Well, you can't really say anything about cancer without the "before the age of XX" part. Like, if she had an 87% chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 57 like her mother, then she has improved her lifetime by a lot.
(even if you take the 33% percent number, she went from 87% to ~33%, tell me that's not significant).
Also keep in mind that breast cancer is in a rather critical area, the slightest of spread affects the most vital of organs, this has a large effect on the survivability.
With the current speed of technology, I think anything that delays cancer is something that gives you an increased chance of surviving cancer.
Also keep in mind that breast cancer is in a rather critical area, the slightest of spread affects the most vital of organs, this has a large effect on the survivability.
With the current speed of technology, I think anything that delays cancer is something that gives you an increased chance of surviving cancer.