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Microsoft responds to YouTube demands, 'more than happy' to include ads (theverge.com)
184 points by CloudNine on May 15, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 75 comments

This is a really interesting battle of platform vs proprietary business going on here. Is Youtube a platform? If so, then it should be offered to everyone equally. That's almost the definition of a platform. But is it actually a proprietary business that operates purely in the interests of its owner? In that case it should be offered to whoever makes money for the owner. If you are a content creator, Youtube tries very hard to look like a platform. But if you are a business that wants to make money from showing the content - Youtube looks like a proprietary business.

Lots of companies are trying to have it both ways these days. Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, and Google too - all want to say, "hey, here we have a platform, you can come and develop here and make money without prejudice". But at the same time they all want to say, "we make the rules, we decide who wins, who loses and who's in and who's out and have no obligation to be fair about it".

Once upon a time people screamed murder when a platform company started weaving its own interests directly into its platform. For example, Microsoft would get heavily criticised for using "secret" windows APIs in office. Not that they didn't. But there was a general consensus that it was highly unfair for MS to have access to APIs that others didn't.

These days this resistance has been broken down by companies like Apple and Facebook, offering incredibly attractive "platforms" but without the guarantees that a platform used to have. Would anybody complain now that Apple uses a private API on the iPhone that 3rd party developers don't have access to? These days people virtually insist on it, for security, if nothing else.

So to me this is one more aspect of this long and winding battle between companies that want to have it all - pretend to offer "open" platforms but keep the reigns under their control. And they are all guilty.

> Once upon a time people screamed murder when a platform company started weaving its own interests directly into its platform. For example, Microsoft

When you say "screamed murder", do you mean that people got huffy about it on the Internet? That's still the case. Exhibit A: your comment.

Did you mean "antitrust lawsuits used to be filed about it?" A random sampling of any paragraph in the actual court decision should convince you that the situation is not comparable to today:

> Microsoft possesses a dominant, persistent, and increasing share of the world- wide market for Intel-compatible PC operating systems. Every year for the last decade, Microsoft's share of the market for Intel-compatible PC operating systems has stood above ninety percent. For the last couple of years the figure has been at least ninety-five percent, and analysts project that the share will climb even higher over the next few years. - U.S. v. Microsoft, Findings of Fact

If at some point Apple's share of the phone market, or even of the ARM-based phone market, exceeds 90 percent, over a period of a decade--by all means, let's file a lawsuit about it.

I think you're conflating two fundamentally different meanings of the word "platform" here, which is important because the two are almost diametrically opposed. YouTube is a platform for content providers to distribute and monetize their videos. They are not a platform for video application development which harms the intended users of their platform - the content providers - by wrecking their monetization strategies.

> If you are a content creator, Youtube tries very hard to look like a platform.

If you have money, scammers try very hard to look like business partners.

Sweet mother of god, what a move to pull. Well played. Looks like Microsoft is pulling the same hand, as Google did with EAS some months ago. Also considering MS has been asking for Google's help since 2010. Brilliantly done.

I wonder if Bill Gates was involved in this idea. He has the level of cunning needed to pull this off.

Using Google's pretense of "openness" against itself.

It actually is very interesting move to pull. The reply is just so elegant, it is beautiful. They were being strangled by Google, there are no Google apps on MS platforms (WP or OS). And on a day of Larry Page's rheotoric about being friendly to each other. This is Oh Snap moment.

>there are no Google apps on MS platforms (WP or OS)

Chrome? Play Music Manager? I guess those don't really count.

Metro apps. See the new hangouts app? It's not on WP.

Can you release a metro app for sale without Microsoft taking a cut? I.e. does windows 8 allow metro sideloading?

@cma: No. Metro apps cannot be sideloaded if you are not a Dev. Tell me a store which does not take a cut? Steam, iOS, Nook, Amazon, Play store? Besides, Google's apps on iOS are free.

I think AppBrain takes no cut.

Can Google release a Metro version of Chrome? One that non-developers can use on Windows RT and/or Windows Phone?

