaches us first and foremost that it is the best education system. I can't imagine an institution better designed for self-preservation than the current style of public education in the west.
> The school system teaches us first and foremost that it is the best education system.
Literally no one ever claimed that, or so much as implied that, a single year of my own public schooling. Or, for that matter, at my son's.
It's a good thing too, as it would have been obviously a flawed argument (we can't all be the "#1 School" so someone is not getting the best). Even the most clueless of administrators can figure out that the kids would figure that out.
Likewise I don't see PTA members going around with an agenda full of "NOTHING TO DO. THE SCHOOL IS PERFECT TODAY". So it seems to me that more than the libertarians and anarchists seem to agree that we don't yet have the best setup.
Don't get me wrong but I have to wonder where these strawmen come from. Surely there's enough actually wrong with public schooling today that we don't have to stoop to anthropomorphic analogies that are trivially provided counterexamples?
E.g. you could argue that public schools are probably bad for those who are talented but anti-authoritarian. I'm sure most of us could agree with that (even if we couldn't all think up proper solutions).
Literally no one ever claimed that, or so much as implied that, a single year of my own public schooling.
No one did imply it in their comments. People just tend to live this way.
Likewise I don't see PTA members going around with an agenda full of "NOTHING TO DO. THE SCHOOL IS PERFECT TODAY"
No. They complain about snacks and football practice. PTAs would never do something like band together and defy/take down the DoE. The schools just say that they're subordinate to it, and that is that. Next topic: are there enough emergency eye wash stations?
I was homeschooled (in Texas) and although my family was amazingly open-minded and intellectual, the vast vast majority of homeschool families we met were hyper-Christians who were homeschooling for religious reasons. Many of them were young-Earth creationist.
In my experience (homeschooled from about 7 to 17), there are at least two, both explicitly Christian, but one pretty far out there and one much more moderate. To be fair, this was in Kansas and Nebraska. I get along fine with everyone in the moderate group where I live, despite objectively big differences in beliefs.
I believe you 100%, but I find it hard to imagine how a single family can offer the diversity of experiences present in a public school. Do you have a way of addressing that?
I find it hard to imagine how a single family can offer the diversity of experiences present in a public school
Which is why my children meet children from many other families, and ADULTS from many other families, in their community activities. What they do in the outside world spans a much wider territory than the attendance area of our friendly local public schools, and exposes them to a lot of people who are of different ages besides just their own age plus or minus one year. (This is a general response that is true of most homeschooling families. More specifically about my own family, we have lived in two different countries since our oldest son was born, and he was all over the United States and even overseas for summer academic programs before he finished his secondary education.)
Yes I am sure in their community no children would ever fight in front of their parents, and they only meet up with their friends during homeschool hours. "Times up, junior, let's return to our cloister and shutter the windows for the night."
School is not the only place one finds romantic partners. As for fights, fisticuffs are not generally an accepted method of conflict resolution in the adult world anyway.
Fights and fighting aren't the way adults usually solve issues, but it's an important part of growing up (if for no other reason then learning that you've no taste for it).
I was not homeschooled, and I never fought, dated or slept with anyone in my school. So I would not really see these things are inherent to the public school in and of itself, but rather to the character of the individual in question.
The only diversity in experience I got in public school was seeing the full range of ways humans can be horrible to each other. The only positive is that I came out with no illusions that women were inherently more caring than men (the faculty was 100% women as far as I could tell). I guess K-12 did help nudge me toward egalitarianism. +1 for public education.
Speaking only from my own experience with kids who have been home schooled coming into our high school (either directly from primary school grades or partly into their high school years), I have yet to see one for whom that has worked out well (socially, emotionally or intellectually).
I suspect there might be a bit of selection bias going on with your lack of negative experiences.
There's also a Toupee Fallacy effect going on -- you never see a good looking toupee - because a good looking toupee is indistinguishable from real hair.
The same way, you will never notice normal homeschooling kids - because you will not know they were homeschooled. They will know the stigmas around homeschooling, and probably won't bring it up.
Oh for fuck sakes, your spin that homeschooling is mostly "culturally diverse, community-involved, and intellectually curious" is really getting old.
