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The NSA is turning the Internet into a total surveillance system (theguardian.com)
233 points by northwest on Aug 12, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 114 comments

They have huge amounts of data. This is good, because now people can analyse it and see how effective the measures are. Spending all that money must have some tangible, measurable, benefit, right? So, show us. Show us how many people have been caught as a result of all this monitoring.

I don't think the results are going to be impressive. See, for another example, the fingerprint collection at US airports.

> Collect it all

I wonder how many Americans know about the scheme to collect at airports the fingerprints of visitors to the US?

Here's an article from 2008 (http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/03/25/us-security-finger...), submitted to HN here (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6196375)

> The U.S. government has been collecting digital fingerprints and photographs of nearly all non-citizens aged 14 and up entering the country since 2004, officials said, in a Homeland Security program called US-VISIT, at a cost of $1.7 billion.

> [...] On an average day, almost 14,400 international visitors undergo the fingerprinting process at Kennedy, officials said.

> More than 2,000 criminal and visa fraud cases have been detected by the screening process, introduced in response to security concerns following the attacks of September 11, 2001, U.S. officials said.

Roughly they've scanned fingerprints for 36,792,000 visitors (who may be repeat visitors), and caught more than 2,000 people. (Between 2001/9/11 and 2008/9/11.)

You're implying that all this spying would be OK if it allowed us to catch a lot of criminals. I don't think inefficiency is a good argument here, although for the moment it's a safe position to have. There are no benefits that make it worth living in a surveillance state, even if they perfect it.

You're correct that the surveillance is not acceptable even if it works.

My point is addressing the surveillance in Their own terms - "we do it to catch criminals" is the justification They give for the surveillance. But even that justification fails. The surveillance is unacceptable for all the obvious reasons, but it doesn't even do what They claim it does.

> My point is addressing the surveillance in Their own terms

I believe this is a mistake. The core argument should remain that surveillance is immoral. That it doesn't work is just a bonus, but arguing on these terms could give proponents the impression that they're generally on the right track and that people just want them to work harder at it.

I agree. Unwarranted suspicionless surveillance is unconstitutional. End of discussion. To even entertain arguments about efficacy is an implied admission that it might be acceptable if it caught bad guys. Even worse, if all they need to do to sell it, is to show a positive result; you can bet that they will bag themselves some "terrorists" in pretty short order.

"surveillance is immoral"

Unconstitutional is an argument that tends to have more weight. Immoral is a weak position to take when my opinion on morality and yours probably aren't the same - and for most people surveillance is full of grey areas.

It's sad that this needs to be said explicitly, but laws should be derived from ethics, not the other way around.

Aren't they already? Ethics are subjective. There is always a minority that disagrees with the ethical basis for any given law. But there is an ethical basis that prompted getting the law passed.

The law has nothing to do with ethics. That is just a smoke-screen. The law is an instrument of control. Nothing more, nothing less.

You missed a pretty vital part of this - which is that laws are derived (at least theoretically in a democracy) from the majority view on ethics and morality.

We are a democracy once every 4 years ... and that extends only as far as the legislative branch. Our government(s) are composed of more than just elected representatives. We have civil servants that propose and draft the law, judges that interpret it, and police officers who enforce it. Do any of these groups give more than a passing damn about elections or the will of the majority? Or are they more easily subverted by the glare of the latest media frenzy, selfish consideration of their own career advancement, or innate primal urges towards jingoism, nepotism and authoritarianism?

You tell me.

Your ethics or mine?

Surveillance may be immoral, but so is warfare, imprisonment, the death penalty, taxation, graft, cronyism, corruption, or pretty much anything else to do with the domination of the state over the subservient individual.

Ah, but the constitution permits or has a process for war, imprisonment, death penalties and taxes. (The others you lump in, not so much, though you could argue about cronyism).

At least surveillance can be dealt a blow by withdrawing funding.

Does the presence of a process make it any less immoral?

I am sure there are drug cartels with a very rigorous process that they go through when they carry out a revenge killing --- first, extract the pancreas, then the spleen ....

Tell a judge "rule this way, because it's moral" and he'll tell you to get out of his court. (Modulo cronyism and the possibility that a judge is prejudiced and/or crooked).

Having an argument based on law is much harder to argue against than someone's personal set of moral values.

