Like the title says, I am currently 26 and would like to make at least 100k a year by the time I am 30. I am a front-end dev with about three and half years experience but, professionally speaking, I feel like I am stagnating.
I have a very deep understanding of html/css and I know enough jQuery/JavaScript to handle DOM manipulation, as well as build out image sliders, tabbed content areas, etc. etc. I am also very knowledgeable about WordPress. As far as locations go, I live in the central US and won't be moving to San Francisco, New York City or any other large coastal city. Taking that into consideration, 100k would be considered more in the central US than somewhere like San Francisco.
Basically, I see two options. The first option is to start learning a backend language, something like Ruby/C# and hoping for the best. I seriously doubt I could get enough experience learning a new language part time though. My second option is to really start focusing on MVC JavaScript frameworks and becoming proficient in something like Backbone or Angular.
Are those my only two realistic options? If so, are there any recommendations on which route I should go or any general advice?
In terms of making more $ the first thing I would work on is salary negotiation, not necessarily skills. There are a few great salary courses on udemy that can help with asking/answer the right questions when looking for something new or even a raise.
In terms of location/salary - I would also recommend looking to freelance for companies in NY/SF as you can get a higher rate rather than central US.
Lastly - I would say to not just think in terms of $100k but in terms of products. What products/site could you build that charges $30/month (SAAS) and can get 500 signups. Just that would get $18k/month in revenue or over $200k/year. Now $30/month may sound like a lot but take a look at Basecamp ( $20 minium a month or dive into b2b saas and checkout some of the crazy #'s they charge -
500 clients sounds like a lot at $30 - but no matter how you do the math (10 clients $1000/each) or (100 clients $100) a product can easily pay over your $100k/year especially if you spend the next 4 years building it. Focus on getting your first paying customer within 1 month of today and just keep going hard.
My 2 cents :) Good Luck!