Even with your anecdotal assertions, do you really, really expect us to believe that you're unaware of the number of parents in this country who home-school their kids largely if not solely to prevent access to such dreaded concepts as, oh....evolution:
"Christian-based materials dominate a growing home-school education market that encompasses more than 1.5 million students in the U.S. And for most home-school parents, a Bible-based version of the Earth's creation is exactly what they want. Federal statistics from 2007 show 83% of home-schooling parents want to give their children "religious or moral instruction. "The majority of home-schoolers self-identify as evangelical Christians," said Ian Slatter, a spokesman for the Home School Legal Defense Association. "Most home-schoolers will definitely have a sort of creationist component to their home-school program.""
1) tokenadult doesn't make any generalizations about the homeschooling community at large. He simply shares his personal homeschooling experience and rational for pursuing it.
2) what difference does it make if 99% of the early adopters are ultra-right wing, conservative Christian creationists? If homeschooling my kids gives them the best environment to develop academically and socially, why should it affect my decision to know the motivation of everyone else that's doing it?
Ignoring (1), the difference (2) makes is that some people believe public-schooling to be a lesser evil than the probability of home-schooling being indoctrination instead of education, and those people tend to be in favor of policies making it more difficult for parents to have complete control over the home-schooling of their children, which home-schooling proponents like tokenadult are typically (understandably!) opposed to.
The fact that homeschooling is referred to as indoctrination when compared with public schooling sickens me. I can't really think of many more poorly designed systems than (1) a popularly elected government, who (2) controls what its future voters are taught.
As engineers, this should be an easy point to take hold of. How is the publicly elected government planning curriculum somehow less indoctrination than a parent doing the same?
Well, in my view, it's similar to how we manage a publicly elected government planning laws; we set up an adversarial system with different actors with different incentives all having a voice in the process. So federal government entities have a (admittedly, too loud IMO) voice, but so do local community school districts and the parents that go to their meetings and argue with them. This system acts to sort of filter whatever indoctrination is happening through the lens of all the people that were involved in the process. For better or worse, there is no such filter with home-schooling, it can be purely what the parents think best.
> How is the publicly elected government planning curriculum somehow less indoctrination than a parent doing the same?
Unless the parents' house has 200+ kids in it and equally numerous teachers, then their children will often be exposed to a wider range of viewpoints in a school.
I also don't fully understand how being publicly elected affects the curriculum. Reading into the curriculum being taught is very tinfoil-hat. Many teachers are still largely autonomous, and while they must meet certain standards, are free to teach cursory information of their choosing.
"makes is that some people believe public-schooling to be a lesser evil than the probability of home-schooling being indoctrination instead of education"
I'd love to see these people back it up with facts. To me it seems like a lot of people make up their mind about homeschooling and then use this as a straw man argument against it. Again, just because the early adopters are motivated by a certain factor doesn't mean that you (or I) need to be motivated by the same factor. We could end up having the same positive conclusion about homeschooling but for very different reasons.
I have an extremely positive personal view of home-schooling, and hope that it will be possible for me to home-school my own children. But I think in a big society it is reasonable to be strongly in favor of things at a personal level and skeptical of those things at a societal level. For instance, I really like being able to afford gasoline and drive anywhere I want anytime I want, but I'm unsure that society should continue letting me do those things.
edit: For the record, I don't at all think home-schooling should be outlawed or even at all discouraged (quite the opposite!), but I do think it should regulated, which is a scary ball of wax, to be sure.
The note that he "knows hundreds" of homeschooling families and the claim that they all conform to his model seems like a generalization about the homeschooling community at large, even if it's not 100% explicit.
No, it's actually a generalization about the homeschoolers that he knows...which is a subset (that he selected) of the greater homeschooling community.
Look, no one is denying that there are lots of religiously motivated people that homeschool their children. But for those that aren't, this is a completely irrelevant fact. If you've got an argument that shows me that homeschooling as an educational approach is fundamentally flawed because religious people are a majority of the early adopters, I'd love to hear it.
I have to agree with tokenadult. It may be the circles I run in but the people I know who homeschool do so for the 'There is No Speed Limit' effect rather than to indoctrinate their kids with some religious belief or insulate them from ideas that conflict with such religious indoctrination.
Though I appreciate the initiative of those that homeschool, there are only two kinds that I've known:
1. Those that shouldn't be homeschooling because they are not trained as educators, certainly not in all of the subjects they need to teach, but they are religiously conservative to the point of some social withdrawal, and don't want their kids going to public school and being exposed to drugs and liberalism. I've known many people in this category. BTW- I'm somewhat conservative and religious, so when I say they are conservative and religious, I mean really conservative and religious.
