They just came back up for me, although they were broken for a while. My desk-mate and I are on the same version of chrome (Version 27.0.1453.93 on OSX), on the same IP address, and in incognito mode my comments were broken and his were fine. No idea what might be causing this.
Sorry, everyone, it was a bug I introduced. I wrote some code that looked at the ratio between two hash table entries, and I forgot to specify that I wanted the first hash table reference to return 0 rather than nil if it was empty.
I love that you still have such a close relationship with the code behind HN despite probably being incredibly busy with other things. If my business ever takes off and I happen to remain in an executive position, I hope to be able to set aside time to do the same.
I've mentioned before my comments were suddenly messed up.
I could see my comments made from my Android phone when on my phone using Chrome (v 18.0.1025469) but I couldn't see them from home on OS X 10.7-ish and Win 8 both using Chrome (v 27.0.1453.94 on Win 8) . It was as if I had two separate accounts.
Recently the comments seemed to sync up but this odd comment segregation had been going on for weeks if not months.
If I use my home internet, yes. If I use my lab's internet through a tunnel, no. I have checked that a forced-reload-all does not fix it, that switching back to home internet breaks comments again, and that this is true across multiple browsers. I should be able to provide network diagnostics if that would help.
Yes and no. Works for me, but doesn't work for some others. Probably a network or HN issue. For the ones it doesn't work for, it's not related to browsers and they receive only half the response (the header).
The real problem is that it's impossible to actually have a discussion with HN comments, because of the up/down voting.
It's optimized to read once, and fire of some inane comment (like this one), because by the time you come back to a topic, everything has shifted all around so you have to re-read every comment. It's terrible.
HNHalfLife[1] has absolutely solved that problem for me. It's a great little script, and unlike those Chrome-only extensions, it works on everything that supports Greasemonkey scripts. Kudos to polyfractal.
Hmm, weird. I can only reply to you by going to the comments section (of HN, not this thread), clicking your name, viewing all your comments, and then hitting reply from there. But I can't see threads.