Looking into cultures where "legal" things are decided with a moral system (e.g., most theocracies) I see a lot worse stuff going on. I'm not trying to minimize the nasty and disgusting surveillance system the US has in place, I'm just saying that rule by morality is a double-edge sword.

Why does US legal system rely so much on "due process of law"? I think it nearly ignores the spirit of law. That's why US government managed to grow surveillance for so long. It just followed the process for as much as it could manage.

So much process ... so little spirit. It is, indeed, a sad sight.

> it doesn't even do what They claim it does.

"If you would just give us more money and leeway, we would:

- Catch more terrorists.

- Deliver the rest of those high tech fighter planes.

- Finish the new payroll system."

I see you've ordered it in the order of exponentially increasing difficulty.

But the justification isn't to "catch criminals", it's to combat terrorism, the supposedly clear and present danger... right?

I don't think the issue is efficiency so much as "please demonstrate that this crime is serious enough and occurs often enough for us to think it is worth solving"

I'm assuming that with this system they are catching like 95% of all cases, since it sounds like the measure is an extremely effective one. Near as I can tell this crime occurs once in every 20000 border crossings. During those 7 years we effectively paid $850 million per person captured.

Now if all 2000 of those people can be demonstrated as terrorists. Heck if only 50 can be captured it may be justifiable. However I wouldn't be surprised if the overwhelming majority of those 2000 cases are absolute nobodies who want nothing more than to live and work in the US. The remaining legitimate criminals caught probably don't justify the cost of the system.

At the end of the day, if someone really wants to enter the US, they are probably not going to enter through our nation's airports. We have thousands of thousands of miles of unprotected border that someone could get across.

Do you know the way to find out how many people decided not to commit a specific crime due to implemented countermeasures? Or you suspect that the number of people trying to commit visa fraud stayed the same after fingerprinting had beed implemented?

But did they catch those people because of the fingerprints or would they have caught them in some other way.

And was the stated reason for installing this program in the first place that they were going after criminal and visa fraud cases and if so is the damage that those people would have incurred post their capture greater than the cost of the system?

Preferably substantially greater. I no longer visit the US in part because I refuse to be treated like a suspected criminal simply because I'm not an American. As a one man boycott it likely won't have much effect but I suspect I'm not the only one doing this.

The TSA/US Customs combo is the worst possible way to welcome a new visitor to your country.

> As a one man boycott it likely won't have much effect but I suspect I'm not the only one doing this.

It doesn't have to have much effect. It only has to matter to you. If you feel you're doing the right thing under the circumstances, that's enough.

Regardless of whether they might catch those people in some other ways or not, the rate of 2000/32mil is just too low. Of course, this could mean either that the base rate of such crime is low, or the system is ineffective. Either way couple with the (possibly relatively) low damage, the result would be the same.

(I'm not trying to contradict you, just expanding on your point).

It could also be acting as a deterrent and thereby preventing the crime. I mean if you're smart, and you know they're going to catch you due to fingerprinting you'd avoid the system entirely.

I'm not saying I agree with the system, but it's the argument that might be used.

Same argument applies to CCTV cameras, you would (and I think do) see a reduction in crime when CCTV are installed [citation needed] (though I believe it just moves to other areas).

Maybe new laws should be created and applied retroactively... you know, to increase the conversion rate ;)

$1.7 billion / 2000 is $850K per criminal. Even if they were all caught by this program, probably not worth it.

>I wonder how many Americans know about the scheme to collect at airports the fingerprints of visitors to the US?

I wonder how many Americans know how subjective and error-prone that fingerprint analysis and other commonly used forensic techniques are?

" With few established scientific standards, no central oversight, and poor regulation of examiners, forensics in the U.S. is in a state of crisis. "


>So, show us. Show us how many people have been caught as a result of all this monitoring.

You do know what happens when law enforcement is judged on the basis of 'how many people have been caught', right?

That requires transparency. If there is no transparency, we'll never know... and the administrators of these programs have every careerist incentive to put the best possible shine on them.

Impressive or not in a metrics oriented world putting a number on anything, no matter how feeble, is a significant advantage. Mix in all the hyperbole and scare-mongering about illegal immigrants, human traffickers and of course terrorists and you have a pretty unassailable position when justifying the program and expense. Alternative arguments on where the money would better spent are dead on arrival.

How many people did they catch before the fingerprint scanners were installed.

They caught 2000 for 36.8 million people scanned, but how many people did they catch in the roughly 7 years prior to their installation?

