So even if Scala is ahead in this (flawed) benchmark, that's not how you write a TCP server in Scala, because you want to do it non-blocking. Not doing it based on asynchronous I/O means that in a real-world scenario the server will choke under the weight of slow connections, not to mention be susceptible to really cheap DoS attacks like Slowloris [1].
Seriously, it goes beyond the underlying I/O API that you're using. If anywhere in the code you're reading from an InputStream or you're writing to an OutputStream that's connected to an open socket, then that's a blocking call that can crush your server. Right now, every Java Servlets container that's not compatible with the latest Servlets API 3.1 can be brought down with Slowloris, even if under the hood they are using NIO.
Option A for writing a server in Scala is Netty [2].
Option B for writing a server in Scala is the new I/O layer in Akka [3].
Seriously, it goes beyond the underlying I/O API that you're using. If anywhere in the code you're reading from an InputStream or you're writing to an OutputStream that's connected to an open socket, then that's a blocking call that can crush your server. Right now, every Java Servlets container that's not compatible with the latest Servlets API 3.1 can be brought down with Slowloris, even if under the hood they are using NIO.
Option A for writing a server in Scala is Netty [2].
Option B for writing a server in Scala is the new I/O layer in Akka [3].