2. Those that are so liberal they take their kid on a round the world trip spending all of their life's savings and money from their newly-sold house to do so, homeschooling (some would say no-schooling or light-schooling) during the trip with little support or structure. When they got back they got a lower-paying job and started from ground-zero again, with their kid who disliked the trip and missed months of education. I only know one person in this category.
I have never been introduced to a no-speed-limit homeschooler.
Now you know someone who doesn't fit either of those molds :)
I'm co-moderator of a secular homeschooling group and your description doesn't really match anyone in our group (20-30 families). There are unschoolers, but there are also people who follow various approaches to varying degrees.
How many in your group of 20-30 have the qualifications that would allow them to be teachers in every subject that they teach their children if they were to apply for jobs in your public school system?
While I believe in your freedom to homeschool your children, why does the public school system have those requirements for their teachers? It isn't only to have the ability to manage kids and parents. While I believe that your group may do an excellent job at educating your students, 84% of 1.5 million students were estimated to be homeschooled only at home as of 2007 according to , and I doubt that all of them are sufficiently qualified to teach all subjects required in their local public school.
I've been schooled in several systems, and done "distance learning" as well; all of it was secular, and I'm not religious. The competence of my teachers varied; I had one math teacher, in a Canadian public school, who refused to confirm if negative numbers existed. My math teachers in Canada generally kept students as far away from math, beyond a terribly slow and boring curriculum, as possible. A year I spent in the US had me more than 3 years ahead of my peers when I returned to Canada, and in the US, we were all laughably behind compared to a new classmate we had from China, or the people I later went to school with in Europe.
Teachers are generally intelligent and well-meaning. Their paper qualifications and their ability to actually teach are not as strongly correlated as one would hope, though. While on average I'd expect a qualified teacher to be better at teaching than a member of the general public, I know many members of the general public who are not eligible for jobs as K-12 teachers, but nonetheless are excellent at teaching both children and adults. Amusingly, one qualified teacher I know was given a crash primer in the subject he now teaches professionally by a friend of mine... after he was officially qualified to teach it. On the other hand, I know a teacher in Switzerland who spent several years telling his students random anecdotes about his life, rather than actually teaching the students anything whatsoever about the subject he's paid to teach - and this is a country with much stricter requirements for teachers than the US.
Public schools have requirements for their teachers for a number of reasons: covering themselves, filtering out some unqualified people quickly, etc. The qualifications are neither necessary nor sufficient for finding good teachers, sadly. In programming, qualifications tend to be poorly, and sometimes even negatively, correlated with ability and productivity; I'm not convinced the situation is massively different in K-12 education.
There are no magic bullets for education. Not everyone teaching is even vaguely capable of doing so; there are some horrifically incapable people teaching in the public school system, and also some who homeschool. The majority of teachers in either system do a more-or-less tolerable job, and some excel.
I think the evidence would bare out that the qualifications you speak of are not necessary. A typical college educated adult can likely bring a child up to speed on what they need to know from K-12 education. We homeschool, and I don't remember all the nifty rules for short and long vowels, but the books we use have that information.
So, you're saying that all of those in our government responsible for determining what requirements are needed for public education are wrong, and that the decades and decades of experience they have in determining what should be required mean nothing? Loads of teachers dedicate themselves to educating themselves as teachers and taking on student loans for no reason and then never say anything about it? It's all just a big lie?
I teach and that more or less sums up my current view on the subject. Academic departments and journals of education produce a large amount of crap that later turns out to be poorly researched. This results in nonsense educational fads like learning styles, when there is no good evidence for them:
I'm in agreement with Diane Ravitch, the historian of education, that the college education major should be abolished. Instead students who aspire to be teachers should get a degree in any other field, and take a few courses on classroom management.
The requirements are partly political, and accurately certifying competence for the number of people required to teach is not a solved problem.
Teachers dedicate themselves to teaching for numerous reasons. They don't take on student loans for no reason whatsoever; the credentials they get are part of the price of going into a system with intentional barriers to entry.
Don't confuse a system of "reject some of the good, weed out most of the really bad, and usually get ok results" as something which is an entirely accurate indicator of competence. The shortcomings of the current system don't make it a lie, obviously - but putting decades into a process doesn't necessarily make it better, either.
I think we agree that the requirements for primary education, as determined by government are important, but we disagree that the presence of trained educators is necessary for a child to learn those materials.
