One way that China is "different" is that the police in China can summarily sentence arbitrary Chinese citizens to "Rehabilitation Through Labor" for as long as a year without trial (trials are available as a formality but are apparently so delayed that their practical impact is negligible). You can be a Chinese citizen and plucked off the street and put into a labor camp for a year with no recourse.
Your call whether that's just a cultural difference. I don't know what "evil" means here.
By all means, compare a system in which local police are empowered to imprison people in labor camps for a year to one in which an overreaching local police force frisks people based on racial profiles.
Seriously, are you defending stop and frisk as a trivial issue now?
How about internment camps then? Does that better suit your strawman?
Whereby Eisenhower's Executive Order 9066 caused Japanese American citizens to be plucked off the street and put into camp against their will for MULTIPLE years with NO recourse. All because of unfounded fear. Not so different is it?
I know people that this directly affected so I feel strongly about this issue.
While I can and do respect your skill and experience in security, this however is an area I doubt you have much actual experience or proper perspective in.
I would recommend visiting Manzanar or one of the other camps if you have not had the opportunity to do so. These are not nice places and caused severe hardship to the people imprisoned there.
Amazingly, I've actually seen Chinese medicine work (but of course this is the Internet and my own singular anecdote). Granted, a ton is snake oil but some remedies do work.
Starting wars because of oil is not? Concentration camps?
"Are those issues just cultural differences or seriously unethical?"
Point I'm trying to make is that America is not as lily white as you think it is.
I have nothing against China. But if the balance of power evens out through electronic warfare, then real and very deadly war might be the end result.
The US doesn't spend half of our GDP on the military for shits and giggles.
Regarding your Nazi Germany comparison, I don't know enough about the holocaust to speculate on the reasons why it happened or what could have been done to prevent it. I wouldn't kill any innocent human, no matter their religion or race. Groupthink, racism, fear, and ignorance might be partially to blame but it would be difficult to be in a position to actually make a difference during those times. Electronic warfare is not comparable to the holocaust. But the potential of power changing hands after 50+ years of control isn't something that shouldn't at least be discussed.
War is more profitable than peace. Don't believe all the propaganda that war is always necessary.
But there's always the refrain that war is a job creation machine and any attempt to dial it down is met with accusations of being unpatriotic (case in point, whoever downvoted me). Not quite that simple.
Because you are laying it on just a little thick along with scaremongering.
Provide proof that China is evil. Different != evil.
"the unknown is scary"
That's just a stupid statement. If all you knew was Nazi Germany, would you maintain the status quo?