A netiquette for coffee shops, I wholeheartedly agree.
I work at coffee shops a lot; I keep sitting there when I can see there are plenty of empty tables - that means my sitting there is a net positive for the Cafe: I might consume more, and often do. And having customers is better than having none, it attracts other people.
If I see that many customers are coming and that I might actually block people from getting a table, I leave.
Only exceptions is Starbucks because its a huge chain and they have always had an official sit as long as you want policy which has worked out very well for them. I am not sure about the actual business trade off but I often end up at Starbucks because I know I can sit there as long as I want - this business might otherwise have gone to independents. I realize though that what works for a large chain might not work for the coffee shop on the corner.
I realize this is awful 4chan of me; but that seems rather beta of you, in that you're essentially swayed by the flow of traffic of the establishment, in a scenario where you're supposed to be getting shit done. You make it sound like you're only privileged to be there when it's convenient for the coffee shop owners, and that seems to me like a tense place to exist.
On the other hand I can relate to the concept of doing good by those whom you rely on, a symbiotic relationship and what not. That's a very pro-society thing and I suppose that's respectable.
On private property you are always privileged to be there and the owner can ask you to leave at any point for any reason.
If you act considerately and don't cause problems (like occupying space when you are not spending) then this is less likely to happen, so there is certainly a degree of self interest.
A netiquette for coffee shops, I wholeheartedly agree.
I work at coffee shops a lot; I keep sitting there when I can see there are plenty of empty tables - that means my sitting there is a net positive for the Cafe: I might consume more, and often do. And having customers is better than having none, it attracts other people.
If I see that many customers are coming and that I might actually block people from getting a table, I leave.
Only exceptions is Starbucks because its a huge chain and they have always had an official sit as long as you want policy which has worked out very well for them. I am not sure about the actual business trade off but I often end up at Starbucks because I know I can sit there as long as I want - this business might otherwise have gone to independents. I realize though that what works for a large chain might not work for the coffee shop on the corner.