Snowden stated that the only thing that stops the NSA from doing something is policy, not legality.
This call by the German minister is exactly the type of thing that should galvanize the US Internet giants to put the full weight of their lobby ( behind policy reform (if they haven't already).
You need the votes of the People to get elected, but once you're in office the Lobbyists' influence overshadows the People's and members are encouraged to "lean to the green."
The NRA lobby flexed its muscle and secured the 2nd for the time being. It's time for the Internet lobby to flex its muscle to secure the 4th.
The People have a role too -- when the People are aligned behind a great lobbying power, the force of weight is too powerful to ignore.
A SOPA-like blackout and petition would send a strong signal.
This call by the German minister is exactly the type of thing that should galvanize the US Internet giants to put the full weight of their lobby ( behind policy reform (if they haven't already).
As Lessig has been eloquently pointing out for years (, the elected serve two masters -- the Funders (SuperPACs/Lobbyists) and the People.
You need the votes of the People to get elected, but once you're in office the Lobbyists' influence overshadows the People's and members are encouraged to "lean to the green."
The NRA lobby flexed its muscle and secured the 2nd for the time being. It's time for the Internet lobby to flex its muscle to secure the 4th.
The People have a role too -- when the People are aligned behind a great lobbying power, the force of weight is too powerful to ignore.
A SOPA-like blackout and petition would send a strong signal.