If you want to put your eggs in reliable baskets then why not use Java, or C#, or even C++. Those languages are most definitely not going to go anywhere anytime soon.
I now have to yet again close my apps and restart my computer for an IT-forced Java runtime update, for some app I rarely use. For that reason alone I'd not consider Java.
I forgot that C# added more asynchronous stuff since I last coded in it. I used to love C# but it's more verbose than Go and I'm weary of the obfuscated MS documentation that pushes me straight to blogs. Also I gave up on using Windows for web development.
If I'm not mistaken, that's a fallacious slippery-slope argument. I'm still undecided on how to weigh language popularity against other factors, but surely relative popularity is an important factor in things that have a big effect on real-world software development, such as availability of libraries and tools. For now, at least, Go is much more popular than Nimrod, and also has more people working on the language implementation and surrounding tools.