Spot on about a lot of it being unconscious assumptions, not premeditated evil.
But that doesn't make it any different from the point of view of the recipient of such treatment. In some ways it's worse, because people don't even _realize_ how they're treating you, which they sure would if they were doing it on purpose.
This sort of subconscious cultural assumption is _exactly_ how discrimination can easily happen even when no one is explicitly out to get anyone else, and is one of the most important things to try to address...
But that doesn't make it any different from the point of view of the recipient of such treatment. In some ways it's worse, because people don't even _realize_ how they're treating you, which they sure would if they were doing it on purpose.
This sort of subconscious cultural assumption is _exactly_ how discrimination can easily happen even when no one is explicitly out to get anyone else, and is one of the most important things to try to address...