I'm saying that in many cases, if suffices for a parent to simply understand what subject materials their children need to learn, and then teach them to read well at an early age, after that parents do not necessarily need to be knowledgeable about those materials because the books contain the knowledge.
I think what I'm describing is nearly synonymous with the hacker mentality that I would expect to be held in high regard in this forum.
I'd say that the best qualification they have is that they know their kids, and care deeply about them. They provide student/teacher ratios that are impossible to match.
Each child has different needs and different strengths and weaknesses. They progress in each subject at different paces. Our daughter is 5th grade age. At this point, we're still comfortable with the education we can give her ourselves (using materials created by people with a good deal of experience teaching their subject areas!). There will likely be times when she has reached the point where we can no longer adequately teach her certain subjects. But, there are tons of resources today and more coming every day for teaching those subjects.
I was talking with one of the other dads in our group last week and they're deciding how to proceed with their 8th grader for next year, when she'd be entering high school. One of the options they're exploring is one in which she would be able to attend courses at a local community college (for free via their local school district). Programs like that exist in many places.
Since the post you replied to actually cited surveys which show that most home schooling occurs for religious reasons, yes, obviously your perception is down to the circles you run in. It's great that some people homeschool their kids well. Most don't.
No, because X is not static. Today, the religious component (the early adopters) represent a large portion of the entire group (and I would challenge this if you're looking at the homeschooling movement worldwide and not just in the US).
But the reality is that the homeschooling movement is dynamic:
In time, it's easy to envision the secular population outnumbering the religious.
So, to your point, if atheists had been the early adopters in this case, you would support homeschooling. But since the early adopters were religious, you are against it, correct?
> "So, to your point, if atheists had been the early adopters in this case, you would support homeschooling."
Not if the Atheists were teaching their kids information we know to be wrong as solid fact.
If there was a group of Atheist KKK members supporting homeschooling so they can teach their kids that blacks are inferior we'd have the same issue.
The problem is the isolation, there's no standard that home schooling is compared against, there's no child education services that come along and ensure the student knows the alphabet.
On a political level, the federal government has taken a hands off Jeffersonian approach (as far as I know) and let the individual states experiment. Some states are very involved while others are very hands off. You can explore the variety of approaches and see for yourself which work (if any) and which don't (if any).
The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of homeschooled kids do as well or much better than their public school counterparts when it comes to knowing the alphabet and much more (see link above). If your primary argument for outlawing/regulating it is that kids are being taught non-fact based information, let's go ahead and shut down all the churches, mosques, and synagogues while we're at it.
Because X is not a problem. The problem is the problem. X is merely a vector.
Thinking about it further, I actually appreciate that there are a lot of kids being homeschooled for religious reasons. It doesn't really affect me or my family in any negative way and they are creating a market where there was none -- no mean feat.
That means that people who do want to homeschool their kids for reasons I personally agree with will have more materials available that might not exist if not for the zealots.
I know a number of homeschoolers who are creationists.
Most of them are perfectly capable, not-stupid people, doing a good job raising their kids and educating them.
You wouldn't call them stupid, or think their kids were stupid, if you met them without knowing they were creationists. The fact that they're mistaken about evolution is not very important in the big picture.
> The fact that they're mistaken about evolution is not very important in the big picture.
no, its not very important whether they are creationists or not. The more worrying fact is that given the overwhelming evidence that points to the theory of evolution as being true, they decidedly deny it in favour of a less proven theory. I.e., they lack critical evaluation skills which is important in deciding matters - such as who to vote for.
You seem to be saying that people who believe in evolution mostly got there by careful evaluation of the evidence and critical thinking.
I think you're wrong about that. Most people's opinions, on most things, are not particularly well thought out.
All of us, you and me included, are walking around with wrong ideas we picked up as received wisdom or that help us fit in with our social group.
Seizing on creationism and trying to make it into something uniquely awful indicating failures of intelligence or character that most people don't have, is likely a socially motivated error in itself.
> Seizing on creationism and trying to make it into something uniquely awful ... is likely a socially motivated error in itself.
i dont think you understood my point - which isn't that creationism is awful, but that blindly believing something without evaluating the evidence is awful. Those people who just claim evolution is true without having read any of the supporting evidence, but simply to " fit in with our social group" is just as bad.
Ok a little off the main topic here, but since on THIS node there is a mini-debate going about creationist vs evolution, i just want to say that i never truly understood why a person cant be both :/
What's wrong with the notion that the creator just used evolution to create things? Why must he create them as they are.
