To get the most precise taxation possible you would need to get the customer's address and calculate their zip+4.
This is ignoring the fact that exemptions would be a nightmare.
The only thing I could think of that would be worse than needing to manage that massive API would be if I was a business owner who had to access multiple APIs for DC plus all the states with sales tax.
> The only thing I could think of that would be worse than needing to manage that massive API would be if I was a business owner who had to access multiple APIs for DC plus all the states with sales tax.
So you're saying that putting together that SAAS would be a slog and its very existence would be a moat to other people who don't want to slog through.
You're probably right on that one. There is a comment elsewhere in this thread that mentions a SaaS company that handles sales tax automation and reporting, so clearly there is some money to be made.
This is ignoring the fact that exemptions would be a nightmare.
The only thing I could think of that would be worse than needing to manage that massive API would be if I was a business owner who had to access multiple APIs for DC plus all the states with sales tax.