It s also about how many people commited the crime vs how many of them were caught. As a example 1000/100 ratio is still worse than 100/50, even if you caught only half a many people as before you still did a better job at it, and at preventing the crime as well.

At a minute per scan, that comes out to exactly 70 more years the rest of us have to stand in line waiting.

TBH I wished the UK fingerprinted all visitors to the UK as well. Might help with illegal immigration.

Upvoted because I don't see why you should be downvoted for expressing an opinion, people should engage you via the comments instead. I see your point, but I disagree with the wholesale collection of fingerprints.

I'm guessing he was downvoted for the weirdness: Fingerprinting people flying into New York airports on holiday does nothing to prevent people illegally crossing the Mexican / American border.

Most illegal immigrants enter the UK conventionally and then do not leave when visas expire. There are certainly some hiding in the back of lorries etc - but it's not the majority.

So fingerprinting them means for sure that we know they came in. I'm not sure what that achieves though?

It would remove the current Catch-22 situation where they can be shown to be here illegally but can't be deported due to lack of a passport indicating their country of origin.

I don't know whether the problem is big enough to warrant this step though.

No, but it would prevent people giving false information when suspected of overstaying their visa. It would also enable people to be identifed if they try and make several attempts to enter the UK via different methods. EG once legitimately, and once caught under a lorry.

How would that help with illegal immigration? Illegal immigrants typically arrive legally and are said to contribute a great deal to the economy (perhaps since they can't depend on support).

You want your economy to shrink? Illegal immigration is all that has kept the US economy growing since the 1970s, and probably the UK economy too.

Aaahh! The illusion of control!

How sweet.

Could you please explain why? How will fingerprinting people entering the country legally through registered ports combat people entering the country illegally in the back of lorries?

A fairly common thing is for asylum seekers to lie about their age perhaps to support an application. (See also, claiming they are 17 when charged with crimes so that they can face youth justice.) Some of these people have been into the country legally on student/tourist visas, and then come back and stayed illegally. If you can match someone who claims to have arrived from a war ravaged Afghanistan with someone who flew into Heathrow two years ago to study at Thames Valley Uni then you know their claim is BS.

That makes sense - although we already do this, and it's not limited to fingerprinting - includes biometric information, including iris imaging and so-forth.

You'd also be amazed at just how many people still make it over in the back of trucks. Don't know if it amounts to a majority, but talking to a few friends who drive trucks across Eurasia, pretty much every time they do a France -> UK crossing someone either sneaks, or tries to sneak, into the lorry. Common tactic is cutting the pull cord around the edge and resealing it with a lighter, or cutting a hole in the top of the canvas.

I actually subscribe to the camp of "let them come", as I don't believe in nation-state protectionism as a concept, but find the topic as a whole fascinating, from the economic level down to the human.

I wish the headlines of these articles would read "The American Government is turning the Internet into a total surveillance system".

Although it seems the government has no control over the NSA or even know what they're up too, it would be good to see the focus of this problem turned to the policy makers.

Also, Google and Facebook are turning the Internet into a total surveillance system.

We, through our own behaviour, are turning the World into a total surveillance system.

Are you a terrorist?

What do you think?

For your information, I believe that violence and destruction are counter-productive.

As with most people, I rely on a global system of trade and cooperation for my livelihood. I do not wish to disrupt that. Fundamentally, most people wish to simply get on with their lives; to spend their time, attention and energies on their own job, on feeding themselves and their family, on keeping a roof over their heads, on maintaining their relationships with their friends, and on pursuing whatever it is that makes each of them individually happy.

This political pissing-match is not something that they know or care about. Indeed, the pool is now so polluted, who would want to swim here? We did not ask for terrorists to come here and try to kill us ... just as we did not ask for the authorities to poke their noses into our private lives and threaten us with what they find.

However, as much as I would like both of these groups to go away and scw themselves, I have to acknowledge that we have no real choice in the matter. If some random psycho decides he does not like my religion or the colour of my skin, and decides to murder me and my family for it ... well, in all likelihood there is not much I can do about it. Ditto for the machinations of the uncaring zombie bureaucracies that we call the "Nation State".

In truth, we are utterly powerless, and these things are done to us with neither pity nor mercy nor any real thought for us as individuals whatsoever. I do not seek change, for in a massively connected world of billions, it cannot be but like this.