Cuz i personally view the creator as The Great Coder (or Goder or God for short :P) who jsut wrote an epicly long program and hit the "Compile and execute" button! (hence the BIG BANG) :P
What's wrong with the notion that the creator just used evolution to create things?
That is basically the modern catholic church's opinion on the matter.
The problem you are having is that the word "creationism" is not a definition, it is a summary. For the most part, the word refers to a literal belief in the genesis book of the bible.
oh is that the part about the earth being created literally in six days and that was double a couple thousand years ago? :/ yeah that's just crazy talk.
"What's wrong with the notion that the creator just used evolution to create things? Why must he create them as they are."
Nothing, but there are a lot of people who are unwilling to accept the truth of any statement that contradicts their understanding of the biblical creation story (typically the understanding given to them by someone else). For them the timescale required for evolution is out of the question, humans absolutely had to coexist with dinosaurs, and the entirety of the universe was created in a six day period. Evidence is irrelevant to such people; either they try to concoct a different explanation that fits in with their beliefs or they just use an escape hatch e.g. "Satan planted the evidence."
Fortunately a large number of people accept your proposed version, that evolution is the process used by the Creator. There are also a number of people who accept my proposal: religion serves various social purposes and is not in any way useful for explaining physical phenomena (that is what science is about).
Are you saying these people just don't understand and haven't taken the time to learn the details about evolution? Or, do these people understand the science behind evolution and still actively deny that it took place? If the latter, then yes these people aren't "all there". Perhaps calling them stupid is over the line, and counter-productive, but I would be skeptical of any other opinions they hold due to the fact that they are creationists. It shows a severe lack of critical thinking if nothing else.
> It shows a severe lack of critical thinking if nothing else.
No it doesn't, it shows a presence of severe cognitive bias.
I would be skeptical of any other opinions they hold regarding biology, geology, and morality but they probably don't have any preconceived notions about math, or physics.
I guess you mean young-earth creationists? It's easier for them to swallow than evolution because it doesn't so directly threaten their beliefs. And it doesn't need to be a total rejection; they can disregard tons proof of the age of the universe and still know enough math and engineering to make, say, microprocessors.
Of course you must have read claims like "the speed of light changes over time" and "all that light was created en-route 6000 years ago". This allows them to believe a ridiculous premise but still participate in reality and use their GPS with a clean conscience.
But I think there are many creationists who can reconcile their differences with reality by believing the seven days of creation are a metaphor or some sort of measure in "God years", so they can reject evolution like they were brainwashed to, but they have no problem believing in the speed of light and measurements of distances between stars.
So.. then what? Ban homeschooling? You would remove the ability for families to teach their kids creationism while at the same time putting gifted children in schools that are largely stifling and restrictive, when they could otherwise be homeschooled (crudely put, bring up the bottom while bringing down the top), perpetuating the race towards the lowest common denominator. Oh, the irony.
If there is no way to effectively regulate it to ensure that the children are getting a real education, then yes. Parents should not be permitted to deny their children a real education. They can supplement that real education as they please, but not deprive them of it.
What do you do if you are a brown skinned person, living in just about any US city? The quality of the education that your child is getting is, to put it bluntly, shit.
Your options for remediation all require resources that parents in lousy school districts don't have. Moving to the burbs requires money (apartments in the burbs don't take housing subsidies), a reliable car, a dealing with a lot of hassle as a non-white person (getting pulled over by the cops, etc). Your solution of suing the school district into submission requires that you as a parent have lots of time and resource to manage a litigation. That requires lots of external support -- that 3 hour detour to sit in some court hearing is 3 hours of lost wages.
If the state is failing to provide the education that I feel is appropriate to my child, I have the right to intervene, period. If I'm doing something extreme or harmful to my child, the state has the ability to intervene, to the point of seizing custody if I'm not acting in my child's best interest.
I received a Catholic education at one point in my life. The teachings of the Catholic Church are offensive to many people. Does my exposure to catholic docterine disqualify my education? In my mind, one of the core components of a "real education" would be to respect others beliefs and avoid meddling in the affairs of others. Sounds like our perspectives vary.
What public schools, in US cities, are teaching christian mythology as though it were science? That is a rare problem and I really rather doubt that many people are homeschooling their children because their public schools are insufficiently secular. If you have really found yourself in that sort of situation, there are plenty of organizations that would love to get involved there...
