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Microsoft sets May 5 date for Windows 7 RC public release (computerworld.com)
19 points by nreece on April 25, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I'm not sure why MS doesn't distribute the public releases over a P2P network. They would be able to support many more people downloading with less bandwidth problems.

I'm sure that the mere mention of "P2P" is a taboo at Microsoft (management). A lot of people have probably already suggested it, since the developers aren't stupid, but management probably can't do it for marketing reasons.

On the other hand, maybe they are leaking the RCs over bit-torrent early on purpose... puts on tinfoil hat

If I wasn't on such a limited coputer, I'd go looking for the improvements in windows 7 - I think there's a local caching feature for accessing files over a WAN link so that other clients can get files from their peers quickly instead.

So soon?! So nice!

Even sooner, even nicer: http://www.ubuntu.com/


Yes, the new Ubuntu is nicer...than previous Ubuntu versions. Got it installed on a VM and set up a clojure environment, which is a pain the the ass on Windows. Still can't wait for Windows 7 to come out though.

Nice! Why not run a more striped down version of Linux for that clojure environment? Ubuntu is pretty fast, but it still uses a lot of RAM compared to, say, puppy linux.

Ubuntu is more widely supported, and I have 8 GB of RAM. I don't know if using less memory is worth the effort to learn something new. For instance, I rebuilt my dad's PC with an Atom CPU and 1GB of memory and installed Ubunutu on it. It works great. I might give puppy linux a go on my netbook though.

Straight Debian is much like Ubuntu, but without the weight.

It's much easier to get it down to a minimal size for VM's (I know a guy who made a tiny version, with barely enough in the kernel to boot.)

Yup. I just did an upgrade to Jaunty and it has been very pleasant.

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