They released a iOS version, which has the same restrictions. So yes, they could.

Picasa is another example.

There's a Google Search app on Win8.

Well, the app was released last week or so, Google chose this day to send it(or was it sent earlier and did MS release it only today?).

I've been off all microsoft products for a long time, but I think I might be willing to give their phone a try. I'm not completely sold on android or apple at the moment, and Msoft's design does seem to be taking the lead (flat ui), and presenting a different option . Plus, before the android/ios wars, I always thought Nokia made the most brilliant phones, and i'm kinda glad to see them back in the game.

I've had a Windows Phone (Lumia 920) for a few months now and probably would never go back. Sure, some apps are missing from the ecosystem, but I rarely use apps so maybe that's just me.

The integration, slick performance, and interface really are streets ahead of Android in my opinion and I was a daily android flasher for over 2 years.

If apps are your thing though, make sure enough of them are there to keep you happy.

I absolutely love the Windows Phone and think it's very underrated. I would use one all the time but our company phones are only iPhone or Android =(

If you want a phone that syncs your data to the cloud without your permission, WP is perfect. Android's also very good at this, but if you have lots of time and some skills you can root it and probably fix the issue.

No it's not. I have a Lumia 920 and none of my data is synced to SkyDrive.

I see. Are you absolutely sure? Did you do anything special?

The only hack that I know is setting the server to in the people hub so that it doesn't sync. I have seen multiple official statements from MS that this is not supported and the syncing is mandatory.

Could you provide a link or guide on how to disable sync'ing in MS Office and for the contacts? Thanks.

Perfect example of stacking the deck in your favour. If Google says no, they look like hypocrites who aren't practising what they preach. Very gutsy move Microsoft, well played.

No, it's actually pretty silly of Microsoft. They're blatantly disregarding YouTube's TOS by allowing users to download videos within the app - I'm just shocked this made it past Microsoft legal.

I believe the conversation would gone like this:

Microsoft Legal: No way! We may get sued and lose!

Microsoft Strategy: Okay, I see, how much will we lose?

Microsoft Legal: Maybe 2 Billion in damages, maybe 5 Billion with a big B in the worst case.

Microsoft Strategy: Okay, Finance Department how much cash do we have?

Microsoft Finance: 75B billion cash in our bank account.

Microsoft Strategy to Dev Division: Okay, make the YouTube app, oh and by the way stick a download button in there too.

Surely the only people who care about this sort of story are savvy enough to realize that both parties are being petty.

Microsoft has nothing to lose in this, every mention of this story in the press helps them. They are probably hoping for a lawsuit

Microsoft has plenty to lose here. Push this too far and they can easily alienate the media partners they need for all sorts of things (like providing content for Windows tablets and Windows Phone).

Lots of posters report that the Youtube mobile site and phone apps don't show ads so I don't know what the fuss is.

Also, if WP allegedly has such low adoption that Google doesnt feel the need to make an app, how much revenue can the WP app hurt?

Vimeo and Yahoo mail have WP apps but Youtube and Gmail don't. Go figure.

Where did I say that ad-free YouTube was pushing this too far? I think both Microsoft and Google have plenty of ways to sort that out.

The download button, on the other hand, is a completely different kettle of fish. If people start using Microsoft's Windows Phone YouTube app to download and distribute YouTube video I think that will have tons of impact, way beyond the existing, lower-profile downloaders, no matter how tiny WP's adoption is.

Can google selectively pick which partners will get access to their service?

I want to understand the legal answer and the ethical answer.

The legal answer is that the Supreme Court has treated anything written by a corporation on a sheet of paper as a holy scripture (Citizen United, Monsanto, the class action suits waivers) so chances are it will be - they can do whatever they want.

The ethical answer is that when a company becomes of a certain size it happens to be a part of the national infrastructure so they should give FRAND access to their services.

Isn't Microsoft released an ad(scroogled) some days ago attacking Google that they track users. So now Microsoft doesn't have any problem if Google track Microsoft users.