Your school doesn't have the money for fancy microscopes? Welcome to society; get involved with it and fix it.
> Does my exposure
I thought I was clear: exposure to religion in an education is not what concerns me (unless, of course, it is in a public school). The RCC, for all of its numerous faults, has their schools in developed countries teaching proper science, not religion in place of science (for the most part), and not in the same class. They are pretty damn low on my list of concerns.
My concern is with adults deciding to swap out science lessons with religion lessons. This is what the majority of homeschoolers do, and this is what many protestant religious schools do.
> If I'm doing something extreme or harmful to my child
Denying your child access to a basic science education is exactly that. Children have a right to receive and education and parents have absolutely no right to deprive 'their' children of that.
Explanation by example: You want to send your kid to Catholic School where he can learn proper biology and latin prayers or whatever shit? Cool, knock yourself out. You want to send your kid to public school where he can learn biology, then teach him that Jesus rode dinosaurs when he comes home at the end of the day? Cool, knock yourself out. You want to keep your kids out of schools that teach biology and instead only expose your child to Dino-Cowboy Jesus theory? Then you should have your children taken away from you, as you are clearly incapable of raising them.
The books that I read when I was homeschooled did a good job of explaining evolution while also presenting counter-arguments for creationism and intelligent design. When I went to public high school I didn't notice any gaps in my knowledge when compared to the rest of my biology class.
I'm wondering what you think of that; is that different from what you meant by swapping out science lessons or is it close enough in your eyes? Do you think my experience was the exception to the rule when it comes to homeschoolers? How do you know what most homeschoolers teach? (I'm honestly curious; not just trying to argue with you.)
Intelligent design is creationism and has no business whatsoever being in a science class. There are no scientific counter arguments.
Presenting religious arguments in science lessons qualifies as swapping out science with religion, no matter how much those lessons teach you the opposing position (generally only done so that the student is able to "lie" on standardized testing).
Think of it this way: would it be acceptable to teach kids in chemistry, "...and that kids, is the periodic table of elements. Of course WE know that there are five elements, which are represented by these five Platonic solids. We know this for the [holybook] tells us so."?
Children have a right to receive a science education that has not been purposely sabotaged. If parents want to give their child such a blatantly slanted education, then it needs to be in addition to a proper education.
That you made it out alright says nothing of the acceptability of such abuse.
Thanks for explaining your views; I think I understand you better now.
I disagree that it would have been a good thing for me to have been taken away from my parents because of the curriculum they chose. I can't even imagine what that would have done to me and my siblings.
Being brown and living in a city does not equate to living in the slums and getting pulled over by the cops every time you drive.
How do you propose people living in poverty both provide their children with the necessary resources (textbooks, a microscope, maps, a computer) and have enough time to instruct their children?
So who decides what the "real education" is? I believe, as a parent, that "real education" for my kids is determined by me. If there are parents that want to teach their kids mythology painted as facts then so be it. In this day and age those kids will reach an age of reason like everyone else and they will have direct access to an amazing amount of knowledge via the internet. I'm less and less worried about dogma going forward. What you are suggesting is to remove any innovation and entrepreneurship from the educational system.
So you show up at their doorstep with guns and demand that their kids come along? I'm with you on the need to teach rational thought, but I don't see how violence achieves or encourages that end.
I'm not sure how apropos this is, but I've noted that the phrase "show up at their doorstep with guns" and closely related phrases are the cue for normal people who are listening to the Libertarian Schtick at a party or something to disengage and go get a drink or something.
Or you didn't read what you are responding to (totalitarian jlgreco).
Not to mention you must be unfamiliar with news of just that happening in Germany.
Perhaps we shouldn't allow YOU to vote, as proposed in this discussion for those who are supposedly seen as having poor critical thinking skills.
And we shouldn't allow you to teach your kids either, nor to have the option to send them to the school of your choice. All under the logic of this discussion. Enjoy.
Laws don't live in a vacuum. They are enforced with the threat or carrying-out of violence by those with a monopoly on force.
Suggesting that someone's children be taken from them is absolutely the threat of showing up at their doorstep with guns. Do you think people just say "no, it's no big deal, take my kids that I love."? Not a chance.
I'm not sure if you're being a dick or if you haven't thought this through (or both).
Regardless of which political movement you or anyone else associates that phrase with, that is essentially what anti-homeschooling proponents are advocating.
