>People have a tendency to see the short term and hype it up beyond all belief.
Actually, the opposite is true for me. I have been watching government corruption since the early 80s and have seen nothing but malfeasance for 30 years.
If you pay attention to the long term, you will see how much corruption and farked up BS there really has been.
Because many people only see the short term, they tend to lose sight of the history of how we got to where we are.
Just take a simple timeline of Cheney's activities:
* Sec of Defense under Bush, he sets up the framework for the military to focus on it's core - ad to push all non-combat activities to the private sector.
* Leaves office to head halliburton to put them in a position to receive all government contracts for non-combat activities
* Comes back as VP and is just so lucky to lead the start of the largest, longest, most expensive war of our generation. Pushes trillions of dollars to the private sector defense contractors.
If you were only looking at the short term, you'd have missed how odd that timeline looks.
You can delve into it even further and just see how really bad it was.
Christ - even a whole documentary was made about it. (Watch Iraq for sale)
Actually, the opposite is true for me. I have been watching government corruption since the early 80s and have seen nothing but malfeasance for 30 years.
If you pay attention to the long term, you will see how much corruption and farked up BS there really has been.
Because many people only see the short term, they tend to lose sight of the history of how we got to where we are.
Just take a simple timeline of Cheney's activities:
* Sec of Defense under Bush, he sets up the framework for the military to focus on it's core - ad to push all non-combat activities to the private sector.
* Leaves office to head halliburton to put them in a position to receive all government contracts for non-combat activities
* Comes back as VP and is just so lucky to lead the start of the largest, longest, most expensive war of our generation. Pushes trillions of dollars to the private sector defense contractors.
If you were only looking at the short term, you'd have missed how odd that timeline looks.
You can delve into it even further and just see how really bad it was.
Christ - even a whole documentary was made about it. (Watch Iraq for sale)