As an international traveler that for some reason ends up arriving in Germany Sundays, let me assure you, it sucks to high heaven that I can't get something to eat or drink easily.
Last time I went to Germany was...2009? I grabbed something to go at the airport and hit the road for my destination in central Bavaria. After I checked into my hotel, I hit six entire towns where everything was closed. It was around 6-7pm on a Sunday. Which is a hugely popular eating out time for families in the States. I finally found a Kebab place that was open and stuffed myself to the gills I was so starved. The rest of the week was perfectly fine. The next Sunday? Same thing, only I made sure to have a couple pre-made sandwiches in my hotel room and some breakfast meats I stored in the fridge from breakfast the previous day.
The Middle of Bavaria. Of course the airport had food. But I was 2 and a half hours away from an airport by autobahn. Every restaurant for dozens of kilometers around was closed.
I asked my hotelier about it and he just shrugged and told me where to get some kebab three towns over.