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Men are 50% more likely than women to support whistleblower Edward Snowden (survata.com)
19 points by ckelly on June 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Except everyone just lies to surveywall spam to get to the next page, so who knows if that's the case.

Hi Larry - I'm a Survata co-founder. Our system screens out respondents who answer too quickly, answer in a suspicious pattern, fail "trap" questions, etc. So individuals not taking the survey seriously do not impact our data collection.

He did leave his girlfriend behind in Hawaii.

As much as I hate how the media is focusing on Snowden rather than the actual leaks, I can't help but wonder what the deal is with that relationship.

Given it was just his girlfriend, why would you expect the level of commitment that would even strain a marriage?

The guy basically made himself target #1 of one of the world's super powers and he's on the run. Why would he force anyone to tag along with him, just based off some temporary notion of companionship? If they were married, with children or had some undying level of commitment, I could see some bewilderment.

So far it just seems incredibly logical and reasonable she would stay behind, on both their parts.

Men are 60% more likely to complete a survey Disclaimer: I just made that up

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