Thanks for posting this. Am surprised to have not heard of this project before. It's a bit disappointing that it's not included in either of the Distro's that I use regularly. And even worse that the source for the project is maintained in CVS. It seems like perhaps the project is a tad neglected.
Thanks for highlighting this; I took it out for a spin and wow it's fast. I normally find myself working on projects with tens of thousands of files and I've never really been happy with the few seconds it can take ctags to locate a definition or to tab-complete something. Though it seems like gtags is missing a couple of output-related options, the speed of lookup is a significant improvement.
I find it useful to display the output of tag commands in a location list rather than the default vim pager. (Use "ltag" instead of "tag" from the vim command line).
The better market opportunity would be SE that figured out a way to serve their customer base better. Splintering isn't always the best answer. For instance, the very valid "meta is murder" ideas lead SE to ban meta, and the need for meta led them to create a separate place to discuss meta issues for SE. wasn't the SE community having the meta discussions then. It was a separate community with some overlap. IMO it was a bad move. To be fair, doing it right is an unsolved problem.