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Choosing between Webkit and Mozilla (chrislord.net)
23 points by hexis on May 25, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

The comments there do a pretty good job of tearing his "Mozilla is actually pretty good guys!" argument apart. Camino is the last remaining actively-developed non-XUL Gecko browser left (it predates FF!), and even they are pondering a switch to WebKit.

XUL is the only supported way to interface with Mozilla, and it's a monster -- you don't embed a view in your app, you embed your app in XUL!

I had previously written off Clutter as freetard foolishness, but Intel's Moblin project looks pretty fantastic -- miles better than the ubuntu or nokia projects, much less the bundled taiwanese crapware.

It might end up being the first XULRunner app that wouldn't be better off as a mediocre firefox extension.

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