My bitterness and rage are futile; less than nothingness; feeble against the unstoppable forces of inevitability.

The thought that I might get up and do something is laughable -- at best it might tar me with the same disease that infects those responsible for all of this -- optimism, and a horribly, destructively misplaced belief that we have any power whatsoever to alter things.

Don't get me wrong, but why is everybody so upset about the NSA when they post everything on Facebook and use Google/Apple/Microsoft?

Are they upset because they lack the choice of who is tracking them? Because I don't think people should be upset about their privacy when they know a company like Facebook already knows everything about you.

- because it is involuntary

- because they said they didn't

- because we don't all live in the USA

- because we have some expectations of privacy regarding mail

- because the reason why ('terrorism') is a fig leaf

- because some people feel that surveillance can lead to a police state

And so on...

The mail one is tricky because somehow people expect that to carry over to email but email is an entirely different beast than regular mail.

> And so on...

The part that falls under "so on" is the scary one. From the article: "NSA reportedly is making a copy of nearly every international email. It then searches that cloned data, keeping all of the emails containing certain keywords and deleting the rest – all in a matter of seconds."

Note the weasel wording: "certain keywords". You don't know what those keywords are. You don't even know what topics they happen to cover. Once you somehow become flagged for suspicious activity, the NSA can go back in time and see everything you have said about _all_ of their "suspicious" topics. You are now an even bigger suspect.

And once you are a suspect, anything and everything in your past can be interpreted in the light of you seeking to commit the questionable activity. Thanks to NSA storing only the material that matched their keywords, they now have a stash of incriminating material that has a very strong selection bias.

I'm pretty sure even Franz Kafka would have been proud.

Indeed ... not to mention that once you have a security apparatus in place ... the imperative is to use it ... to justify it's existence by making arrests. The system becomes it's own justification. Reminds me a bit of the movie: "The Cube".

I would also think that once you have been flagged for keywords, your name and metadata themselves become keywords. It's brilliant.

If that was the case, then through the "six degrees of separation" phenomena, it wouldn't take long before everyone's name and metadata were on the keyword list.

EDIT I'm gently sad that you've been downvoted so much. Your point is reasonable and was made politely. Privacy advocates have been talking about social media for many years, and warning people about the risks, yet social media is very popular even with lousy privacy controls. End edit

I guess the overlaps between the different groups are not large. The group of people who post everything to FB doesn't overlap much with the group of people who are annoyed at the NSA surveillance program.

At first glance it feels like a weird cognitive dissonance: People have been told for years that email is not secure, and you should treat email as you would a postcard that anyone can read. And now that we find out that people are reading all email we shouldn't be surprised.

But that misses some points. People feel a difference between a technician getting occasional glances at emails as they transit through the Internet and the government collecting everything. There's a big difference between a mail worker reading a post card and the government photocopying every postcard and storing these copies. And people feel rightly aggrieved that strict laws about surveillance seem to have been side-stepped to allow mass surveillance of totally innocent people.

Personally, I think I agree with you. I am more worried about all these other people having data about me than I am about the government slurping all my data into a big cache.

> I'm gently sad that you've been downvoted so much. Your point is reasonable and was made politely. Privacy advocates have been talking about social media for many years, and warning people about the risks, yet social media is very popular even with lousy privacy controls.

No, their point most certainly was not reasonable, even though it was polite. The only claim was of letting facebook know 'everything'. This is either mean to be as-written, in which case it's blatantly false, or it's hyperbole, but this is an argument that doesn't work in a weaker form, and a weaker form is still false.

> Because I don't think people should be upset about their privacy when they know a company like Facebook already knows everything about you.

The fact that a private company like Facebook knows a lot about you is not a problem as long as the company has a privacy policy and can be held accountable. The problem specifically is government access to the data. Unlike governments, companies like Facebook have never morphed into tyrannies. Facebook does not tax people, it does not prosecute, it does not put people in prison or fine them, it does not drone people, it does not go to war. Unlike Edward Snowden, an ex-Facebook employee who reveals Facebook's secret illegal activities does not have to fear for his life and take refuge in Russia.

Facebook knowing a lot about you is a problem.

It is just an entirely separate problem that is only superficially similar to the problem of the government knowing a lot about you.

I think it's a bit more than superficially related - in a lot of cases, the only reason the government knows what it does about you is because you turned your personal information into bits and sent it to Facebook.

