Well, we all have to make choices, and that's the great thing about living in a free and open society: We get to actually make those choices. I can understand why you might feel the way you do, but I consider defense of the 2A and gun rights to be one of the most critical issues of all, so a slightly greater portion of my disposable "support causes" dosh goes to gun rights groups. But that's OK... I'm just one man, and no one man by himself can do it all. I just do my part as best as I can. There are other people (perhaps yourself) who will do it differently and maybe send the EFF the bigger check.
Ya know, honestly, I don't think this is really the place to get any deeper into that. I mean, I don't mind talking about it, but it's not really on-topic here at HN. And as soon as I give you an answer, somebody is going to fire back telling me I'm wrong, and why... and then somebody else is going to chime in, and we're going to be rehashing a debate about guns that's been argued over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again...
If you're really interested though, shoot me an email and I'll be happy to discuss it "out of band" w/ respect to Hacker News.