Showdead enabled in m HN profile, I see comments and submissions from banned users as well as those which are flagged by mods and HN users. Many users, unaware of being banned, continue to post to HN. Over the last 3 months I have noticed a significant uptick in the number of banned 'regular' users (as opposed to spammers, SEO bots and so forth).
Almost every day I see worthwhile comments and submissions made in good faith that have been automatically flagged. Now, I know that on a site called 'Hacker News' informing users that their username or their IP has been banned or restricted is asking for trouble, but on the other hand there's a lot of valuable content posted in good faith that is being hidden, and the amount seems to be increasing.
Can this policy be reviewed or clarified in some fashion?
If my proposed plan for a new "pending" state for comments
works out, we'll just unban most of the accounts that were banned for being garden variety idiots or assholes, and their good comments can be promoted individually by other users.
Incidentally, when a comment is dead, it's not always because the user is banned. E.g. the comment that seems to have set off anigbrowl
was not killed because the user is banned, but because it was a dupe.
When you see stories that are killed rather than comments, it's usually because they've been submitted by sockpuppet rings. There are quite a lot of those accounts on HN now, and many of them are smart enough to mix a variety of other sites in with the sites they're promoting. Benologist, who helped us catch some of them, has more details here: