> "Unauthenticated" except for the time you told Keychain to "Always allow" requests from Chrome.
1. that does not make it OK to display all cleartext passwords, Keychain requires the account password before displaying the cleartext. And keychain can optionally require the master password to be entered before providing a password for form-filling as well.
2. an other user notes above that, whether you "allow" or "always allow", Chrome will copy the entry it just got to a new keychain entry which it sets to always allow.
1. that does not make it OK to display all cleartext passwords, Keychain requires the account password before displaying the cleartext. And keychain can optionally require the master password to be entered before providing a password for form-filling as well.
2. an other user notes above that, whether you "allow" or "always allow", Chrome will copy the entry it just got to a new keychain entry which it sets to always allow.