I know what you're talking about but I think you just failed to read the second paragraph of the post.
> I'm using OpenCV for detecting the faces and a rough Eigenfaces Algorithm for the recognition now. But I thought there should be something out there with a better performance then a self written Eigenfaces Algorithm.
Does this sound like a "plz send me teh codez" to you?
Yes, I did read the whole thing. He asked, tell me what library to use. That was the whole question. It was very much a 'do my research for me' question.
"I want to do this. Tell me what library to use."
"What is better ..." questions are closed on SO for the same reason.
> I'm using OpenCV for detecting the faces and a rough Eigenfaces Algorithm for the recognition now. But I thought there should be something out there with a better performance then a self written Eigenfaces Algorithm.
Does this sound like a "plz send me teh codez" to you?