Except for when they do it without you even knowing your sending information to them. If you haven't heard of shadow profiles, then now is the time to learn about them.

And don't get me wrong, I understand that I can do stuff to stop these things, but I don't see why I should have to, quite frankly.

The point is that even if I have never visited Facebook, they more than likely know a lot about me already, unless explicitly going out of my way to stop it.

> shadow profiles

Which exist only due to the exact reason I described.

> The point is that even if I have never visited Facebook, they more than likely know a lot about me already, unless explicitly going out of my way to stop it.

Well, that's not what I was addressing. "Going out of your way to stop it" is simply becoming educated about what exactly it is we're doing when we use the Internet and societal institutions. Being prudent about what we enter into a form(either real or virtual) is key.

> Which exist only due to the exact reason I described. I guess I presumed that when you said "you turned your personal information into bits and sent it to Facebook" you meant explicitly.

> Being prudent about what we enter into a form(either real or virtual) is key I agree. But then again, when I need to go out of my way to make sure that all of those little 'Like' icons aren't telling Facebook the sites that I visited, just because my browser loaded them, I think that's a line. Because where you are being explicit about the form being real or virtual, you also should be explicit about who or what is 'entering' data into that form... and even what that form looks like (because a lot of the time, it's just a lot of parameters attached to an image request).

So it's the victim's fault? I don't understand what the point of your statement is.

When bitching about social media enterprises knowing too much about our lives, yes.

as long as the company has a privacy policy and can be held accountable

Is there any evidence that privacy policies 1) are actually followed and 2) enable any accountability whatsoever and 3) are anything other than a meaningless token gesture?

> Unlike governments, companies like Facebook have never morphed into tyrannies.

I largely agree with your overall point, but this particular sub-point could do with a bit of modification in light of the history of company towns/stores. Unless you were including a division between social-network companies and the extractive industries in which companies towns were frequently found.

I wish this wasn't downvoted, because it's important, especially in our industry, to discuss this common misunderstanding about the concept of privacy.

It's not a matter of whether or not the information is publicly available. We spend a significant part of our lives in (semi-)public spaces where people are free to observe us.

It's the collection, collation and use of that information that constitutes the violation of privacy.

To put it simply: thousands of people may be able to observe me going from A to B on a regular basis, which is fine. But not even my wife has complete knowledge of all my daily comings and goings. I even have a high degree of privacy from the person I've spent the last few decades with.

Compiling a complete record of all my public movements to the point where the owner of that database has better insight into my habits than even I myself have is a violation of that privacy. Unless I've given explicit permission to do so, and have a certain degree of control over what happens with that data.

The bottom line is, even people who post "everything" on Facebook quite rightly expect a certain degree of privacy. Doing something in public does not equate surrendering your privacy.

There's a substantial amount about me that Facebook doesn't know, as well as Google/Apple/Microsoft.

But that isn't even the point for most of us. The bigger issue is the potential for future abuse. The next version of McCarthyism will, if it happens, be swift and brutal because they'll just get NSA to hand over the data they hold, and it won't matter if I used privately managed mail systems.

Or if you decide to become politically active, and your views are not aligned with those of the US power structures:

Just last night I was leafing through notes I wrote 20 years ago, as a teenager, when I'd just started being politically active. It only lasted 5 years or so before I got disillusioned and pretty much just dropped everything (except ranting online like a grouchy old man).

But during that period, I had a lot of correspondence that quite likely would have triggered interest from intelligence agencies: I was active in marxist organisation, and I spent a substantial amount of time contacting groups in various parts of the world to try to kickstart and international network.

That included contacts with several anarchist/communist/socialist/trotskyist groups in the US, as well as trade union organisers. It also included contact with other international groups and persons, some in countries where just expressing their political views to the wrong person could potentially get them imprisoned, and some of those countries are countries where the US is or were cosy with the incumbent regimes and where the CIA are known to have kidnapped and "rendered" people to for torture.

While there was undoubtably surveillance happening back then too, if I was in contact with these people today, I'd have to deal with the certainty of extensive surveillance, and the situation that the mere fact I was in contact with them ("metadata" would be sufficient to implicate these people as being in contact with people who'd label them as likely troublemakers) could potentially put them at risk of being imprisoned or worse because of US intelligence agencies. Despite the fact that none of the people I was in contact with ever planned anything that'd be illegal in any democratic country (though some were willing to face the risk of illegal peaceful demonstrations in countries that weren't).