What an irony !

What a move... now if this only worked on movie companies.

Host a bunch of infringing works, and when the takedown notice come, say that you are "more than happy" to pay license fee. The only thing one need is to get the same access and license deal that netflix got. Anything else would be unfair.

It's quite likely that they're only "more than happy" to include advertising if they can also reap some profits from the ads shown to their "mutual customers". (Why else would you word it that way?)

From Google's About page:

"Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful."

Last time when Google was intentionally blocking Google maps and then deprecated ActiveSync on Windows Phone someone suggested Google should updated it to the following:(which seems quite true given how much of the world's crowdsourced video content is on YouTube):

"Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful, except on Windows Phone".

Also, I see this post being flagged a lot, stay classy, Google fans on HN.

I imagine that there is a great deal of YouTube content which Google is obligated to revenue share advertising money on (Vevo music videos, among other content) -- Google can't fulfill those obligations if those videos are showing up on WinMo without ads.

Today's remarks about XMPP interop from Page really bother me. In the late 90s, Microsoft was the vendor that wanted interop/federation (on MSN) and nobody took them up on it either.

>Google can't fulfill those obligations if those videos are showing up on WinMo without ads.

The mobile YouTube site that Google serves to Windows Phone devices does not display any ads. Therefore an ad-free app for WP does nothing to change the situation that WP users don't see ads on YouTube.

Now, it is possible that some of Google's content is licensed in such a way that only their mobile site is exempt from displaying ads while any native apps are not. However, a C&D hardly seems like the proper course of action here, given that Microsoft says they are willing to display Google's ads.

> The mobile YouTube site that Google serves to Windows Phone devices does not display any ads.

Right, but the mobile YouTube site could exclude videos that require ads to be shown.

> Therefore an ad-free app for WP does nothing to change the situation that WP users don't see ads on YouTube.

It's possible (although I don't own a WP so I don't know) that the app for WP shows videos that it "shouldn't" without ads.

The mobile YouTube site that Google serves to Windows Phone devices presumably doesn't play videos that are marked as unavailable on mobile, whereas Microsoft's app apparently ignores that flag and plays them anyway.

If Google didn't send a C&D, I'd say there's a good chance that another company would. Don't forget that pesky download button.

Google is the new Microsoft. All this "Don't do evil" bullshit is just another illusion to sell more ads. That's all Google has ever been and ever will be. A fucking Ad company. Over 97% of their revenues prove that. If they can't plaster ads on your shit and sell your data, expect a nice big blue, red, yellow and green fuck you.

Microsofts openness about MSN was because they were the underdogs. As they gained users their desire for openness evaporated.

How are people able to see if a post is being flagged a lot? Is there a karma level for that?

The ranking in the front page is affected by flagging. Usually, the more points a post has and the more recent it is, the higher it is ranked. But flagging pushes it down. So if you see a 100 point post submitted 10 hours ago above a 150 point post submitted 6 hours ago, it means that the 150 point post got flagged a lot.

Posts with much less points are shown higher up in the page than this post. That is usually an indication of the post being flagged.

See this thread for more details


Expect that there's nothing stopping people from using the website.

Also, I see this post being flagged a lot, stay classy, Google fans on HN.

Or, perhaps there are those of us who see the ensuing flame war on this particular stream of non-ending google vs microsoft cage match flame wars and don't want to see them any more.

I find it particularly interesting when people complain about the ActiveSync thing. Did you know that Microsoft patented it, and Google has to pay a license for each user? I can entirely understand why they block it from Microsoft devices if they are also forced to pay a license for them.

I don't have an issue with them pulling it, but they did it suddenly and gave MS very less time for a workaround and increased the time only after public shaming.

MS implemented CardDAV and CalDAV standards as Google wanted, and as part of spring cleaning round 2, those are deprecated and replaced with their own proprietary new API!


