Is it even? Over the last 30 years haven't we seen Apple follow plenty (in addition to leading). Is it possible to both be hyper-focused and also always be first?
Following what trend? "Non-skeuomorphism"? This looks like what Ives would have done all along, even since 2006, if he was in charge of the UI.
The most important features of the new UI are the behavioural and conceptual changes.
Not the icons or the hues. Those can and will be fine-tuned easily in upcoming versions, just as OS X went from lickable glowing candy buttons, pronounced stripes and metal windows to today's look.
Noone should see this as Apple copying anyone.
There are designs that work well with phones - and to be honest, there aren't too many of them within today's technology. If something works, designers use it.
There should be no better argument that software patents (in most instances) are idiotic.
The argument would be reasonable if Apple hadn't exacted hundreds of millions of dolars from competitors for "copying" superficial and trivially obvious UI elements from iOS.
No one is arguing that this sort of copying is wrong. Instead, they are merely identifying the inherent hypocrisy and irony in Apple's actions over the past year.
I agree that patents are imbecilic and Apple v. Samsung was one of the lowest points in the industry's history, but it just seems absurd that Apple can lament how other's have "copied" them, only to turn around months later and "copy" wholesale many features from other platforms.
Can Apple take elements from Windows Phone and Android? Yes, that is reasonable and benefits the industry as a whole. Do I, as a current Apple user, benefit from this process? Yes; good design trends make for a better experience. Does it seem dickish? Yes.
Everyone should see this as Apple copying. That's what they're blatantly doing. It shouldn't be viewed negatively so long as it improves the product. There's no possibility that Apple is going to lead 100 times out of 100 on design trends.
They're living up to the motto of great artists stealing. It's done in every industry, and it's done by great designers. It's a myth that great designers don't 'steal' constantly, of course they do. Ditto great musicians, and any other artists.
omg, the new designs look hideous! steve jobs would never have approved these ... looks like apple is now following the footsteps of microsoft, so sad.
Chalk me up then as the only other person who likes the corinthian leather and green baize. Sure it was totally random and a bit ridiculous, but at least you never got confused whether you were in Maps or Find Friends.
In the past I managed a few remote Windows Servers, and to keep from confusing them, I gave each a unique desktop background colour (a pleasant pastel shade) for no reason other than to keep them visually distinct.
Taste is a different argument to your point (distinction). None the less, it is an extremely valid one. The point I'm making is that Jobs allowed some globally 'interesting' design decisions through, the 'skeuomorphic' textures being a example.