Even just the knowledge of surveillance at this scale is stifling freedom of speech for those who does not know or are willing to engage in the hassle of taking technical measures to protect their speech, and will add serious restrictions for those who do know, and see it as important enough.

Guilt by association, eh? You will always be barred from certain jobs and viewed with suspicion by the authorities. The stink will never go away. Ever.

I have no interest in working in the US, and they stopped caring about it with respect to visiting about 30 years ago, so I'm not bothered.

And here in Europe few people care - I've done consulting work work with defence institutions, for example.I might have a problem getting top secret clearance perhaps, though I doubt it - most countries don't consider the type of organisations I was involved with enough of a concern anymore. Now, if I were to lie about it when asked, I'm sure they'd find out and it'd be an issue.

There are certainly places I would want to be careful. The irony, though, is that politically I'd probably be seen with more suspicion in places like Cuba and China than in the US, as if these governments were to look into my political activity they'd find connections to groups they see as ideologically threatening (such as contact with Trotskyist groups like the Spartacists, which is a bigger ideological no-no). I've visited China, and did make very sure to keep my mouth firmly shut about politics for that reason.

Here's an analogy that (in my experience) seems to click with many non-tech-minded people who bring up the FB/Twitter/socnet argument:

I like sex, I really do. But that doesn't mean I want to be drugged and raped by the police or stealth-humped by anyone. If anyone wants to have sex with me, I'd like to know before the act and definitely need to have a say in whether or not it'll happen.

The analogy is a good one. There's a reason it's called "violation of privacy". It's about not having a choice in the manner, and worse yet, not knowing how and when it will be used against you.

I'll bite - I think most people want to share information by choice, rather than by force (or secret surveillance). It's a big difference and it I think it really is that simple.

I don't mind Google knowing stuff about me ... as long as they use it in a limited way .. to find companies, products, news etc... in which I might be interested. I don't particularly want foreign governments to know the same stuff - because they have a tendency to use that information for entirely different purposes ... namely, to try to put me out of a job.

> [...] when they post everything on Facebook and use Google/Apple/Microsoft?

I can only speak for myself, but my only sin is to still have an iPhone (soon to be replaced by an Ubuntu phone).

Apart from this, I have left all of the NSA partner companies' products/services in favor of open-source products (or else nothing). It's really not that difficult, much more of psychological "hurdle".

For those who missed it: https://prism-break.org/ is a good start.

If you're not upset, give me your email access. I will read it .

Because people end up getting fucking killed with drones somewhere down this slope. I don't care if it hits me. Not everybody is utterly selfish and short-sighted.

Facebook shares your life, but the government can take yours.

Facebook can't arrest you.

Well, there's only one response to those that would tag defenders of civil liberties as traitors.

There was once a ragtag band of traitors who felt the same way. Their names included: Jefferson, Adams, Hancock, Franklin, and 52 other signers of the Declaration of Independence from England.

One only needs to look at the influence of the British "Star Chamber" on the writing of our U.S. Constitution to understand exactly how our Founders would feel about a secret court with secret evidence chosen by only one man to decide which people get to violate their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination every single day... Or worse yet, to have a non-judicial secret court chosen by the executive that decides which American citizens to kill by drone strike.

Regardless of what party or president runs our country, many things must change.

The Person Of Interest (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1839578/) is coming true.

Except there are orders of magnitude fewer checks on that power than in the show.

What checks does the machine have on it (let alone the Chinese machine that is presumed to exist) its already broken free of 100% human control.

This isn't really news at all. It's the guardian regurgitating prior news to make money and HN posting it to re-explain what we all already know and agree upon. I hope the next story on the NSA involves someone inventing something to fix our problems. The best news I read all day was: https://gnunet.org

You're wrong. It is important to write and talk about it. The NYT story has the biggest claims up to now and it appears that it was almost ignored by everybody (I guess it's because the story comes from the unnamed "government official" instead of the out-of-the-real-life-thriller-is-he-hero-or-antihero Snowden).

It is extremely important to concentrate on up to now the most dramatic information. Discuss, write, ask.

Yea it's a shame that Snowden risked so much just so that a newspaper could rewrite the same story 50 times. We could use more leaks and less grandstanding and posturing.