> MS implemented CardDAV and CalDAV standards as Google wanted

Not in any released product, they haven't. The update is expected "later this summer"[1] and, as you certainly know, CalDAV isn't being deprecated or replaced, you just need to get whitelisted to access it. They could certainly use that to shut out Microsoft, but there's been no indication that that's been done, and we would certainly have heard a leak about it by now if they had been...

[1] http://blogs.windows.com/windows_phone/b/windowsphone/archiv...

I doubt it was suddenly, though of course I am just spinning conjecture: What I imagined happened is that Google told Microsoft that it's kind of ridiculous that they have to pay an ActiveSync license for Microsoft devices (which could have used other APIs...but wouldn't you know it Microsoft chose the one that made them even more money), some negotiating happened, Microsoft said stuff it, so Google pulled ActiveSync. It is truly a ridiculous situation that Google has to pay Microsoft to provide services to Microsoft users.

I'm no Google apologist (Page's statements about lets all work together etc were utterly ridiculous. I understand that he probably actually believes what he was saying, not realizing the destruction they lay in their wake), but Microsoft almost always has a nasty stink coming off of their complaints.

Looks like this submission is getting flagged as well. I guess this story really isn't showing Google is good light if Google fans are in such heavy damage control mode. It looks like they have a veto on what appears on the HN front page.

Look, you may not like Microsoft and even its response but why try to bury a legitimate news item? Are there not enough Google I/O posts related stories topping the the front page?

Can anyone who flagged this and the other related stories come out and tell us why they feel the need to abuse their moderator privileges?

From the HN guidelines:

"If you think something is spam or offtopic, flag it by going to its page and clicking on the "flag" link. (Not all users will see this; there is a karma threshold.)"

Looks like PG didn't guess that people with good karma will want to abuse it to bury stories they don't want others to see in such a constant way.

What? How is it being flagged? I think the community on here is balanced, and discussions are free of any vitriol.

Hacker News removes users' ability to flag articles if they abuse it. Just for shits and giggles I am going to perform an experiment: every time someone shrilly declares that MS articles are being mercilessness flagged by upset Google employees, I am going to flag the article as well.

My money is on my flagging ability not remaining intact for very long.

And how will that be a good experiment at all with one data point? Are you trying to find out the criteria of how they decide to remove the ability? I do not think it is limited to MS articles only.

Obviously it cannot be a good experiment. It is for shits and giggles.

I never bother to flag anymore, if I manage to have the ability removed by only flagging MS articles over the next few days then I am going to take that as a mild indication that all of the people whining about MS posts being flagged really just have persecution complexes and are not actually onto anything. If I don't have the ability removed, that suggests nothing at all.

The flagging ability is removed if you do a lot of flagging in a very short time, like the poster who didn't like all Steve Jobs posts on front page when he passed away and flagged them all and lost his flagging ability.

Microsoft related articles don't show up that frequently to cause that, especially because people don't even bother submitting them because 1. they don't get upvotes(because of HN's makeup) 2. If they happen to get upvotes they're flagged by overzealous Microsoft haters.

Anyway, if you think I am misguided, what's the alternative explanation of this and every other instance of such things? I am genuinely curious.

This article: http://i.imgur.com/FbkMiCI.png

Just a few more instances:




Why would someone want to flag a review of the Surface Pro review from Anandtech of all places? Note that a new Chromebook announcement was #1 for all day on that day.

Want to see more instances of such mod abuse?

A user complaining about this happening to Apple related stories as well.


Besides disagreeing that what you have shown is evidence of systematic underhanded flagging of MS related posts, I am at a complete loss as to how you figure that the mods are perpetrating some sort of abuse.

Also, whether or not you get your flagging privileges revoked is, among other factors, a function of how popular the things that you are flagging are. That is why you can flag spam on 'new' all day long to your heart's content but one hour of flagging a dozen or two "Steve Jobs died" posts will see you unable to flag almost immediately.

>Also, whether or not you get your flagging privileges revoked is, among other factors, a function of how popular the things that you are flagging are. That is why you can flag spam on 'new' all day long to your heart's content but one hour of flagging a dozen or two "Steve Jobs died" posts will see you unable to flag almost immediately.

