I am a human/machine interface designer && developer. My work consists of "from scratch" UX and interface design, from the napkin to nginx.
I have considerable experience with Ruby and Javascript, years of experience with Rails, and extensive knowledge of client-side MVC. I've made contributions to Ember.js, and have written multiple 10k+ LOC apps - starting with 0.9 up to the latest 1.0 RC 6.1 (one was recently featured on Venture Beat: http://venturebeat.com/2013/07/22/uniiverse-releases-direct-...). I am acutely aware of the challenges/strategies associated with migrating server side architecture into the browser, leaning down views, and fattening up controllers.
I am a human/machine interface designer && developer. My work consists of "from scratch" UX and interface design, from the napkin to nginx.
I have considerable experience with Ruby and Javascript, years of experience with Rails, and extensive knowledge of client-side MVC. I've made contributions to Ember.js, and have written multiple 10k+ LOC apps - starting with 0.9 up to the latest 1.0 RC 6.1 (one was recently featured on Venture Beat: http://venturebeat.com/2013/07/22/uniiverse-releases-direct-...). I am acutely aware of the challenges/strategies associated with migrating server side architecture into the browser, leaning down views, and fattening up controllers.
I am the author of an open source project called Quantify (https://github.com/jdjkelly/quantify) - a Rails API to track "quantified self" data from every manufacturer willing to give it up. My work here was featured on The Verge alongside a similar project by the founder of Foursquare (http://www.theverge.com/2013/6/4/4392996/fitness-tracker-dat...)
Backend: Ruby, Rails, Mongo, Postgres, Sinatra, Node.js
Frontend: Javascript, Coffeescript, Sass, Ember.js, Backbone.js, Angular.js, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3
Other tools in the box: Git, Zsh
Design: Pencils, pens, paper, Photoshop
Contact is in my profile.