It's completely not the same story. NYT's "unnamed government official" claims much more than any other story explicitly claimed before. Have you tried to comprehend and compare? Guardian was able to show that UK services collect everything it goes through their nodes, nobody up to 8.8.2013 was able to say so about US, especially not that all the data are automatically searched through, including those of US citizens, theoretically protected by the Constitution.

How can we expand the debate beyond the HN community & Grauniad readership? Perhaps an ad campaign?

If the ad campaign isn't online, then would be good. I think the problem is that the tech savvy people all mostly agree (on some level), but that the non-technical people are not aware of the full context, the risks, etc., and they're not easily reached via the Internet (which is probably not coincidence). My $.02, make a protest sign, and go out a hold it somewhere. People will approach you and talk to you, and you can have a discussion with them like we have on HN everyday. Those people love debate, and they'll listen, and they'll probably go engage others intelligently too.

Reading between the lines of various NSA statements, it seems like they interpret the relevant sections of the Patriot Act and FISA Amendments Act to only apply to "collected" data, and "collected" data they consider only that which a person looks at and stores. Apparently, they think that the restrictions imposed on them don't apply to automated machine reading of data, or any data that might possibly (51% or more) have a foreign source or destination.

Since they define the criteria for what is "interesting", it gives them the ability to inspect essentially all of the data they collect, and there is at present no real check on the loosening of what constitutes "interesting" over time.

Turning? I think the tense might be slightly wrong. Has turned.

I wish there were more emphasis on human rights for worldwide citizens rather than on the 4th amendment. But maybe the goal is to target US public opinion so that they do something about this.

Americans control you're government, it is out of control.

Regards, the rest of the world.


Actually, lots of state security services are doing the exact same thing. Many are much much worse.

America is the only country (so far) to have somebody brave and public spirited enough to stand up and blow the whistle, and the only country (so far) to have politicians with enough gumption and common sense to make the requisite fuss, and to start to stand up against the encroaching tide.

It might be ugly, but it sure beats the silent acquiescence we see elsewhere.

In other words, America is the only country where the political system is actually working to protect the general population against an overreaching security state.

As far as I can see, that puts America far far ahead of the rest of the world, thank you very much.

There are german politicians that propose to take extreme measures such as banning US companies if they don't comply with stricter regulation. And you'll see there's a lot of other stuff going on in Europe. Of course you won't hear about that in your US-centric media.

OK, Fair enough -- to an extent. (Although I am not actually American).

Wasn't saying that others are not, all I was doing was correcting his spelling.

Expect more revelations, as the "cross-border" criterion for information capture disappears from the debate.

All communication will be captured all of the time.

The upshot -- we have the best excuse in years to begin purging our ruling class. Does the NSA have dirt on them? Did Snowden manage to get some of that dirt and hand it over to Putin?

Probably not, but as the mafiosi in Casino said, why take the chance?

Along with wearable and/or implanted devices and a little bit AI this could become the prototype of the Matrix...

Looks like the Guardian got hacked. I clicked, saw the article header, but was then redirected to a NSFW ad for Teen Party Sluts.

You may want to check your computer for viruses/trojans, disable toolbars.

says the site with 17 sets of tracking code on the home page :-)

What good is a panopticon if you can't make sense of what you're looking at?

You don't have to make sense of it. All you have to do is scare people sh*tless.

I question why HNs sole source of information seems to only be The Guardian.

It isn't. (Obviously.)

Recent HN postings, political and newsy rather than technical, about the NSA, have included stories from: The Atlantic Wire (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6059446), Security Week (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6054198), USA Today (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5850606, article from 2006 but posted a couple of months ago), C-SPAN (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5899226). Those were just the first few I found with a trivial Google search.

There are a number of stories from the Guardian. That would be because they (1) have run a lot of stories about this stuff and (2) have a good website. Do you see a problem with that?

It's the NSA-related articles that often come from The Guardian. That's simply because this paper is the window for Snowden (not sure if they have an exclusive agreement, maybe). They have the balls to stand behind him, unlike a lot of other outlets.

Also, know that the rest of the main stream media don't seem to like the idea of discussing this mess and any possible solutions - probably b/c they're ultimately controlled by influential politicians or other moneyed interests.

Actually, MSM has been covering Snowden and his leaks fairly consistently since they occurred. Perhaps you should watch Fox News or CNN before you go off making unsubstantiated claims.

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