Where did you gather this from, since you aren't banned from flagging?

Also, since you seem to be quite knowledgeable about HN's system, instead of just "disagreeing", could you enlighten us a few few ways other than flagging that all those posts in the screenshots are ranked lower than other older posts with less points?

Right now this story is like this:

101 points by CloudNine 4 hours ago | 46 comments

Yet it sits at #25, far below other posts with less points. What can cause that?

> Where did you gather this from, since you aren't banned from flagging?

In addition to this just being common knowledge, I had a HN account prior to this one that I retired when I decided that I wanted to have an account nominally connected to my external identity (it was not hellbanned). This account had it's flagging privileges revoked after I flagged a handful of Steve Jobs death stories.

> Also, since you seem to be quite knowledgeable about HN's system, instead of just "disagreeing", could you enlighten us a few few ways other than flagging that all those posts in the screenshots are ranked lower than other older posts with less points?

I have no inside knowledge into this, however it is my suspicion that vote velocity and comment section quality are factored into rank.

This would explain how highly controversial stories that undoubtedly had excessive flagging (I am thinking specifically of several of the "gender politics" themed stories we have had here in the past) have often managed to hang onto the top spot for unusual amounts of time. They had many high-quality comments.

Frankly the points and number of comments on those allegedly "flagged to death" Microsoft articles are pretty low. I can easily see small differences in voting velocity and comment quality accounting for the slightly lower rank on the page.

Is it possible that flagging is causing the phenomenon that you are seeing? Sure, it might be that. But I do not think that it is the only plausible explanation (or even the most plausible.)

If PG chimed in on this, there would be no reason to speculate.

Thanks for the post, but have to disgree on some points. the differences aren't small, they're quite big when you realize that ranking makes a huge difference to how many people see it and how many more new votes it gets, especially if it goes off the front page.

Adding more data for perusal. HN rankings charts show abnormal behavior too, because all the complaining led to more upvotes or it would've fallen off the front page.



Will post more screenshots of downranked submissions tomorrow, maybe we can figure out exactly what's happening.

I don't know -- at the time of this reply 12/30 top links were Google related. Google does some interesting stuff but the Tech world isn't THAT small.

Non-conspiratorial explanation: Google I/O was today.

Ah that explains it. I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories in general, but it definitely was suspicious at first =)

I can understand that. Any other day I would find it suspicious as well.

Non-non-conspiratorial explanation: Google fans are flagging other stories like this on so that Google I/O get the maximum exposure. :)

Edit: I thought the smiley at the end would show I was joking?

So now it isn't just Microsoft posts that are getting flagged, but everything not Google? Give me a break, that will absolutely get your flagging privileges revoked, and quickly.

Does it really surprise you that Google is receiving large amounts of exposure today? Really?

Edit: Apologies, I assumed your intentions poorly.

This is a regular occurrence on Microsoft related stories which don't show it in a bad light and anti-Google stories.

See #26 on the front page:

26.Where Is .Net Headed? (odetocode.com)

5 points by wubbfindel 44 minutes ago | 1 comment

How come that story is on the front page but this one with triple the points and submitted almost at the exact same time isn't?

35. Microsoft responds to YouTube demands, 'more than happy' to include ads (theverge.com)

14 points by CloudNine 48 minutes ago | 9 comments

Even benign Surface Pro reviews are flagged by the high-karma Gods, can't have them hurting Chromebook sales.


Ah. I get it. I get it. Google data centre post has less points than this one, but is on the main page and so is the .net one, which i guess is anti-MS one. Thank you for the explanation.

  | Looks like this submission is getting flagged as well.
Do you have access to information that the rest of us don't? How do you know if this story is getting flagged or not?

Well, all I can say is that some Google fans, employees and shareholders seem to be just like Google, espouse openness etc. but be the first to quell free speech if it shows their company in a bad way. And there are a lot of such folks on here and looks like they form a Digg-style bury brigade.

Discussion of Google's takedown notice is here.


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