I went to a private school in Alabama. Other students of the public schools in Alabama near me were clearly less well-educated than most of my classmates (I was the valedictorian, and my point is that those in the 85th percentile of our graduating class all basically trounced the public school upper-tier locally - not just me).
Part of my problem with public schools stems from that experience - I knew valedictorians from a few graduating classes near mine in the public schools closest to me, and they just weren't as well-educated. It's possible that I had an abnormal experience, but I doubt it - my father graduated from one of those same public schools, and he's extremely intelligent (mechanical engineer, owns a robotics engineering company). Even still, he chose to send us to a private school because he didn't expect us to get as good of an education in the public system.
Of note: the private school I went to paid significantly less to its teachers than did the public schools around. I'm very aware of this because my brother is a teacher. He had to make a conscious decision to forego higher pay for his ideals, because he too felt that the public school system just doesn't have as much to offer.
My point is, microscopes and money are not the problem I have with the public schools.
Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out.
Congratulations, you are most definitely out.
Unfortunately for your whims, in a free country, parents can decide to school their children however they see fit. More unfortunately for your whims, the fact that homeschoolers are tremendously better prepared for university (or work if they choose) than their peers is the subject of countless news articles over the years. The statistics favor the homeschoolers, and that includes the majority being complained about here that dare to choose Creation over evolution.
There, there, little totalitarian, it will be OK. Just move to China.
Home schooling is a tool. Just because a bunch of religious whackjobs use it improperly doesn't mean it's fair to deny it to those who would use it effectively.
Can you think of the REAL problem that is the issue in this regard instead of inflicting massive collateral damage because it's an easier path?
> Have you considered the case where the parent is not 'stupid'?
The irony of the situation is that parents who are educated and intelligent and, therefore, great candidates to be good homeschool teachers also realize that they are not up to the task of homeschooling their children.
An educated and intelligent parent taking personal interest in a child's education vs. an overworked or underperforming (cannot be fired, unions) teacher lecturing to the lowest common denominator of 30 students at a time. I know which one I'd bet on.
It seems to be a hipster trend in the Bay Area. At least, the only people I know that do it are hipsters and don't do it for religious reasons. However, this is the Bay Area, so it might not have any relation to why people do it in Iowa, say.
Probably half of my childhood friends were homeschooled for religious reasons. Their education did include creationism, which I consider flat-out wrong. Nevertheless they are some of the most well adjusted and smart people I know. It shouldn't be an either-or proposition, but if someone gets a better education in math, reading and history but also gets creationism, they are still better off than a student getting a shitty education in every subject including a science curriculum that includes evolution.
Do you seriously think that public schooling is actually going to give children exposure to this "undesirable beliefs, classes and ethnicities" that you speak of? That kind of public school is a mythology. Public schools are by and large 1) socioeconomically homogenous, 2) racially homogenous (among one or two groups), 3) class homogenous, and/or otherwise culturally homogenous. And even in schools that lean towards heterogeneity rather than homogeneity, it's not like all the kids are harmoniously integrated into one happy family. Schools are dominated by cliques and social circles, and stereotyping is rampant. A kid in a school with Asians is going to come away with the stereotype that Asians are nerds. A kid in a school with African-Americans is going to come away with the stereotype that African-Americans steal things. And while that might not be the case in all cases, I might argue that it is as representative as your belief that homeschooling parents are "controlling," etc. etc.
I home-schooled my kids for a little while; wish I could have done it longer. I was definitely not isolating my kids in a bubble of any sort. As a matter of fact, my kids and I are ethnic minorities - different people have guessed different ethnicities, usually incorrectly. I didn't feel comfortable with 100% student-directed, but there was definitely much more freedom than in school. My kids got plenty of socialization outside of the home - and often inside - with plenty of other people from different belief systems/classes/ethnicities, etc. And they did extremely well, both socially and academically.
Also, the reality is that many schools are segregated by class and/or ethnicity, so students attending those schools - for better or worse - see no more diversity than they might see at home or in their communities.
A lot of people are saying that your view of home schooling is wrong, that they of course don't protect their children in a bubble like you say.
My personal experience with friends that where home school would agree with your view. They where all home schooled to 'protect' them from undesirable beliefs and ideas. The parents (of the kids I know) would also disagree with you. No one wants to think that they are over protective and hurting their children by protecting them.
I wouldn't say all home schooled kids are like that, but I wouldn't say that none of them are either.