It's why I've come to prefer the term "RESTish". It probably still isn't enough to mollify hard-core purists but indicates that, e.g. the user knows versioning ought to be in the accept header rather than the URL, but also that hardly anyone either creating or using web APIs cares.
I have always considered "RESTful" to be analagous to your "RESTish" meaning.
If I am 100% REST then I would say "I have a REST API". If, like most companies, I am not following all the REST conventions then I would say "RESTful" api.
The moaning about "RESTful has been hijacked by people who don't know REST" by the REST purists always struck me as strange when they could have made that simple distinction.
> If I am 100% REST then I would say "I have a REST API". If, like most companies, I am not following all the REST conventions then I would say "RESTful" api.
If you aren't following REST conventions, its probably better to say "HTTP API" and not make any claims at all related to REST (except, perhaps, negative ones like "non-REST".)
The suffix -ful literally means "as much as will fill", e.g. spoonful, and usually takes the broader meaning "characterized by", e.g. careful. As such, I've always regarded "RESTful" as a full REST implementation, and it seems most other people who have an opinion on the matter do too.
I borrowed RESTish from Dan Savage's concept of "monogamish", meaning a relationship that conforms generally but not rigidly and precisely to the norms of monogamy. As such, a RESTish API conforms generally but not rigidly and precisely to the norms of REST.