Not really. Make sure it is an official assurance by the US government. Make sure that the press gets copies. Then return to the US. I don't think they can prosecute after giving official assurance not to in exchange for his return. Maybe even demand that they make the offer in a press conference by the Attorney General. My understanding is that such might actually be thrown out of court.
>I don't think they can prosecute after giving official assurance not to in exchange for his return.
Why not? If they then arrested him, what would we do about it? Nothing. And, of course, they could always just use some nonsense charge if they want to pretend they were following their own made up rules.
We grow up wanting to believe that rules, constitutions and so on are firm, solid entities we can depend on, but it's all just an illusion. It's no more real than those in power allow it to be.
I'm sure they could find something to arrest him for afterward if they liked, or find an ally to request extradition. Presumably nobody's going to give him immunity against future crimes, and I doubt extradition treaties even allow that.
But doesn't this go the other way too? I mean if he makes it worth the while of a foreign state to stay, they have tremendous power over him and can basically hold that over his head forever.